Cameron Dallas Imagine

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You intertwined your fingers with Cam's, the heat sending a shiver through your cold body. Snuggling up deeper to your scarf, you prevented the cold winter air from biting your skin. It was like the world was just waiting for snow to light the ground.

You admired the beautiful Christmas lights as you walked between all the trees, looking for the best one. This was the first Christmas you and Cam would have a very own Christmas tree so it needed to be perfect. Not long till you found one both liked. "What about that one?" Cam asked, pointing at the tall beautiful tree. "Mm, I love it".

After buying the tree you headed towards the car, Cam dramatically sighing as you made him carry it by himself. You pecked his cheek and threw your hair back in a swift movement, he playfully rolled his eyes and blew a kiss at you. You couldn't keep yourself from smiling, thinking how perfect everything was going to be.

Soon enough you were home and the tree was just waiting to be decorated. Christmas music was playing and you both singed along while starting to place the ornaments on their places. As a slower song began, Cam pulled you to his arms and started dancing. The two of you danced there, Christmas lights shining on the background, as you singed your favorite song.

You felt so safe in his arms, like anything could happen and he would still be there protecting you. That was all that mattered, your undying love. "I love you" Cam whispered while looking you into the eyes. "I love you too, baby" you replied, kissing his perfect soft lips.

Continuing on with your work, you searched for the top star. Not being able to reach so high up, Cam offered to keep you on his shoulders. You got up giggling and placed the star on the top along with a few other decorations. As he was letting you down, he tackled you onto the couch, coming on top of you and showering you with kisses.

You tried to free yourself from his grip but his arms around you were too strong. Giving up, you cuddled up closer laughing a little. "You're such a cutie" he stated, pecking your nose. The rest of the night was spent cuddling on the couch while watching Christmas movies.

Sorry I have been a bit inactive the past few weeks, I have simply felt so tired and uninspired. Also I have been debating whether to write as much as I can, or to edit some of my older ones which I'm definitely not too proud of haha - let me know what you think!

I just reached 1K followers on tumblr @omahass so thank you very much, and make sure to follow me if you're interested x

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