B.2 Chapter Three

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I sit in the Marquess's garden, sipping tea with Marchioness Adara and Lady Dulcie.
I fix my pale pink gown, before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Lady Luna, you must be so busy with work now." Marchioness Adara places her teacup on the saucer.
"I suppose I am. I'll become more busy when the time comes for me to take the title of empress though." I smile lightly, ripping a bite sized piece of scone, buttering it with jam.
"Is there a set wedding date?" Lady Dulcie excitedly looks at me.
"Not yet no. I wished to work for around a year before the marriage, just to have time to expand my knowledge with how the empire works."
"A year? But you seem to be used to this work already, and everything about the empire." Marchioness Adara's eyes widen, surprised.
"I know it's a while, but being an empress shouldn't be about learning as I go. I should be prepared before taking the throne in order to help the citizens more."
Lady Dulcie giggles, taking a fruit tart from the tiered tea snacks.
"Spoken as a true ruler."
"Hardly. How have your studies been?" I ask.
"Good! Mother found an excellent tutor who's been teaching me about music!" Lady Dulcie excitedly speaks.
"Oh yes, Lady Luna, you must come to her recital!" Marchioness Adara lights up, proud of her daughter.
"Yes! She's been practicing with the harp and piano, so we'll be holding a party for her to have a mini recital with close family and friends."
"I'd love to go! Has it been fun learning?"
"Very much! It used to be difficult, but now it feels as though the music flows through my fingers." Lady Dulcie's eyes light up, excited as she remembers the sensation of playing.
"I look forward to your recital then!"

"I hope we aren't intruding."
We turn to see Cabel, Duke Oslo, and Marquess Simone walk up to our table.
"Good evening your grace, my lord." I stand, curtsying.
"You're looking lovely today, your majesty." Marquess Simone takes my hand bowing.
"There's no need for formalities, my lord!" I exclaim, surprised.
"You'll soon become the mother of the empire, I should show my respect of course." Marquess Simone winks, walking over to Marchioness Adara and Lady Dulcie.
"I haven't been married or crowned yet, so please hold the formalities. Even then, I won't feel right about formalities between friends." I giggle, sitting back down.
Marquess Simone kisses Marchioness Adara, before turning to smother Lady Dulcie in a hug.
"F-Father!" Lady Dulcie exclaims, slightly red as she grows embarrassed.
"There he goes again." Duke Oslo snickers, watching Marquess Simone.
"What a horrible display of affection." Cabel rolls his eyes, sitting beside me.
"Your highness, if you have kids of your own, I'm sure you'll shower them with affection too. It's only natural." Marquess Simone blissfully sighs, leaning back in his chair.
My face heats up at the mention of children.
"Oh yes! I'm sure his highness will become a doting parent, just as he is already a doting fiancé." Marchioness Adara claps her hands as she lights up excitedly.
"How amusing, kids of our own." Cabel raises a brow staring at me from the corner of his eyes.
"Er, well this child talk is in the far distance..." I speak up, fanning my red face.
"It might not be, parenthood can happen sooner than you think. Even if you have children later on, it feels so quick. Look at my little ray of sunshine! We never expected to have another child, but here is our Dulcie!" Marquess Simone smothers Lady Dulcie again in a hug.
"Father! I'm not a small child anymore..."
"Of course you are! You'll always be our little girl!" Marquess Simone continues to hug Lady Dulcie, seeming like he'll never remove his arms from hugging her.

"Father, please compose yourself."
Lord Christopher walks up to the garden table, sighing.
"Greetings your highness, your grace and Lady Luna." Lord Christopher bows.
I stand, curtsying.
He stands in a white flowing training shirt, beads of sweat rolling down his face and neck.
"Christopher! How was practice?" Marchioness Adara hands him a napkin.
"It was fine as usual." He shrugs, dabbing the sweat away with the napkin.
"This seems like a party now." Cabel scoffs, lounging by my side.
"Apparently everyone got the memo to crash my ladies tea time." Marchioness Adara giggles, holding Marquess Simone's hand.
"The marquess seemed to have seen your tea party, and eagerly wished to come outside. He's the mastermind." Cabel rolls his eyes, lifting up a teacup a maid places.
"His highness was also eager to see Lady Luna too though." Marquess Simone snickers.
"See he is doting! Imagine how much more doting you'll be when the time comes to have children!" Machioness Adara squeals, excited.
I giggle until catching a glimpse of Duke Oslo's expression.
His brow furrowed slightly as a look of uncomfort grows on his face.

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