B.2 Chapter Sixty-Three

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We reach Cypheler, distant fire's growing in the lower district.
My eyes widen as snow falls from the dim dark sky; lacking any light.
A thick dense grey cloud, circles over the kingdom. Harsh wind accompanied by a blizzard.
"Deimos!" I exclaim.
He quickly flies to the lower district.
We watch as demons erupt from the ground, their bodies mutating into a witch. The people screaming as the witches burn the houses.
My eyes widen as civilians run, some civilians dead, their body eaten and torn apart.
Deimos lands in the district, stomping and ripping the witches bodies in half with his bite and hands.

I jump off with Petunia, Cethin, and Riddle.
Cethin quickly slices demons that begin mutating.
"Luna, get somewhere safe! We'll handle the church!" Petunia shouts, slicing a demon with a dagger.
I smile, shaking my head.
Quickly, I grab the dual swords from her weapon belt.
"I'm sorry." The apology rolls off my tongue, lost in the sound of chaos.
Petunia's eyes widen as she catches my words. I throw my headgear on, sprinting.
"Luna!" Petunia shouts, trying to catch me.
"Deimos!" I shout.
Deimos screeches, causing the witches to stumble as his cry pierces into their ears.
He begins taking off as I jump, barely making it as I jump into his claw.
I watch as Petunia looks up at me, her eyes filled with worry and fear.
"Luna, no!" She screams.
"Deimos, to the church!" I call out, gritting my teeth.
"Yes, sister."

We quickly near the church. I steady myself as I stand.
"Sister, I will need to stop the witches in the town. If anything happens, I'll return to you as quick as I can." Deimos speaks through his mind.
"Don't worry, just be careful."
"Sister, this witch is developed enough to be close to immortal. I can sense it. It's the one resurrecting the others."
"If I kill it, will the others die?"
"Even I'm not sure. If father dies, we'll still live... Who's to say it's not the same for the witch? Just worry about this one, I will handle the others."
I smile, nodding as I fasten the headgear.
Deimos flies low, close to grazing the church.
I jump off as I line up with the church window.
Smashing through the glass, swords in hand, screams erupt from the church at my entrance.
My eyes focus, targeting Esmerelda standing at the alter.

The guests gasp, screaming in shock as they look at Esmerelda's arm, changed into that of a large beast's.
Her arm covered with black fur, and long sharp claws.
"How dare you!" Esmerelda's deep thunderous voice shouts.
I stand, taking a final deep breath.
My body glows, quickly healing my injuries.
"Why don't you come out to play? Show everyone what you are!" I shout, laughing as I mock her.
"You bitch! You dare challenge me?" Esmerelda shouts.
The guests and knight scream in horror as they watch on.
Esmerelda's small body beginning to distort.
The wedding dress rips apart as her body grows large. Her razor sharp teeth growing out, her thin body stretching into a tall beast.
"Everyone, leave!" Marquess Simone shouts.
The guests scream, running in fear.
I watch as Cabel stands still beside the witch.
Duke Oslo, Marquess Simone, Canella, and Christopher stay, gripping their swords.
Knights hurry to bring the guests to safety outside, some staying as they wield their weapons.
"Lady Luna!" Lance shouts, trying to run to me.
"Lance! Escape, take all the guests to the cathedral. Don't leave the healers sides!" I order, holding my hand out to stop him from coming close to me.
"Y-Yes, my lady!" Lance quickly rushes, guiding the guests with the knights.
"Ming, go with him!" Canella shouts, warriors guarding Ming to bring her out.
"You bitch! All I need is him!" The witch shouts, causing the wedding hall to rumble.
"Why? Why do you need him, haven't you done enough in the past?" I shout, scanning the wedding hall for my swords.
"Why? I spent centuries dead! I could have been complete, but the others deemed me weak! They decided to kill me, but I escaped! I escaped and all I could do in my death, is be defiled!" The witch shouts.
"Defiled?..." I whisper, staring back at the witch's eyes filled with frustration.
"I wanted my life as a human back, but I was shunned from everyone! Even in my death, those imbeciles defiled my corpse, ripping me apart!"
I freeze, my eyes widening.
"The journal... You wrote the journal... You were ripped apart when you passed..." I mutter.
"I was shunned everywhere! I just wanted to be in peace! I was defiled, neglected, and forcibly brought back to this damned life! Everything would have been fine, if only that idiot could do one thing right!"
"What? Who?"
"That useless bastard! He couldn't even resurrect me completely!"
"Who are you talking about? What are you saying?"
"My sacrifice! I would have been fine if I ate his soul, but you killed him!"
The image of the man who tortured me comes to my mind.
"Him... The red tattoos down his face... Master..." I speak, realization hitting me.
"You! You killed him! He was going to be my delicious sacrifice! I spent so long making sure his heart was full of evil and greed, and you took him away from me!"
"You... You planned it this much?" I speak up, clenching my fists.
"That idiot brought me back, hoping to make me his 'doll'. He told me the disgusting things you humans did with my body! I just wanted to die as a human, I wanted a quiet death! You fuckers couldn't give me that, could you? You dirty things decided to play with my body! If I'm going to die, I'm going to bring every last one of you to Hell with me! I'll do to every single one of you, what you did to me! Scream for me, scream in agony! I'll do the things my brethren failed to do!"
She screeches, causing demons to erupt from the ground.
Duke Oslo, Marquess Simone, Christopher, and Canella unsheathe their swords.
The demons quickly attack.
My hands glow as I summon my powers, lifting a demon and throwing him into a group of demons.
"Luna!" Duke Oslo shouts.
I turn around to see a demon, his claws quickly coming for me.
Instantly, he's sliced.

