Chapter Forty-Five

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Emperor Cabel sighs, sitting at his desk. He stares up at the empty sofa across the room from him, a small pile of books sitting on the coffee table.
He reaches out, attempting to grab his teacup. He winces in pain, gripping his chest.

"Your highness, allow me to help you." Lance rushes up, handing the teacup to Emperor Cabel.
Emperor Cabel sighs as he holds the cup.
"Your highness, is it really necessary staying mad at Lady Luna? I thought you wanted to see if she loved Hayden?"
"Yes, and it turned out to be true. What else would you like me to do? I can't break her to make her love me, I can't snap my fingers and have her submit to give me her love." Emperor Cabel smiles, laughing at his thoughts.
"I didn't think anything of women or love, yet she comes to my mind, lighting a new world in my eyes. A way I never thought about living like. She effortlessly comes in my mind, making the world go quiet, making any pain or trouble silence themselves; just seductive calmness. Like a flower, she brightens my world with her smile... I assumed love would be nervousness, overly exhausting, and annoying but somehow she makes it feel light and easy." Emperor Cabel sighs, raking his hand through his hair.
"Your highness, there's a saying that some believe when you find a person you're most fitted with, it's not a heart rush, nervousness, or anxiousness but rather, serenity. If you love her this much, wouldn't it be worth it to try to talk to her? What did she say when she admitted to loving Hayden?"
Emperor Cabel grows quiet, averting his eyes from Lance.
Lance smiles as he stares back at Emperor Cabel.
"She did say it, didn't she? Your highness?"
Lance's smile exaggerates more, speaking passive aggressively as he silently judges Emperor Cabel.
"Did she say she loved him? Your highness, why won't you speak?"
"No... She didn't say it."
Lance stares at Emperor Cabel as the room grows uncomfortable.
Lance sighs as he places his hand on his forehead.
"What is it?" Emperor Cabel looks away, pouting slightly embarrassed.
"You threw her back in the golden palace for saying she loved Hayden when she never said it? What am I supposed to do? I have no words for you, your highness, I can't describe it."
"Describe what?" Emperor Cabel scoffs.
"I've forgotten... It's nothing."
"Just spit it out-"
"For crying out loud, you're an idiot! Forgive me for saying this but you have a beautiful, kind woman right there who cares for you and here you sit, sulking like a fool! How are you so blind to let your feelings decide your actions! She hasn't said the words that she loves Hayden and here you are, assuming she does!" Lance shouts, tearing into Emperor Cabel as his face grows red from frustration, "Your highness, even if she does love Hayden, she would still love you then! Everything changes when you transform, but your overbearing personality remains the same, so regardless she would care about you!"
Emperor Cabel covers his ears with his fingers as he looks away from Lance's glare.
"Alright, I get it. I don't know how to fix it now, the damage is done-"

"I can help." Cethin sits on an open window sill, holding an envelope.
"What now?" Emperor Cabel scoffs.
"Didn't know the little guy had it in him to scold ya." Cethin snickers as he stares at Lance.
"Wha- Little guy?-" Lance stutters, shocked.
"Anyways, here." Cethin throws the envelope down on Emperor Cabel's desk.
He picks it up, giving Cethin a side eye glare.
"Listen, it'll help your little drama-fest going on right now, just hurry and read it. It's from your 'flower'." Cethin mocks.
Emperor Cabel opens the envelope. His eyes scan the paper, beaming with happiness.

'Your highness,
I would like to meet so we can talk things out.
You were honest with me, but I couldn't be honest with you. I promise I wasn't disappointed, it was just surprising to me.
I told Hayden personal things and it felt like I was betrayed to find out you were the one I told. I wasn't upset though, rather I was embarrassed.
I would like to meet in person so we can calmly talk things out and understand each other more.
If you can spare some of your time, I hope we can meet soon.
Sincerely, Luna.'

He stands up quickly, slamming his hands down on the desk.
"She really wrote this?" He exclaims.
"Of course. Jeez, don't you recognize her handwriting?"
"Of course. I just want to make sure she wrote it and not because of anyone else." Emperor Cabel grins slightly, looking down at the note with bubbly writing.
"Ugh! Gross! Get your love sickness out, just go see her. You've made her wait too long." Cethin gags, cringing.
Cethin rolls his eyes, shooing Emperor Cabel away.
"I have made her wait... What if she doesn't want to see me?" Emperor Cabel paces the room.
Lance and Cethin look at each other as they roll their eyes, both sighing out of exasperation.

