B.2 Chapter Seventy-Six

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After returning to the ballroom with Sylvan, I quickly find myself outside in the garden again.
Speaking again with many guests, overwhelming me.
I sigh, admiring the moon and stars as I sit on a stone bench.

"Why is my beautiful fiancée out here alone?"
I turn my head, smiling as Cabel calls out to me.
"I just needed a break." I reply.
He sits beside me, gazing up at the sky.
"We can end the ball if you're tired?"
I shake my head.
"No, it's fun. I just got a bit overwhelmed by the constant compliments and questions." I giggle, leaning my head against his shoulder.
"How are you feeling?" Cabel asks, lifting my hand to his lips.
He gently kisses my hand.
"I feel fine. Though, I do feel emotional... I asked Sylvan to walk me down the aisle as my mother, so I'm a bit overwhelmed with emotions."
"I see... Good emotions?"
I nod.
"The best kind..." I take a deep tranquil breath, "It's hard to believe that we recently met." I whisper, interlocking fingers with Cabel's large hands.
"Hm... It does seem like it was a while ago. I remember meeting you as Hayden, right over there." Cabel points to the garden that stands between the imperial palace and golden palace.
"Oh I forgot about that. I was genuinely more afraid of Hayden in the beginning, compared to when I met you as yourself." I giggle, reminiscing.
"Really? Why was that?"
"Hm, maybe because with Hayden he was the first intimidating man I met."
"The same intimidating kind that your family was?"
"No... My family hurt me for years, and so I was scared of them because the pain they gave me. With Hayden it was just intimidating as if my every movement and word was carefully analyzed, but it didn't feel like I would be reprimanded."
"And then with me?"
I gaze up at his eyes, lit in the moonlight.
"With you, it felt intimidating but in a regal way. You were intimidating because you're the emperor, and had a regal authoritative aura around you but even so... It felt like I knew you almost."
"I suppose you did know in a way. We did meet frequently when I was Hayden."
"Yes, I suppose." I giggle, hugging his arm as I lean against him.
I sit in bliss, gazing at the starry sky with Cabel.
His warm hand grasping mine.
I look up at Cabel.
"I think I should give you another wedding gift." Cabel smiles.
"A gift? No, I'm okay, you've given me so much so far."
"But you know the tradition. The groom should give ten gifts to his bride, you've only gotten two."
I shake my head.
"I'm okay. All I need is you." I giggle, declining.
"Then ask me for a wish."
"A wish?" I tilt my head, looking back at his eyes.
"If you have any wish, I'll gladly grant it, if it's in my power to do so."
I think to myself.
"Hm... I want to look at the stars more with you." I smile, holding his hand tightly.
He grins pleased, kissing my forehead.
"If that's what you want, I'll grant it." He kindly speaks, kissing my cheek.
I feel his aura emanate through the air.
A breeze flowing against my skin.

I look around to see his shadow lifting us up to the palace roof.
"C-Cabel?" I exclaim, taken aback as I hold onto him.
"What do I do when you cling onto me? It makes me never want to put you down." Cabel snickers, holding me closer.
We step onto the roof, Cabel steadying me as I take a step.
"This is the best view. Look." Cabel smiles, pointing up.
I look up, the light from the ballroom disappeared to show more vast stars.
"Wow..." I whisper under my breath.
"Are you having fun tonight?" He asks, holding me from behind.
"I am... Speaking with everyone was fun... But dancing with you was the best part of the night. I just wish we could have another dance, without being stopped by others." I giggle.
"Then, I'll grant that wish too."
Cabel pulls away.
I turn, looking at him bow.
"Cabel?" I call out.
"My dear fiancée, will you join me for a dance?" Cabel smiles, holding his hand out.
I shake my head slightly, giggling.
"Of course." I speak, placing my hand on his.
We slowly move into positions.
Cabel begins leading, the roof quiet with distant sounds of laughter and chatter coming from the ballroom.
"This is difficult without music." I giggle, looking up at him.
"I suppose it is, but even with no music, dancing with you like this makes me... Happy." Cabel flashes a sweet smile.
My heart skips a beat as I grow flustered by his honest innocent words.
I avert my eyes, embarrassed.
"Why is my dance partner staring at the ground, instead of at me?" Cabel teasingly speaks, bending down to look at my face.
"Because I'm embarrassed..." I mutter.
"But your embarrassed expression is amusing to look at." Cabel grins, mockingly speaking.
"H-Hey, you shouldn't be saying that to your bride-"
I'm cut off as I look back at him.
His lips interlocking with mine as he sweetly kisses me.
He pulls away, dropping delicate kisses on my cheek and forehead.
"That's not fair..." I mutter, feeling my cheeks go red.
"Is that enough to ease your anger? You can be honest." Cabel smiles, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"No... I want more..." I mumble, embarrassed.
"Good girl." Cabel whispers, moving closer to me.
His arm wraps around my waist, his other hand on my jaw as he tilts my face up.
He passionately kisses me, making me grow dizzy. His tongue intertwines with mine as the kiss grows more rough.
"Ah, Cabel-" I call out, trying to catch my breath.
He pulls me into him more, not letting me go as he kisses me deeply.
Finally he pulls away, licking his lip as he grins.
"My, my. How could my sweet innocent fiancée make such an expression?" Cabel grins teasingly, his thumb lightly brushing over my lips.
"You're so mean..." I whisper, averting my stare.
"Tell me, am I the only one to make you look this way?" Cabel grins, kissing me lightly, "What is it? You seem to be angry, have I upset you?"
Cabel gazes down at me, flashing an amused grin.
I can't help but pout as he teases me.
Gripping his jacket collar, instantly pulling him down into me.
I lean, kissing him passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck as I feel him lean more into the kiss.
I pull away, pouting still, yet feeling my cheeks go hot from embarrassment.
"Your highness, don't tease me. If you're going to tease me, I expect you to finish what you started." I smile, passive aggressively talking.
"Hm... How naughty. You seem to enjoy jumping between being good and naughty, don't you?" Cabel grins, pulling me in for another kiss.
I hold my hands against his chest, feeling my body go hot.
"Mm, Cabel?" I call out.
Cabel continues to kiss me deeply.
"Yes?" He replies.
I pull away, looking at the ground.
"Um... Will you give me another gift then?" I ask.
"What gift would you like then?"
"Um... Will you... Spend the night with me?" I mumble, growing red.
"I can't hear you. If you're going to ask me for a gift, you should speak up." Cabel's hand holds my chin, tilting my face to look up at him.
"Cabel... Will you spend the night with me?" I ask, trembling from embarrassment.
Cabel grins, bringing his face closer.
"Then will you give me a gift too?" Cabel asks.
"W-What is it?"
"That you'll let me hear your sweet voice all night."
I avert my eyes, embarrassed. Glancing back at him, his eyes sweetly gaze down at me.
I nod.
"Mm." I pant as Cabel kisses me sweetly.
His arms wrap around my waist, holding me close. He picks me up, his kisses causing butterflies to grow in my stomach.

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