Shawn Mendes Imagine

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You were spending the night with your boyfriend Shawn and a few of his friends. The guys were listening to you explain something you had done and they all seemed interested but to your surprise Shawn seemed annoyed.

He kept glaceing you throughout the night but you tried to ignore it. As his friends left you had to face him. "What was all that about?" you asked straight up. "I should ask you the same" he shot back.

You looked at him confused. "Don't try to deny you were flirting with them" he says and you can hear he's jealous. "I'm not flirting with anyone!" you yelled. "You spend a lot of time on tour and you're busy with your music stuff and I bet you spend a lot of time with girls there" you added.

"So does that mean you can flirt with all the guys here back home?" "Babe I already said I'm not flirting with anyone!.. Wait, are you jealous?" you asked slowly starting to smirk.

His cheeks blushed a bit as he denied. "Shawn you look so cute when you're jealous" you teased. Quickly he came up to you and pushed you up against the wall.

"I just love you so much and I want you all to myself. I hate seeing you with the guys like that." He hovered his body over yours and you felt his warm breath on your neck. "I need you" he whispered to your ear.

You pressed your lips on his and you could feel his need. You felt his tongue slightly on your lower lip and you opened your mouth more letting the kiss get deeper. Shivers ran down your body and the feeling was describable. He was the only one who could ever make you feel like that.

His hands wandered all over your body finding their way to your ass. You jumped and tied your legs tightly over his body. He carried you to the bed and you continued doing your thing..

Requested - hope you enjoyed! x

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