Girlfriend Goals | Preferences

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Nash: He'd tweet a picture of you in the kitchen, looking over your shoulder and smiling widely. On the counter there was all the food you had just made, surprising him with your skills. "Girlfriend goals achieved" would be the caption.

Cam: You both did modeling, and before even knowing each other properly, you'd be in his snap story with him whispering "Girlfriend goals", while chuckling.

Matt: You'd be in his snapchat story, caught totally off guard, laughing on the floor until you almost couldn't breath. "Girlfriend goals.." was all he said while shaking his head amused.

Taylor: You had a thing going on, nothing too serious but enough for people to notice. Once you were at a party together and later on that nigh, you'd notice his tweet which was a picture of you dancing, with the caption "Girlfriend goals".

Shawn: He'd fall in love with your voice the second he heard it. Smiling to himself he'd whisper "Girlfriend Goals".

Jack G: You had just got some pictures from a photo shoot you did a while ago, and Jack was was instantly sharing his favorite one with the caption "Girlfriend goals fucking achieved".

Jack J: He tweeted a picture of you two on your graduation day, with a long caption on how proud he was. "Both life- and girlfriend goals achieved".

Hayes: He once saw you on the running tracks practising. He was instantly impressed, and couldn't get his eyes or mind off of you. "Girlfriend goals" he'd chuckle to his friends.

Aaron: He first saw you in an event with hundreds of people. Unlike the others, you didn't feel the need to rush everywhere and possibly hurt anyone other in the make. "Girlfriend goals" he'd whisper to himself.

Jacob: He would be teaching you how to play guitar. You quickly picked up everything and he was proud of you. "Girlfriend goals" he'd whisper in your ear, making you giggle.

Sammy: He had no idea who you were but he desperately wanted to get to know the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. "Someone get that beauty on a date with me #girlfriendgoals" would be his tweet.

Dillon: He and a couple of his friends were chilling on the beach, and as he noticed you, he'd state "Girlfriends goals" while whistling.

Nate: You were working out together since each other's company was the best motivation. Surprisingly you had won your little playful push-up competition and you made him tweet about it. He attached a pic of you posing, and wrote "Girlfriend goals" as the caption.

Kenny: You'd be singing and all that time you could feel his eyes on you. Later on you would see his snap of you singing with the caption saying "Girlfriend goals".

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