B.2 Chapter One

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At the break of dawn, the elegant royal palace sits quiet as the first workers begin waking up.
Chef's are bustling in the kitchen as they prepare the first meals of the day. Maids and butlers begin to clean and organize the palace, getting their tasks done before the emperor awakens.
Inside a regal bedroom fit for a king, sheets rustle as someone awakens from their slumber.

Luna Avri stirs in her sleep, gently beginning to rub her closed eyes.
She opens her vivid golden eyes, staring towards the window.
The curtains allowing the sunrise to slightly seep inside; the sunlight illuminating off her eyes as the golden colour shines brighter.
She yawns, stretching slightly.
Strong built arms quickly wrap around her waist, pulling her in.
"Ah! Cabel?" She exclaims, surprised by his sudden movements.
"Screaming in the face of the emperor? How brazen. What do I do with such a brazen fiancée? Shall I give you a punishment?" Emperor Cabel's deep husky voice calls out.
"No, I need to get ready for work!" Luna exclaims, scoffing.
She wiggles around in his arms, trying to get out of bed, yet his grip doesn't budge.
"Just a few more minutes." Emperor Cabel lethargically smiles, lightly planting kisses on her cheek.
"Cabel, I can't be late..." Luna mutters, her cheeks blushing as his lips delicately press against her skin.
"I can punish them if anyone gets angry with you for being late." Emperor Cabel flashes a handsome devilish grin.
Luna pouts, glaring at him.
"My dear flower, your face will be stuck like that if you keep making that expression." Emperor Cabel laughs, caressing Luna's cheek with his thumb.
"Cabel, I'm serious. You can't distract me or keep me hostage in the morning, especially when I have to get to work." Luna sighs, attempting to escape his hold.
"But I want more time with you. I'd stay in bed with you forever if I could."
"What?" Luna exclaims, shocked, "It's too early for you to be thinking like that!"
"I told you, being with you feels so good, I don't even want you to leave my bed." Emperor Cabel grins, his eyes glimmering with a dangerous look in them.
"H-Hey! Where do you think you're touching?" Luna scolds, burning vibrant red in the face from embarrassment.
His hands begin to move, caressing her body.
"We spent all night together too, how are you this excited still?" Luna exclaims.
Emperor Cabel kisses her neck, continuing to caress her body.
"I'd make love to you forever if I could. One night isn't nearly enough to satisfy me." His hand moves to untie her night gown, his other hand holding her wrists as he pins them above her head.
His lips press against hers, his body moving to hover over her.
He pulls away from the kiss, an amused grin growing on his lips as he analyzes her expression.
Luna's face blushes as she averts her eyes.
"What a naughty expression. Shall I free you then?" He grins, his eyes glowing seductively as he watches her every move.
She looks back at his eyes, shaking her head slightly.
Emperor Cabel smiles pleased, bringing his lips back down to meet hers.

"I can't believe I got swept away again." Luna sighs, walking through the hallways of the consultant building.
She stretches her back, remembering their morning starting with a passionate session.
Her cheeks flush as she grows embarrassed.

A voice excitedly calls out.
Luna turns to see Meridith running down the hall towards her, carrying a pile of large books.
She fixes her glasses as she catches her breath.
"Meridith, good morning!" Luna smiles, stopped in her tracks.
"Luna! You've been doing so well as a palace consultant! I keep hearing admirable comments about you!" She exclaims.
"It's nothing, I've been doing the same work as the other advisors." Luna giggles as the both of them walk together.
"Yes, but you've been working for a few months, and already outshine every other advisor!"
"It's only because Sir Quintan has been instructing me well."
"Still! You're doing so well already! If I could join the health research facility, I hope I can make a difference like you!" Meridith exclaims.
"You'll make a far larger difference, are you kidding? I can't help much with creating new medicine, I think you're brilliant!"
Meridith blushes, scratching her head embarrassed.
"You think so?"
"Of course! Your research papers have been accepted, and they're already being used to help paralyzed patients. Hopefully you'll be accepted into the health division, since you helped them this much."
"I told you, it's a boys club."
"Yes, but I became an advisor."
"Yeah but..." Meridith pauses in shock, before finishing her words.
"... But it's only because of his highness?" Luna finishes her sentence.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine, I understand that if I wasn't his highness's fiancée, I might never have had a chance." Luna smiles acceptingly.
"Luna I didn't mean to say it... I guess I'm a tad bit jealous."
"It's okay. Just trust in your work, I know you can do it. I'll even help in any way I can." Luna smiles kindly.
"I couldn't possibly accept your help! I hope you know, even if you're the future empress, you still defied the odds and made it into the advisory division cause your hard work. I can't rely on others, especially when I want to be accepted against all odds too."
"I'll be wishing for your hard efforts to prevail then." Luna smiles, taking some books from Meridith, helping her carry them.
Meridith nods as they continue to walk through the hallway together.

"Your highness, you can't tire Lady Luna out every morning." Lance speaks, sighing as he walks up to Emperor Cabel's desk with a tray of tea.
"How do you know I am? Are you spying on us again?" Emperor Cabel sips his tea that Lance poured, reviewing a document.
"Y-Your highness! That was one accident!" Lance grows vibrant red, embarrassed as he shouts.
"This is why you knock." Emperor Cabel snickers, lifting the teacup to take another sip.
"Y-Your highness! It was the garden! I was bringing her, her morning tea! How was I to know you had gone there, and decided to... To do that in the garden!" Lance scoffs, astonished.
"I can't help it, she agreed to it so I'm not the only guilty party involved... If only she could just stay in the palace and never leave, I wouldn't be as 'desperate' for her affection." Emperor Cabel gives a small grin, almost mocking himself as he thinks.
"You can't be serious, your highness..."
Emperor Cabel pauses and shrugs, placing the gold rimmed teacup down.
"No, she smiles so brightly talking about how much fun she has making friends at that annoying building. It is however my greedy wish I'll never act upon..." Emperor Cabel pauses, lowering his document, "It means I won't ever lock her inside the palace, so stop burning your glare into my head."
Lance glares at Emperor Cabel, shooting daggers through his eyes before sighing.
"Your highness, please just be mindful of Lady Luna. This morning she complained about back aches and leg cramps. Her powers will heal her quickly, but if you cause her to be sore everyday, it'll become exhausting for her to always be healing herself."
Emperor Cabel scoffs, grinning amused.
"I'll try to contain myself, but we're engaged after all."
"... Your highness, you'll probably use that excuse for when you're in your honeymoon phase, and for when you're married."
"Exactly. I'll be mindful of not making her sore, but I can't promise I won't always want to be with her in that sense." Emperor Cabel gives an arrogant proud grin.
Lance rolls his eyes and scoffs.
"This conversation has become one I wish to end." Lance sighs.
"You're the one who brought it up." Emperor Cabel laughs, picking up his teacup to take a sip.

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