When You're Drunk | Preferences

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How he acts/takes care of you when you're drunk.

Nash: Takes videos of you and shows them later so you can both laugh at them.

Cam: Takes a good care of you and makes sure you're fine.

Carter: Laughs at you and makes sure you're having fun but not doing anything stupid.

Matt: Makes you do and say random things and takes videos of it.

Taylor: Turns up music and has fun with you before safely taking you to sleep.

Shawn: Helps you do anything you need to do before going to bed.

Jack G: Takes selfies with you and when you start feeling tired he helps you to bed.

Jack J: Makes you rap for him and you both end up laughing your ass off.

Hayes: Makes random little playful competitions.

Aaron: Makes sure you drink a lot of water before going to bed.

Jacob: Makes you sing covers of his favorite songs.

Sammy: He takes videos and pictures of you, watching them over and over again.

Dillon: Has dance battles, making the both of you laugh.

Nate: Admires how you feel so free to rap and sing at him while dancing around.

Kenny: Takes care of you and helps you with anything.

*Updated! I have a lot of ideas and a few preferences ready to upload so yeah expect too see a lot of new stuff soon! x

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