His body falls as I see Xal wielding a scythe.
"Xal!" I exclaim.
"Go! We got this!" He shouts, swinging his scythe.
I watch as Eli and Jax smash through the windows, beginning to attack and slice the demons.
I nod, sprinting down the aisle.
I jump, my hands glowing, quickly summoning whips.

My eyes widen as Cabel soon begins moving.
His shadows erupt from the ground, creating a barrier around the witch.
My whips clash against his shadows, causing sparks to fly.
I release, jumping back.
"Before I eat him, I'll have him kill you as an offering for me. How hilarious!" The witch cackles, grinning manic.
"You... You wrote the journal... You're Kritanta, aren't you?" I ask, taking a deep breath.
"Oh? Do you mortals wish to praise me as your God now? To think a bitch like you, would even know my name is a surprise." Kritanta manically cackles.
"Don't flatter yourself. After all, you know who I am, don't you?" I chuckle.
Her eyes widen.
"Come on, say it. You know me, and I know you. Why don't you just say who I am." I smile.
"Enough! I'll wipe that fucking grin off your lips!" She screams, her aura growing heavier.
A demon erupts from the ground in front of me.
I quickly whip its body, slicing it in half as it tries grabbing me.
I jump over the demons falling body, sprinting.
Cabel quickly jumps, kicking me.
I block his attacks, jumping back as I grab the dual swords on the ground.
"Cabel! Get a hold of yourself!" I shout, running towards him.
He runs towards me, his hands glowing as shadows erupt again.
Spears stick out from the ground. A spear grazes my arm, cutting through the armour as if I was wearing none.

I continue running, jumping as I try to grab him.
Cabel whips his leg, kicking me.
I stumble, falling to the ground.
I look up, instantly Cabel jumps in the air, his hand coming down to pierce me.
Throwing my hand up, my powers explode, hitting him in the stomach as he gets thrown back.
I jump to my feet, ready for another attack.
His eyes look back at me, his glowing dull red eyes change. The dullness disappears, the light returning back in his eyes.
"Luna?" Cabel mutters.
I freeze, watching him stand. He holds his head, standing unstably.
"How dare you!" Kritanta screams.
She begins mumbling, her eyes glowing a bright neon green.
Cabel screams, gripping his head.
"S-Stop! Get out!" Cabel shouts, thrashing his head.
"Cabel!" I shout, worried.
Duke Oslo grabs me, spinning me around in his arm as his sword whips to cut the head off a demon, sprinting towards me.
"Luna! Hurry! Go while his highness is busy!" Duke Oslo shouts, spinning me back around.
I nod, sprinting to Kritanta.
"Agh! Release me!" Cabel screams in pain.
I look back at Cabel, his aura grows menacing as his movements freeze.

I glance back to see Petunia and Cethin, running in.
Petunia sprints, trying to reach me.
A demon stops her, attacking her as she runs by. Petunia slices its body, stopped by having to defend herself.
Quickly moving, I jump, wielding my whips.
I cross them, whipping them across Kritanta's chest.
She's thrown back, her neon green blood dripping onto the ground.
Kritanta screeches.
"How dare you!" She screams, her claw pointing at me as it glows neon green.
My body tightens as I realize she's placing a spell. Neon green symbols appears, wrapping around my body as it throws me into the ceiling.
I grit my teeth, from the crushing pressure of the symbols wrapped around my torso.
My body soon hurls towards her.
I look back at Cabel who turns, sprinting towards me, spikes growing from the ground coming my direction.

As if time has slowed, my heart beat's the only thing I hear.
My eyes widen as I think of a plan to utilize my surroundings.
I glance back at Petunia who shouts my name, her eyes widened in shock as she cuts the head off a demon to look at me.
My mind clear, my heart surprisingly calm from any adrenaline or fear.

"Petunia... Even if I die... I need to save everyone... I need to save Cabel..."
I smile, looking back at Petunia's eyes building with tears.
I focus my attention on Kritanta. Holding my hand out, a gold light wraps around her.
I quickly pull my hand, throwing myself faster to her.
Her eyes widen as she tries releasing the spell on me, her hand trying to move into position to pierce me.
My body flies through the air towards her, faster than she can prepare herself.
Cabel's spikes shoot out from the ground to get me, instead they instantly impale Kritanta from multiple directions as she stands in front of me.
My hand striking through her chest.

Petunia screams, sobbing.
Her scream rings through the church as the others look back at me.

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