B.2 Chapter Seventy-Five

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"Our future moon!"
I hear people call out to me.
I smile, waving sophisticatedly at the nobles who watch Cabel and I descend down the stairs.

"Please join to clear the dance floor, to allow our sun and moon to enjoy their last dance before marriage."
An announcer calls out.
Light, melodic music plays from the orchestra.
Cabel leads me to the centre of the ballroom.
He bows. I follow, curtsying low.
He holds his hand out to me, waiting for me to place my hand on his.
I smile, placing my hand on his, instantly pulled into him. My hand on his shoulder, his hand on my waist.
"Cabel, I may not be good at dancing... The lessons seemed almost helpless for me..." I whisper.
"Just follow my lead." He grins, beginning to lead the dance.
We dance a quick beat, rotating as we follow the music.
I grow anxious again as I do my best to follow his steps.
Unfortunately, the dance soon comes to an end.

Cabel bows as I curtsy.
The guests clap and cheer as they watch our dance end.
"You did well." He whispers, grinning.
I smile, bowing my head.
"It was thanks to you leading." I whisper back.

"Emperor Cabel, do you have a moment to speak?"
A group of men and women approach us quickly.
Cabel nods, giving a small smile.
"Of course." He responds, focused on the guests.

"Lady Luna! You look stunning!"
A woman calls out, curtsying.
"Thank you, I'm flattered." I respond.
Soon we become surrounded with guests who wish to say hello.
I'm quickly separated from Cabel as the guests greet us.

"Lady Luna."
I turn, smiling as I see someone who appears as my saviour.
"Duke Oslo!" I exclaim, curtsying.
"May we speak?" He asks.
"Of course! Please, excuse me." I speak to the crowd around me.
I follow Duke Oslo outside to the patio, candles lighting up the outside.
I take a breath of relief as I finally get a chance to be alone.
"Duke Oslo, good evening. Thank you for saving me." I smile, relaxed.
"Saving you?"
"I love speaking with everyone, but it grew a bit too much. I needed a small break, but couldn't get away." I giggle, looking at the clear night sky.
"I see... Lady Luna?"
"Yes, your grace?"
Duke Oslo pauses, clenching his hand into a fist.
"Lady Luna... Congratulations... I know you're not married yet, but it's near." He smiles.
"Thank you, your grace... Time does seem to fly by."
"Yes... It seemed like ages ago that I was ordered to bring you back here from Avris."
"Ah, yes. I forgot about that. It seems so long ago."
"Yes... It does..."
I glance at Duke Oslo who bites his lip, pained.
"Your grace?..." I call out.
Duke Oslo takes a deep breath, shaking his head.
"What is it?" He asks.
"You seem troubled..." I whisper, realizing his pain.
He smiles, chuckling.
"Ah, what a fool I am." He speaks, leaning against the patio railing.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because..." Duke Oslo sharply sucks air through his teeth, smiling largely as he turns to me, "I still wish it would be me at the end of the aisle, waiting for you... Even when your wedding is near, my mind still holds onto that hope."
I look back at him and nod.
"I see..." I sigh, leaning against the railing beside him, "I... I will gladly accept your feelings so they have a place to go, but I can't return them. I believe it's time for you to move on."
"Yes... I know it is too, yet I can't ignore these feelings." He looks back at me with sincere eyes, "Maybe I'm destined to love you, and watch in pain as you marry the one you love... Even then, I can deal with it, if it means I can see you be happy."
"Your grace... Calling it 'destiny', is harsh..." I take a deep breath, thinking over my words, "... I believe your feelings are sincere, but to let go of them, you have to make an effort to release them... It could be destiny, but destiny isn't cruel..." I smile, sympathetic with his honesty.
"But it is... I'm destined to watch the woman I wish was mine, marry the one she loves... It's cruel."
"If you look at it that way, it is..." I shrug, closing my eyes.
The memories of the past returning to me.
"Destiny is something we don't know is there. Our free will could even be destined... One thing I'm certain of, is that destiny happens for a reason... You can look at it pitifully and think you deserve this, but maybe it's another meaning... Maybe it means this was destined so we become different versions of ourselves. Maybe we become someone we're proud of, but never imagined to be. The only factor is, destiny gave us a journey that led us to become who we'll be proud of..."
Duke Oslo ruminates on my words, taking a deep breath.
"It could be... For now, it seems like I'm destined to be in pain..."
"But it's only that way, if you believe it is... The only question is, will you fight to move on from the pain, or will you let it consume you?"
"I... I'll fight to move on... But I know it'll mean..."
I give a smile, nodding as if to tell him he doesn't need to speak more if it'll hurt him.
"Even so... It can cause more pain, but wouldn't you be happier to move on?"
"I believe so..."
"Then, for now, it can hurt, but one day you'll realize you're ready..."
Duke Oslo nods, closing his eyes.
"I'm haunted..." He whispers, grasping his hands.
"That day... The day you died..."
"How come?..."
"... When I watched you die... It felt like my feelings for you intensified, even when I thought I moved on... I know it's time to move on, but when you came back, I wanted to be in your life more... My desire for you to look at me more grew, and I can't let go of it... Eventually I'll be able to, but these feelings seem impossible to release at the moment."
"You just need time, your grace... You can take time away from me too... I will always need you as a friend, and once I marry his highness, I hope to have you as a support, but only if you're ready."
"Of course, my lady... I serve his highness and will eventually serve you. I'm mature enough to set aside these feelings when business is involved."
I nod.
"I'm glad... I hope you're able to heal from it soon." I gently speak, taking a deep breath.
"I wish so too..."
"Your grace... Thank you for loving me and caring for me as much as you did... I'll always cherish your feelings, even if I can never return them."
"Thank you, Lady Luna... It seems as though another guest of yours is waiting." Duke Oslo looks past me.

