B.2 Chapter Fifty-Six

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Almost four days have passed on our journey.
We continuously hike up the mountain, trying to search for an aura. The mountain forest is quiet, with no beast in sight.
We set up our camp in a forest glade.
After tying the horses to some branches, I set up a tent for Petunia and I to use.
Cethin gathers branches, laying the branches over the tents, camouflaging them.
"Hey, you okay?" Cethin quietly asks.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I smile, feeling content.
Cethin smiles, nodding.
"Alright. I know it's difficult but I hope you know, even if Shen-Ling isn't here, we'll go back to Cypheler still."
"I know... I'm just worried if there could be other witches..." I whisper under my breath, glancing at Riddle and Petunia finish building the fire.
"Who knows, Chicky... For now we have to focus on finding Shen-Ling."
"Yeah... Thanks for coming with me." I smile, finishing up the tent.
"It's our job anyways." Cethin scoffs, embarrassed.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." I giggle, brushing the dirt off my pants.
"Hey, you guys. What do you want for dinner?" Riddle asks.
"Anything's fine." I shrug, looking back at Cethin.
"Hm... Oh, stay with Petunia, Riddle and I will be back." Cethin grins, grabbing his weapon belt.
I nod watching as Cethin walks with Riddle into the forest.
"Luna, here. It's honey lemon tea." Petunia hands me a metal mug, filled with warm tea.
"Thank you." I smile, taking a sip.
I sit beside her as she pokes the fire around.
We wait for the two to come back, watching the fire crackle as we talk.
My resolve clear, I look at the night sky, feeling calm for the first time in a while.

The trees rustle, Petunia grabs her dual swords, standing on guard.
Cethin and Riddle appear, holding six dead rabbits.
"Relax. It's us." Riddle snickers, throwing the tied rabbits on the ground.
"Rabbits?" I ask.
"Mhm. Rabbits are pretty good, plus it'll help sustain us more than the biscuits and bread we brought." Cethin explains.
"Alright, take them away from here to cut them up." Petunia shoo's them away.
"We wanted to show off our hunt though. You guys could praise us a bit more." Riddle pouts.
Petunia rolls her eyes, walking up to Riddle.
She pets his head.
"Good job. Now go, take them away before a beast smells the blood on our camp ground."
"Alright..." Riddle smiles slightly, his ears turning red.
I watch him pick the rabbits up, leaving with Cethin, embarrassed.
I glance back at Petunia who seems unfazed, placing more wood into the fire. She unpacks a bag, taking out herbs and seasoning.
"Petunia... Do you have an interest in dating anyone?" I ask.
She looks back at me flustered.
"Huh?" She exclaims, "Why are you suddenly asking?"
"I don't know, I know the others have reasons because they're always in danger, so it seems pointless for them. Just wondering if it's the same for you."
"Hm... I think it is the same reason then... It's also my powers I'm concerned of. I'm afraid of getting close to someone, incase I see their death."
"Ah, I see... I know it's scary, but I hope the day will come where you aren't afraid."
Petunia looks back at me with a small smile growing on her lips.
"I hope that day will come too." Petunia smiles, placing her attention back on the seasoning.
I help her tear up herbs, and cut sticks to make skewers.
Riddle and Cethin come back after butchering the rabbits.
We tie the herbs and seasoning around the meat, placing them over the fire. Petunia throws sweet potatoes she brought near the fire to roast.
We sit around the fire, eating dinner.
I look up at the night sky, filled with stars.
"Luna, do you want more?" Petunia asks, holding out another skewer of rabbit.
I shake my head.
"I'm okay, you guys can eat it." I smile.
"Alright, if you get hungry later have some potatoes." Petunia smiles, handing the skewer to Riddle.
I nod, looking back up at the stars. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath.
The fire soon dies down, we all return to our tents.
I read the journal the witch left behind, hiding it from Petunia's sight with another book.
I re-read the page about curers. I think about the crystal, remembering the odd man I saw when I held it too.
Flipping through the book, behind the last page sits a name.


I sigh, closing the book.
Lying down, I close my eyes, listening to the gentle sounds of the nature.
The gentle sound of Petunia flipping through the pages of her book, causing me to grow more tired.

'Wake up.'

I flinch, opening my eyes.
I sit up, looking to see Petunia sleeping soundly beside me. Unsure if the light airy voice was apart of my dream or if someone called out.
Suddenly, a heavy vibration flows through the air, almost suffocating me.
My eyes widen as I feel the intense aura.
My heart throbs as the aura grows wildly. As if followed by a trance, I quickly grab my armour, and the dual swords beside Petunia.
I run out of the tent, the aura heavily spreading through the forest.
The horses stomping their hooves as they look to the same direction. They neigh, trying to get away.
I throw on my armour, buckling it as I quickly run through the bushes to the direction they look at. Fastening the headgear, I sprint through the trees.
The aura grows stronger, becoming more dense as I run towards it. I run up to a mountain wall, looking up to see a large cliff above me.

I turn as someone calls my name, grabbing my arm.
Cethin stands out of breath.
"What do you think you're doing? Don't run off alone!" He exclaims.
"C-Cethin, do you not feel it?" I ask.
"Feel what?"
The aura weighs me down, causing my body to tremble.
"Luna? What's wrong?" He asks.
I look behind him to see Petunia and Riddle run up.
"Hey! Why'd you guys take off?" Riddle calls out.
"Do none of you feel this?-"
I'm cut off as the ground under us rumbles.
Petunia holds onto Riddle as the ground viciously shakes.
"What the hell?" Cethin shouts.
I turn to look at the mountain wall.
The aura heavily seeping through the wall.
Instinctively, I touch the mountain wall, my hand falling through.
"H-Hey!" Cethin tries stopping me.
He pulls me back, yet my hand doesn't budge.
"What the shit? Hey! Pull your damn hand out!" Riddle exclaims, coming to help Cethin pull me back.
"I-I can't. My hand's stuck." I calmly state, trying to pull my hand out.
I calmly look at the mountain wall.
Petunia touches the mountain, her hand unable to go through.
"It's a seal..." Petunia looks back at me.
I try pushing my hand further in, the wall allowing me to enter, but not exit.

A growl echoes through the bushes.
We turn to see a group of monsters approaching us.
Their green slime covered scales, large reptilian mouths, and their eyes hollowed out. Green drool drips from their sharp fangs, their drool burning the forest ground like acid.
"Damn it! Luna, we'll protect you! Just do your best to get yourself out-" Cethin exclaims, worried.
"We have no time." Petunia grabs a hold of one of the dual swords I took, "We'll try to find a way to get you back out... Please, stay alive."
Instantly, she pushes me.
I fall through the wall, watching as they disappear from my view.

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