Luna sits as she reads a book. Her foot bounces uncontrollably as she grows anxious.
Unable to take the waiting, she begins pacing her room.
"What do I even say? I must be insane. Luna, you just sent a letter to talk to him so you can confess your feelings, not only that, but your feelings for the emperor! You're insane, you're insane!" Luna talks to herself as she panics, "How do I even say something like that? 'Hello, hope you're doing well, I wanted to tell you, I have feelings for you'. That's madness!" Luna groans as she runs her fingers through her hair, conflicted.
She leans against a window sill as she thinks deeply to herself, fidgeting.

"What do I even say to her?" Emperor Cabel panics as he walks through the gardens, cutting through to the golden palace's garden.
"Just be honest, your highness. Explain that you misunderstood and then apologize to her. Afterwards, just explain your feelings again." Lance walks behind Emperor Cabel.
Cethin follows as he stretches.
"Never seen an emperor get so hung up about a concubine." Cethin grins, amused.
"Silence. I don't need to hear that especially from someone like you-" Emperor Cabel cuts himself off, feeling a heavy sensation rush through his body.
His pupils dilate at the sensation, his eyes darting up to Luna's open window.
"Get the others, now." Emperor Cabel commands.
Cethin nods and jumps up, climbing up to the roof.
Emperor Cabel grows anxious. He gestures his hand upwards; a pillar erupts from the ground, emerging from the shadow at his feet.
He's quickly brought up to her window.

"Where is she!" Emperor Cabel's voice shakes as he shouts.
Her room; covered in blood, furniture flipped and thrown around the room. Bodies of guards lie on the floor of her room, her body nowhere in sight.
"They should have been here to protect her, where are they!" Emperor Cabel kicks a coffee table that's flipped out of his way, storming out of her room.

"Y-Your highness..." A guard calls out.
He lies in the hallway injured, his eye bleeding with cuts all over his body.
"What the hell happened?" Emperor Cabel questions as he examines his body.
"T-That man... He came through the window... She screamed so we ran in, but he threw the room and furniture around... She was unconscious when we entered." The guard explains, struggling to stay alive, "He began to attack, we couldn't defeat him..."
"Where were the assassins I assigned to her? Were they in the room?"
"No, we did not see anyone else."
"You've done well. Hang onto your life until help arrives." Emperor Cabel reassures the guard.
Emperor Cabel's brow twitches as he grows furious. He storms downstairs through the golden palace to the entrance.
Lance runs up panting.
"Where the hell were the assassins!" Emperor Cabel storms outside.
"Y-Your highness... They were ambushed before he got her. Please come with me!" Lance panics, running to the forest.

Cethin kneels on the grass in the forest, holding Petunia in his arms.
"That bastard! That annoying little shit!" Cethin yells, his eyes filling with tears.
Jax, and Riddle lie unconscious, covered in injuries. They struggle to breathe as their bodies lie on the grass.
"What happened?" Emperor Cabel grits his teeth, clenching his fists in anger.
"H-He came out of nowhere... We tried to fight back but he kept attacking... Suddenly he hit their necks, and they passed out instantly... I couldn't get to her in time... He was too strong and fast..." Petunia cries as she grows disappointed in herself.
"Shh, hey, don't focus on what happened." Cethin frowns as he comforts Petunia.
Emperor Cabel's eyes glow red, beginning to feel anxious and enraged.
"Bring the royal healers quickly, tell that entire damned temple to send every healer they have. I'm going to find her." Emperor Cabel growls, storming away.
"Your highness! Where will you go? You're not fully healed yet!" Lance shouts, worried.
Emperor Cabel stops, turning his head back to Lance.
He gives a solemn infuriated smile.
"I need to make sure my flower doesn't wilt."
Emperor Cabel turns around, his eyes glow brightly with a murderous look as he clenches his jaw.
"Send the assassins that aren't injured, make sure they get to Avris in less than a day." He calls out to Cethin.
Lance watches, unable to speak.
Emperor Cabel summons a shadow under his feet, flying through the woods.
He swiftly moves through the trees as he digs his nails into his palms.
"I'll be there soon." Emperor Cabel anxiously speaks, flying quickly through the forest.

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