Chapter Ninety-Four

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I rush through the palace, maids and butlers turning their heads to watch me.
I approach the office doors, knocking a bit roughly.
The door opens, Lance standing their with his eyes widened.
"My lady? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asks.
"I need to speak with his highness urgently." I calmly speak, attempting to hold back my anger.
"I see. His highness is in a meeting, but would you like me to inform him to meet you elsewhere?"
"Tell him to come to his bedroom, I'll be waiting."
I turn, walking down the halls.

I walk back and forth in Cabel's room as I'm lost in my thoughts.
The door opens and Cabel looks down at me.
"My flower, what's the reason you've asked me to meet you?" He tilts his head, bewildered.
"We need to speak."
I take a deep breath and shake my head.
"You... Did you change the consulting exam for me?"
Cabel's eyes widen as he sighs.
"Who's to say." He responds.
"You're to say." I glare at him and scoff, "Did you think you were doing me a favour? Is it because you didn't believe in my intelligence? Is that why you changed it to be ridiculously easier?" I shout, feeling my anger grow.
"It's not because of that."
"Then why! Rumours are spreading that you changed the test so it'll be easier for me. What kind of credibility is that supposed to give me? Am I that incompetent in your eyes, that you couldn't trust my intelligence? How did you even know when I was taking the test?"
Cabel takes a deep breath and averts his eyes.
"I heard from the duke. He said you were going to take the test, so I made a test specifically for you. It wasn't so you could easily pass, but it was because I thought I would never see you again."
"Never see me again? So you decided to just set me up with an easy test to guarantee a job for me?"
"No... I wanted to bring you back to me, even if I had to force fate. If you had scored high you would be a palace consultant, and I would see you and try to earn your forgiveness. No one knew until our engagement was released." Cabel sighs, stepping closer to me.
"You're unbelievable. I didn't want your favour, I wanted to prove my own worth on my own terms! What if I failed it too? I didn't study for your joke test so I could've easily failed it! How could you do this?" I shout, tearing up.
"I know. I made a mistake. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know when would be the best time to mention it or how to even tell you. I'm sorry I did this and hid it." Cabel's hand raises, cupping my cheek.
I glare up at him, my anger refusing to subside.
"Give me the original test."
"Give me the original test. Get in touch with whoever you have to, but I'm writing the test again with all original questions. I want your promise that you will have nothing to do with making it."
"Let me re-take the test, until then I refuse to even be near you. I'm so offended and angered, that I don't want to see you or even forgive you until I finish the exam." I push his hand away, leaving his room without another word.

I run into my room, taking out the ribbon that holds my hair up.
I throw it on the bed and take a deep breath.
"Unbelievable!" I scoff, pacing the room.

"What is?"
I turn to see Cethin lounging on the open window sill.
"Cabel rigged the consultant exam! He had no right to interfere! I'm viewed as a joke at work now." I hold my head, stressed.
"What the hell? Why'd he do that?"
"Because he wanted to 'force' fate and have me work with him, so we could rebuild our relationship."
"That's a bit... Crazy."
"It is! What the hell was he thinking!"
"Listen, retake the exam, have witnesses watch you take the original exam and then you should be fine."
I sit on my bed and sigh.
"I will... I'm so frustrated."
"Just explain to him what you're mad about and that he can't do this anymore. I'm sure somewhere in that thick skull of his he'll listen to you. For now don't worry about it, just do the exam."
"You're right. I need to calm down and focus on passing. It's just unbelievable." I scoff.
I lie back, staring at the glistening chandelier.
The bed moves slightly as Cethin lays down beside me.
He pats my hand and stares at the ceiling with me as I try to calm down.

I sigh, staring around the room and back down at the table.
The gazes and whispers from palace consultants as I sip tea, studying for the consultant exam.

"Lady Luna, we've set a date for you."
I look to see Sir Quintan walk up.
"I just got back from the palace and we've voted unanimously to move one test for you to take."
Sir Quintan hands me a folder with information on the exam.
"And when will it be?" I respond, flipping over the instructions.
"In two days. But because we moved a test for you, instead of having you wait to take the next one, this will be your only chance. There will be no retakes after..."
"I see... Seems as though it's expected I'll fail." I grin slightly, glancing at the men in the room.
"Unfortunately yes... You'll write it here, under the supervision of Lord Christopher."
"Lord Christopher?" I look back at Sir Quintan surprised.
"Yes. We want someone unbiased to grade and supervise you as you write, and Lord Christopher volunteered. He's assured there will be no biased grading."
"That works fine with me, thank you."

The day of the exam arrives.
I sigh staring out the window.
"Cabel, I miss you... You're so dumb, but I still miss you." I whisper, sighing again as my feelings muddle to cause more chaos in my chest.
A thud hits the table.
I jump startled, turning to see Lord Christopher stand there placing the exam down.
"Good morning, Lady Luna." He bows his head slightly.
I stand curtsying.
"Good morning, Lord Christopher. How are you?" I smile.
"I'd rather be helping my father. I assure you though, I will be unbiased and grade strictly."
"As expected of you." I sit back down and giggle.
Lord Christopher sits down in front of me arranging the papers.
"This one's the booklet you answer the questions in, this one is a reference book, but it will not give you any vital information."
"I see. How long will I have to finish the test?"
"Five hours. More than enough time, but given that it's your only chance to write the exam you'll do well to remember to use all the time necessary."
"I understand, shall we begin?" I smile, holding a pen in my hand.
He sets a timer, pressing the start button.

I glance up as I write the exam, Lord Christopher writes on documents as he waits for me to finish.
The timer with only two hours left.
I clear my throat, sitting up straight.
His eyes move to stare at the exam.
"Finished?" He asks.
"You're sure you don't want to look over it again?"
"I won't be able to recognize any mistakes regardless, so I'd like for it to be marked now."
Lord Christopher sits up straight, moving his documents to the side before taking out a book.
He opens the book to show confidential answers regarding the exam. He begins grading.

He places the exam down, setting his pen on the table.
His eyes move to stare at me.
He clears his throat and sighs.
"I'll be right back."
He gets up, leaving the room with my exam.
I stare out the window admiring the weather as I patiently wait.

"Is this true?"
Someone yells.
I jump, startled.
I look back at the door to see Sir Quintan, and a few other palace consultants enter the room with Lord Christopher.
"Unbelievable..." Sir Quintan exclaims, overjoyed.
"Is something the matter?" I stand, nervous.
"299." Lord Christopher speaks.
A small smile grows on his lips, pleased.
"Pardon?" I stare, confused.
"You've scored a 299 on the exam!" Sir Quintan exclaims, clapping as he watches Lord Christopher walk up to me.
He hands me back my exam.
look down at the exam marked with a 299 out of 300.
I look up at Lord Christopher and Sir Quintan.
"Really?" I question.
"Yes, unless of course you wanted to fail." Lord Christopher speaks.
"No! Oh my goodness, this is amazing!" I exclaim.
"Ahem! I believe an apology is due to the lady." Sir Quintan loudly announces, facing the men in the room as they avoid eye contact.
They stay quiet, unable to speak out of embarrassment.
"It's okay." I speak up.
Everyone looks my way as I smile kindly.
"I understand why you questioned my ability, but I hope my grade for this exam will prove that I deserve to work alongside you all, and that you'll treat me kindly from now on." I smile, curtsying.
The men in the room grow relieved as they watch me.
They bow their heads.
"We look forward to working with you!"
The men speak, congratulating me.

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