Chapter Ninety

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Days go by since the incident with Cabel.
The sky finally sunny and freed of bad weather, I walk outside.
I hum as I admire the spring breeze, and the brightly coloured flowers; glistening with dew.

"Lady Luna?"
I turn to see a butler.
"His highness is asking for you."
"For me?" I stare, confused.
Days of not speaking a word to him or seeing him, his sudden call for me makes me grow nervous.
"Bring me to him." I respond.

We walk into his office, inside is Lance and Cabel, along with a lady I've never met before.
"Lady Luna, please come sit." Lance kindly speaks.
I sit down on the sofa beside Cabel.
Lance begins pouring tea in our teacups. Cabel places a raspberry tart on my plate.
My heart quickens as I notice how sweetly he subtly smiles at me.

"Hello. I am Canella Pietro." The lady speaks.
She sits proper and mannered.
"Hello, I'm Luna Avri." I introduce myself to Lady Canella.
"Yes, I've heard so much about you." Lady Canella smiles kindly, sipping her tea.
"You have?"
"Of course! His highness never ceases to bring you into a conversation." Lady Canella chuckles, staring back at Cabel.
"Enough of this childish talk." Cabel interjects.
"Why? She's so cute I could eat her up!" Lady Canella kindly laughs.
"Oh thank you..." I blush, embarrassed.
"Enough, we need to discuss more important business."
My eyes dart to Cabel.
"This is my woman." Cabel gestures to Lady Canella.
I stare confused.
"P-Pardon?" I reply.
Cabel briefly looks back at me, giving me an amused smirk.
"Canella fulfills my needs and has been an excellent pawn of mine. She's publicly announced now to be a candidate."
"A-A candidate?" I raise my brows, confused.
"Lady Luna, allow me to explain. It seem his highness is trying to tease you with his poor choice of words." Lady Canella stands.
She walks around the table to me, pulling me up by my hand.
I stand, staring up at her confused. Her other hand gently cups my cheek.
"Lady Luna, I have been his highness's pawn. I've had to complete some tasks in order to help him. I'm merely his 'right hand woman'. There's no romantic feelings as he's insinuating." Lady Canella smiles, "Also I assure you, if I were to flirt with anyone in this room, it definitely would not be Emperor Cabel."
I pause staring back at her.
My cheeks grow red as I look at her beautiful sophisticated face close to mine, her hand tucking my hair behind my ear.
Cabel suddenly grabs my hand, pulling me into him.
"Don't lay your hands on her as you please."
"Why? Worried she'll be smitten over me? Not like it'll matter." Lady Canella laughs.
"Do you know how many children the previous King Tun had?" Cabel scoffs, looking down at me.
"He had two sons and a daughter... Oh!" It clicks in my mind, "The personal ties with Xiao you mentioned!"
"Yes, yes, as much as I'd like to fight over you, my heart belongs to another woman." Lady Canella smiles, solemnly.
"Oh! I had no idea! How come you didn't tell me?" I glare at Cabel.
Cabel snickers, covering his mouth to hide his laughter.
"I apologize for that misunderstanding, but how could I not tease you?"
"That's too mean of a joke."
"But you're expression's too amusing." Cabel chuckles, lightly pinching my cheek.
Lady Canella who's been watching, steps in.
She gently holds my hand, pulling me back to her.
"You know that's a cruel thing to do to a lady. Maybe I will fight you for her. Perhaps she can be my reward for playing along with your game." Lady Canella pulls me in for a hug.
"Get your hands off of her, or shall I tell Princess Ming?" Cabel glares at her, his eyes glowing brightly.
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Especially because Lady Luna's so adorable. Are you afraid I'll win her heart?"
I look to see Lady Canella's brown eyes, vibrantly glowing a burnt orange tone.
"Trying to take my fiancée? What a bold decision. Maybe I should execute Princess Ming if you've decided to lay your hands on what's mine." Cabel's eyes begin to glow as he subtly glares.
His lips twist into an arrogant grin. His eyes glance to stare at Lady Canella's hands on me, causing him to show a chilling displeased expression.
Their auras heavily emit off their bodies, causing me to feel as if I'm suffocating being stuck between them.
I'm cut off with them bickering again as they release more of their powers.
"We both know you're weak compared to me." Cabel grins arrogantly.
His hand emits a dark maroon haze, electric sparks flying off his hand.
Lance sighs, backing up against the wall.
"But we both know that I'd still put up a fight." Lady Canella smiles sweetly, her other hand emitting a vibrant orange fire.
Cabel's hand grabs my wrist, pulling me towards him.
Lady Canella's hand grips my arm, stopping me from bumping into Cabel.
"H-Hey, enough. This isn't the time or place to act like this." I speak up, dumfounded as they both refuse to let go.
"Let go of her." Cabel growls.
"And if I don't?-"
"Okay enough!" I point my palms towards the both of them.
Instantly, I send a large amount of my powers into them.
They both stumble, pushed down to the floor.
Their powers and auras instantly relaxed as they wheeze and cough.
I sigh, shaking my head.
"W-What was that?" Lady Canella looks back at me, stunned.
"I said this wasn't the time or place to act like that, so you both need to reflect on your behaviours and actions. It's uncomfortable for Lance and I to witness a childish fight, and your auras combined are heavy enough to suffocate someone. Please be more aware in the future."
"I-I apologize, Lady Luna." Lady Canella droops her head.
I help pull Cabel up as well as pulling Lady Canella up to her feet.
"She touched you. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing." Cabel mutters.
"I can fend for myself, there's no reason to be jealous enough to try to start a fight."
"Okay... I'm sorry..." Cabel mumbles under his breath, almost impossible to hear.
"Now, let's get back to our conversation." I chuckle watching the two of them pout like children.
I brush Cabel's jacket, fixing it.
"You're going to use that again in the future, aren't you?" Cabel looks down at me, taking a deep breath.
"Hm, possibly. It's quite fun." I chuckle, staring back up at him.
He gently rubs my cheek and smiles, amused.

