Photoshoot You Do Together | Preferences

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I decided to do all the guys here but I don't really know much about all of them so sorry if they don't match that well, hope you like these anyways haha

Nash: You have a photographer take beautiful pictures of you two, usually him holding you in his arms somewhere with an amazing view.

Cam: You both look so happy in all the pictures of you, you're both laughing in them or smiling as looking into each others eyes.

Carter: He likes making things a lil dirty every now and then so the pictures tend to have some ass grabbing and lip biting.

Matt: Both of you like to be silly and laugh a lot so that's basically how your pictures end up being.

Taylor: Most of the pictures of you two include him shirtless lifting you up in the air or giving you a piggy bag ride.

Shawn: You're both artistic in your own ways so the pictures are usually artsy detail pics.

Jack G: You both prefer natural pictures that have not been planned or anything so it's just you two enjoying each others company doing what you do.

Jack J: Most of the pictures of you two tend to be you hugging, kissing and just being cute.

Hayes: You're both laughing and looking at each other clearly happy like you share a secret no one else knows.

Aaron: The pictures of you two are all really cute and sweet. Him hugging you from behind and you laughing as he picks you up.

Jacob: Most of your pictures are you two laying down cuddling or playing around outside.

Sammy: A little bit of sass and just messing around. That's what your photo shoots end up like.

Dillon: You two like to joke around so the picture start cute and funny and end with you laughing your ass off.

Nate: You had one of your friends take as candid ones as possible.

Kenny: You'd have something planned that resembled your relationship and memories together.


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