B.2 Chapter Six

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"That was delicious, thank you Theos." I smile, bowing my head.
"No, thank you! I never would have imagined the future empress would seek out my coffee. My business will gain more recognition, and coffee will have a new reputation, thanks to your help." Theos bows his head, smiling greatly.
"I was sent to find high quality items and you delivered, so thank you. I hope we'll be able to work together more, but with our plan now approved, you'll be working with professionals who specialize in advertising and sales."
"Until next time then. Please come visit my shop anytime, Lady Luna!"
"I will, take care!" I smile, waving to Theos as he walks away.
I enter the building again, ready to work.

Leaning back into my chair, I stretch after finishing a pile of documents.
I stand, cleaning up my desk.
"Luna, may I have a word?" Sir Quintan calls out, entering the room.
"Of course!" I reply, jogging to follow him out of the bustling room of advisors.
We stand in the quiet hallway.
Sir Quintan seeming troubled.
"Luna, I want you to know you're doing fantastic with your job..." Sir Quintan speaks, his expression darkening.
"Is something the matter?"
"We received this letter..."
He hands me a blank opened envelope, with a plain red wax seal.
I slide out the letter inside.

'It's raining, it's pouring, the rain drops are red. Red is covering the streets, and it's all leading to the concubine's demise.'
I look back up at him, confused.
"What is the meaning of this?" I ask.
"I just opened it, but it's evident that it's a threat or a twisted cruel joke. I'm going to the royal palace to speak with his highness. This is a very serious matter because since you'll become the empress, we have to be wary of any threats made to you, especially with the recent assassination attempt."
"I see... Who delivered the letter?"
"One of the girls downstairs brought it up. She said a man brought it in this morning when we were in our meeting, but his face was hidden with a hood. All he said was that this was what his master wanted the advisory department to receive."
"Okay, shall I come with you to the palace?"
"Yes, bring your belongings too. You shouldn't work the rest of the day if something like this came in."

I sit in a chair facing Cabel.
Sir Quintan sits beside me, with Duke Oslo and Marquess Simone sitting on the other side of me.
Lance stands beside Cabel's desk, with Cethin, Petunia, and Jax standing behind me.
Cabel analyzes the letter.
"Who delivered this?" Duke Oslo speaks up.
"Some man did. He was wearing a hood that covered his eyes and had leather gloves. He left before the receptionist could ask anything else." Sir Quintan sighs.
"We can't risk having Lady Luna leave the palace grounds." Marquess Simone speaks up, sternly.
"I agree. Even if this is a sick joke, with the recent attempt at her life, it could be someone targeting her. She's helpless anywhere outside the palace." Duke Oslo examines the letter and envelope.
"Luna, how do you feel about this?" Cabel asks, his eyes showing hidden worries.
"I want to continue working, but we can arrange it so I can do that here. I'll follow any measures you all agree upon, since there's not much room for me to deny." I stare at the letter, a bitter feeling growing in my chest.
Cabel stares at me, thinking deeply before sighing.
"Sir Quintan, arrange so her work is brought here. She will have zero contact with anyone from the consultant building. You will be the only one she meets to get her work, no one else is to step close to her. Use the excuse that she's undergoing lessons to prepare her to become empress."
"Understood, your highness."
"Duke, marquess, send your men to investigate, and gather any information from bystanders who could've seen this man. Get that receptionist in for a sketch of the man too."
"Yes, your highness." Marquess Simone and Duke Oslo reply.
"None of this leaves this room until we figure out who's behind this." Cabel speaks.
"Of course. I'll start finding bystanders who were there, I'll be in touch soon. May glory of Helios rest upon you." Marquess Simone stands, bowing before leaving.
"Send the receptionists information and background check to Duke Oslo's estate." Cabel speaks to Sir Quintan.
"Right away, your highness."
"You're both excused. I need a word with Luna and the assassins." Cabel tucks the letter back into the envelope, sliding it into a drawer.
"May glory of Helios rest upon you." Sir Quintan and Duke Oslo both stand, leaving.
Cabel stands, walking around his desk.
He holds his hand out to me. I place my hand on his as he leads me to the sofa.
Cethin, Petunia, and Jax join as they sit across from us.
"Cethin, go interrogate that man, bring Jax with you." Cabel quietly speaks as he leans back, resting his arm around my shoulders.
"Sure but two of us? You want us to mess him up bad, huh?" Cethin snickers, crossing his legs.
"Don't hospitalize him. Speak with him, and then come back and give me a detailed list of his answers." Cabel rakes his hand through his hair, "Petunia, get Riddle and Eli, and all three of you will shadow Luna at all times. Your training classes will be put on hold until further notice."
"Yes, your highness." Petunia nods, remaining composed.
"Cethin..." I call out.
"What's up?"
"... Could you use your powers to check on him?"
"Sure, how come?"
"Just curious..." The uneasy sensation returns, the memory of that sickening aura hitting me.

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