The door knocks.
Cethin walks in with Eli.
"Heyo, are we interrupting?" Cethin calls out.
"No, did you do as I said?" Cabel asks.
Cethin and Eli nod. Cabel turns to face Lady Canella and I, grinning.
"Our conversation was cut short but consider this your reward for being an excellent pawn." Cabel speaks to Lady Canella.
She looks at him confused.

Ming steps into the room.
She stares at the ground, saddened as she covers her lips and nose with a white and blue fan.
She wears an imperial hanfu. The vibrant blue and white hanfu drags across the ground, her hair styled with a halo braid with her bangs swept downwards, accompanied with pearl hair pins.
Her shining almond shaped eyes with a blue eyeshadow, gaze up at us from the ground.
She drops her fan, shocked as she looks at Lady Canella.
"My love..." She whispers.
"Ming!" Lady Canella tears up.
They run across the room to one another, Ming jumping into Lady Canella's arms.
"I missed you! I thought I would never see you again!" Ming cries as Lady Canella picks her up.
"I can't believe it's you!"
I tear up watching their emotional reunion.
Instantly they kiss.
My face goes red as I freeze unsure of where to look.
Cabel pulls me into him, covering my eyes with his hand.
"Woah, did not expect that." Cethin stares, confused.
Eli looks away, unbothered.
"What is she doing here?" Lady Canella asks Cabel.
Cabel removes his hand from my eyes as Ming and Lady Canella hold each other.
"You know I had to execute her brothers, but as a triumphic prize she's to be made into my concubine."
"Your concubine?" Lady Canella glares at Cabel, "I want to remain civil because of what Lady Luna had said, but I'll make sure you don't escape unscathed if you lay your hands on Ming."
"I don't plan on doing anything, calm your emotions."
"Then what do you think you're doing making her your concubine?" Lady Canella protectively stands in front of Ming.
"I said I would reward you for your hard work, and so your prize is to be crowned the ruler of Xiao."
The room freezes, everyone staring back at Cabel, confused.
Ming and Lady Canella look back at each other and back at Cabel.
"I don't understand... Your highness, you said you'd give me to the new king of Xiao?" Ming speaks up.
"I never said king, I said ruler. Canella, you infiltrated your brother's work, I told you to complete the tasks necessary to show your strengths compared to your family's. It helped give credibility to your name. Even Earl Pietro spoke about making you the heir, but instead I'd rather you rule Xiao for me."
"Your highness..." Lady Canella's eyes widen.
"You'll need to win the citizen's hearts though and so I decided it'd be best to use Ming, 'The beloved princess who's the sole survivor from the brutal emperor's executions'. For her to come back would bring joy to the people, and it'll make it easier for you to control their land."
"Then why did you have me become your candidate?" Lady Canella questions.
"To increase your credibility. Someone who becomes a candidate needs to be worthy. They need to be a fair ruler, intelligent, confident, and strong." Cabel's eyes move to meet mine.
He gives an amused smile.
"It's rare to find a noble worthy to be considered to be a candidate, but once candidates are chosen, they'll have to be someone who may even surpass my own intelligence." He earnestly speaks.
My cheeks grow warm as he inadvertently compliments me.
"Are you admitting I surpass your intelligence?" Lady Canella chuckles, looking back at Cabel and I.
"In a way, yes."
Lady Canella pauses, thrown off by his honest response.
"Your highness..."
"That's why this all had to happen. Your credibility and worth has increased. In Xiao, they'll accept you more. A woman who became a candidate for the emperor, but instead saved the only princess of Xiao who was his concubine." Cabel shrugs, unbothered.
"Ming and I? But your highness, it's viewed poorly for those who love-"
"And? Does that mean you'll stop meeting each other?"
Lady Canella and Ming look back at each other, holding hands.
"No... I wouldn't let that happen."
"Where did your courage go? You threatened to take my fiancée, but you're afraid to take advantage of your crown?"
"Your highness... But it could affect how people see you. If you think about it rationally, you'd be blamed for letting use rule Xiao together..."
"How would it affect me? There's nobody who'd try to change my mind. It's already a big deal with you running Xiao, so might as well make things more interesting by letting Princess Ming rule with you."
Lady Canella looks down at Ming and smiles.
"We won't be apart?" Ming asks, her eyes hopeful.
"I have no interest in taking you two apart when you both will be very useful to me. I will be your ally and you will be mine, so I have no intention of separating you two as long as you obey me." Cabel smiles, looking down at me.
"We won't be apart for long periods of time anymore... We'll be together finally!" Lady Canella cries, smiling down at Ming.
Ming cries as Lady Canella kisses her forehead, hugging her tightly.
"Until you move to Xiao, stay in the golden palace with the princess." Cabel waves them off, unbothered.
Lady Canella smiles, bowing to Cabel.
"Thank you, your highness! I promise on my life, the new and improved kingdom of Xiao will forever be indebted to you."
Ming curtsies to Cabel. They leave his office holding hands as Lance escorts them out.

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