Chapter Sixty-Five

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I quickly read through the past files for June to September.
Since his highness's rise to the throne, the empire rapidly grew, the population now around three million.
"Find anything?" Duke Oslo looks over my shoulder, reading the papers in my hands.
"Yes, I was right..."
"About your theory?"
"Yes. Five years ago, there was an increase of patients who came in with symptoms that couldn't be cured. Only time cured them or death. It's a disease caused by vibrio cholarae. It's spread through drinking and eating if what's ingested, is infected. The data says more and more patients came in each monsoon season, the death rate rising each year. It's a very confusing diagnosis, but it's easy to tell that the patients in critical care with proper sanitation were cured."
"How so?"
"Your grace, look at this chart from seven years ago, when there were three-hundred thousand people living here." I hand him a different file, "There was barely any illnesses during these months, yet after his highness rose to the throne one year after, there's been a slow increase. The population rose which meant the pipes couldn't handle more than five-hundred thousand people. Once the population rose above that, the illnesses starting showing up. Even now, I bet there are patients here with the same illness."
"Because of the vibrio cholarae?"
"Yes, it's a bacteria. I know there have been studies of bacteria but this one can cause death. I asked to use your name so I may hide myself so please, tell Doctor Farron to ensure the patients with this illness are kept clean, and well hydrated. They can continue to use the medications they're using on them, but they need to be properly sanitized. We'll keep an eye on them, and if they're better within a week, we'll know it's due to the sewage."
"How cute."
I cock my head, confused.
"What is?"
"You. Lady Luna, I suggest you sincerely think about becoming a consultant. Your eyes shine when you speak passionately."
"What? There's no time for nonsense, please go tell him. Get names of the patients too and hold onto their files." I scoff, cleaning up the folders.
Duke Oslo grins, leaving the room.

"This is the list of critical care patients that fit the illness." Duke Oslo shows me the list of more than fifty patients upon his return.
"Ensure he writes down all the patients names that are better by the end of the week, rather yet, within three days. Time is of the essence." I throw on my cloak, leaving the room.
Duke Oslo chases after me through the halls.
"Just a second. Why are you going through so much trouble for this?" He stops me.
I think to myself and smile.
"Because it's the right thing to do. High nobles don't have a reason to come down to the lower districts, but that just means it's smaller titles who try to do something but can't without authority. The empire would fall if this were to spread into all of the empire's drinking waters. I hope you'll take care of the rest in my stead?"
I wave to the nurse at the front, leaving the hospital.
"I will have to go through this with his highness, what shall I tell him?" Duke Oslo calls out.
I jump onto my horse, grinning.
"Tell him it was your visit in town that made you think of it. I trust you'll keep my name and existence being down here a secret."
"And if I don't?"
I pause, looking back at his curious, and somewhat cold analyzing eyes.
"Then my trust in you will be compromised." I smile kindly, putting on the headgear, "We'll speak again soon, your grace. Hiya!"
I whip the reins galloping back to Cethin, leaving Duke Oslo behind.

"Yo, where'd you go?" Cethin calls out.
"I went to the hospital, any signs of flooding?"
"Yeah, actually the shops basements were flooded, one shop owner's house is flooding as we speak."
"Good job. Did you write down their names and shops?"
"Yeah, here."
Cethin hands me an envelope. I tuck it in my uniform.
Cethin jumps onto his horse, and we begin trotting back.
"So what's the game plan here?" Cethin calls out.
"Nothing now. We did our part, it's going to be handed off to someone I trust."
"The duke?"
"Of course, why else would we be impersonating the duke's knights?" I snicker.
"Rebellion, adventure, or adrenaline perhaps?" Cethin laughs.
"We could face execution for doing this, especially if we were caught. It's why I chose the duke. He's someone with the right authority, who also believes in my silly ideas."
"Seems like he's interested in you, huh?"
"I highly doubt it."
"Oh come on, he's so lenient with you, it seems he likes you."
I roll my eyes as Cethin continues to tease as I dismiss his theories.

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