I turn, looking to see Sylvan in a beautiful royal blue ball gown.
Her hair done up as she smiles.
"My lady." Sylvan curtsies.
I turn back to the duke, smiling.
"I'll speak with you soon, your grace." I smile, curtsying to him.
"Of course. I'll leave you two alone."
Duke Oslo nods, leaving us alone on the terrace.

"My lady..." Sylvan speaks up.
"I believe I owe you an apology." Sylvan bows her head.
"Pardon? For what reason?" I exclaim, surprised by her apology.
"I believed his highness was like the rumours... The rumours are partially true, but it's clear to me he's not who people assume he is. From how he treated you, I know he's kind and loving, and if you fell in love with him... Then I have nothing to worry about, since I know you'll choose someone right for you."
I smile, bowing my head.
"Sylvan... Thank you. Without you, I wouldn't be who I am. You protected me, and gave me the love I needed to even survive..." I hold her hand, staring at the scars.
She notices my sight, tightening her hands around mine.
"He's a quite respectable young man... I'm relieved you'll have him by your side."
"I'm glad too... Thank you..."
I smile, closing my eyes.
My heartbeat increases as I think to myself, looking back at her scars.
"Sylvan... If you'll be okay with it..." I whisper, pausing as I grow anxious.
Sylvan looks back at me, curious as to what I'm going to say.
"... Would you do me the honour, and walk me down the aisle as my mother?" I ask.
Sylvan's eyes widen.
The moonlight and candles reflecting onto her eyes, causing her tears to grow more evident.
"I know it's short notice, and I'll understand if you need to return... But I would love it if you could be there for the wedding..." I smile.
"My lady... I would be honoured to walk you as your mother."
I smile, wiping my eyes.
"Oh goodness. It seems I keep crying today." I chuckle, laughing at myself as I wipe my eyes.
"As your mother, would it be alright to call you by your name?" Sylvan asks.
I nod.
Her gentle soft hands reach up, cupping my cheeks as she smiles down at me.
"I always wanted children... But Luna, you are all I need for a daughter... As long as you're happy, I'll always be proud of you." Sylvan kindly speaks, wiping my tears away.
"Sylvan... Thank you." I wrap my arms around her for a hug, comforted by her gentle touch.

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