B.2 Chapter Twelve

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I take a deep breath, finally able to sit down from the hectic schedule.
Around my room are clothing racks filled with gowns, a pedestal, and body mirrors.
Madam Charmile excitedly goes through the dresses attempting to find some for me.
Petunia sits as she watches Madam Charmile's movements.

I sigh, amused as I watch her place more dresses on a separate rack for me to try on, her face filled with excitement.
"My lady, please have some tea." Magnolia smiles, placing a glass of iced apple linden tea.
"Thank you." I smile, picking the glass up.
"Have you decided on a dress you like?" Magnolia's eyes light up staring at the gowns.
"I've found a few for everyday wear, but we still need to find one for the recital." I sigh, placing the glass on a table.
"This one's gorgeous though! Are you sure you want to keep looking?" Magnolia stares at the dress I sit in.
I look down at the pastel blue gown I'm in.
Though it's beautiful, it misses the mark.
"This will be my first public appearance since the spring ball as the official fiancée of his highness. I researched and found that previous queen's never wore dresses that were popular because they usually set trends. If I'm to 'set a trend' I need to be cautious of what I choose to wear." I shrug, standing up.
"I suppose. I think you should wear something that would look beautiful with diamonds!"
"Diamonds? What makes you think that?" I giggle, watching her excitement grow.
"Well, diamonds look beautiful on you, my lady. I think if it's for an evening party, diamonds and an elegant up-do would look stunning on you! Like a star in the night!"
"I agree." Petunia speaks up, glancing at the gowns, "Diamonds would be the best choice for you. They're not popular since most think coloured jewels are prettier, but diamonds have an elegant beauty of their own."
I giggle, shaking my head until freezing.
I look back at the two of them, surprised.
"Actually, you just helped me decide, thank you!" I cup Magnolia's cheeks excitedly, "Madam Charmile?" I stand, calling out.
Madam Charmile smiles kindly.
"Yes, Lady Luna?" She turns to me.
"Could you help design a gown with me instead? I know you went through the effort of bringing all of these here, but if we made a gown would it be finished in time?"
"Well, of course! Who do you take me for?"
"I'm glad I could count on you!" I giggle, sitting down with Madam Charmile.
We work together, sketching a dress out as I think of a new trend to create.

"Cabel!" I call out, jogging down the garden path.
Cabel turns around, his cape flowing in the wind.
"I hope fifty years from now, you'll still be this excited to see me." Cabel snickers, smiling kindly.
"I should hope the same from you." I giggle, wrapping my arms around him.
He holds me tightly before pulling away, gazing down at me.
"What made you chase after me like a duckling?" He asks.
"A duckling?"
"Yes, though you're more cuter than any duckling."
"You're ridiculous." I scoff, shaking my head slightly, "I've designed a dress with Madam Charmile, I wanted to make sure it wouldn't cause issues."
"Yes, I'm worried of being judged."
"Who in their right mind would judge my fiancée?" Cabel grins arrogantly proud, his fingers stroking my cheek.
"I know, but empresses and queens in history usually set trends in their empire and kingdom. I'd be the first empress for Cypheler, so I'm a bit nervous for my first appearance."
"You can wear whatever you want, and it'd be a trend. No one would say anything to insult a royal."
"But I'm only your fiancée, not the empress yet. I should make a good first impression, shouldn't I?"
"You were seen at the spring ball already."
"Yes, but that was being introduced as a candidate, not a fiancée or empress."
"Wear whatever you'd like, you'll look stunning in anything." Cabel gently plants a kiss on my forehead, reassuring me.
I nod, smiling happily as he hugs me tighter.

"Lady Luna, the carriage is ready for you."
Lance calls out from my door, knocking.
"Come in." I call out.
Lance opens the door, smiling brightly.
"My lady, you look stunning!" Lance exclaims.
Magnolia helps me stand.
I stand in a black satin gown, encrusted with various sized diamonds.
A backless gown with a bow tied around my neck to hold up the dress. Matching gloves made with diamonds encrusted on the wrists.
The beauticians styled my hair in an up-do, with a diamond headpiece.
"Do you like it?" I ask.
"Of course! It's a very new intricate style, it's very fitting for the future empress." Lance gloats, proud.
I giggle, placing my hand on his.
"Lady Luna just a minute!" Magnolia calls out.
She smiles brightly, handing Lance the satin black shawl.
"Thank you." I smile as Lance places the shawl over my shoulders.
"Let us be on the way." Lance smiles, leading the way.

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