B.2 Chapter Fifty-Eight

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I step back, my heartbeat quickening as I realize I've woken the dragon.
I watch as its scales turn from the ash black colour, transitioning into a vivid golden.
Its eyes pierce into me as it awakens, it's large body moving. It screeches loudly, straining my ears.
The cave lights up. Torches surrounding the cave quickly ignite with a purple flame.
I watch the dragon, its throat glowing bright as heat exudes off it.
Instantly, bright yellow flames shoot out of it's mouth, thunderous sparks flying out with it.
"Ah!" I shout, jumping out of the way.
I look back to where I stood, the solid rock melted by its flames.
My heartbeat quickens as fear takes over me. I use my powers, throwing myself above the dragon to land on a torch.
I watch as the dragon turns, its eyes vicious as it looks around.
"This is Shen-Ling? How did they even ask for its help back then?"
I think to myself, panicked as I hold my breath.
"How did they communicate to it?... The king of Xiao... He gave the witch's head to the marquess, in order to bring it to Shen-Ling for evidence..."
My heart drops, remembering what Canella told me.
"I don't have anything for evidence..."
Shen-Ling's eyes turn, looking at my direction, yet it feels as though its not looking at my eyes.
Instantly, its throat glows building up with flames.
I use my powers, throwing myself out of the way. The flames hit the torch, melting it to nothing.
Landing on Shen-Ling's head, I hold onto a scale as Shen-Ling begins thrashing its head.
I quickly emit my powers into its forehead.
Shen-Ling screeches as my powers enter its body, causing it to thrash its head harder, throwing me off.
I hit the ground, winded by the impact.
I look back to see Shen-Ling continuing to thrash its head around, overwhelmed with my powers.
While distracted, I quickly sprint down the tunnel I entered from.

"Where is it? Where is it!" I shout, sprinting as fast as I can.
I approach the wall I came in from, slamming my fists into it.
I pound on the wall, feeling my heartbeat quicken.
"Open, please open!" I exclaim.
I quickly use my powers on the wall, hoping to break it.
The ground under me rumbles.
"I have to hide!" I turn, trying to run down the other tunnel.
Before I can reach the tunnel, Shen-Ling appears, blocking my exit off.
The dragons throat glows as it looks down at me.
"Ah!" I scream, falling back as I stop in the middle of sprinting.
I back away until my back hits a wall. I sit, staring back at Shen-Long.
Its eyes look back at me, until I realize its staring at my neck.
I look down at my neck, the rebirth crystal Petunia gave me, glowing a vibrant blue shade.
"Lapis..." I whisper.
Slowly moving my hand up to my neck, I rip the necklace off.
Shen-Ling's eyes follow the lapis, looking back at it.
I throw the necklace in front of me as Shen-Ling approaches closer.
Its eyes pierce at the lapis crystal on the ground, hissing a growl like sound. It looks at the crystal, almost cautious and wary of it.
I look at Shen-Ling, paying no attention to me. I slowly slide out of the way as the crystal sits between the dragon and I.
The dragon looks at the lapis, almost mesmerized by it. Once out of the its peripheral, I sprint.
I'm stopped, feeling something whip into my stomach.
My body is thrown back, my back hitting the cold wall where I entered from.
I cough, wheezing as I hit the ground, my headgear falling off as it rolls across the ground.
My heart drops.
Instantly, I look up to see Shen-Ling furiously look back at me, stepping closer.
I watch its throat ignite with fire, thunderous sparks flying off.
Shen-Ling's eyes pierce back into my eyes as I watch, unable to do anything.
Suddenly, the fire in its throat dies down, disappearing.


A deep booming voice calls out.
I look back at Shen-Ling, its eyes widened as it looks back at me.
Instantly, the scene around me grows hazy as Shen-Ling's eyes pierce into mine.
His eyes overwhelming me with the vibrant gold shade, causing me to fall unconscious.

I open my eyes, my body feeling light as I look around.
The same night sky surrounding me. I look around at the stars, feeling different than the other times I've come.
No longer feeling hazy whenever I came, I do my best to move.
My body moves, floating through the sky.
Suddenly, arms reach out, wrapping around me from behind.
I'm pulled back, and the night sky disappears from my view.
My eyes widen as I look around at the bright space.
Odd trees and plants surrounding me, feeling as though I've seen it all before.

A voice calls out from behind.
I turn, my eyes looking back at an ethereal beautiful man.
His long pale platinum hair, swaying in the breeze. His golden eyes looking back at me; his eyes filled with constellations.
"W-Who are you?" I ask.
His hand reaches out, touching my hair.
"Someone you shouldn't be meeting. You've met me many times now. Who are you?" He asks, his voice light and gentle.
"I-I'm Luna..." I speak, growing anxious.
He smiles, chuckling lightly.
"Child, a human name doesn't matter to me-" He pauses, looking back into my eyes, "You said Luna?"
I look back into his eyes, his eyes glowing slightly as the constellations in them shift.
I nod hesitantly.
"Luna... Luna!" He quickly exclaims, hugging me.
"Ah! W-Wait, what are you doing!" I exclaim, surprised.
He pulls away from hugging me, an ecstatic expression on his face.
"Luna! You! You're Luna!" He excitedly speaks.
"Y-Yes! I am. H-How do you know me?" I ask, confused.
"Child... You are my baby... You are my baby!" He smiles, holding my cheeks with his gentle hands.
"Baby? W-What do you mean baby?-" My eyes widen as I look back at him, "W-Who are you?"
"Hm... Someone who watches all of the living children on earth."
"Are you... Sol?"
"Sol?... Oh, no child. I have no name. The name mortal's call me by all varies, but I have no name."
"B-But you are Sol, right?"
"Hm, I guess it would be easier for you to talk to me, if I had a name... So, yes. I am Sol. Also known as Xian, Shin, Kami, Dumnezeu, Dieu-"
"O-Okay, okay, I get it." I cut him off as he begins to ramble about different names.
"Anyways, I suppose I am 'Sol'." He grins, his eyes looking into me as if he can see through me.
"Wait, what did you mean by 'your baby'?" I ask.
He takes a deep breath, sitting back.
Out of nowhere, a bush grows under him, becoming a seat.
"Child, why don't you sit?" He waves his hand, another bush growing beside him.
I nod, cautiously moving to sit with him.
"We've met four times before?" He asks.
"Yes, I believe so..."
"Ha... This will be troublesome to explain." His eyes look back at me, smiling almost, "Child... You are my descendant."
"Child... Your eyes are mine. Millennia's ago, I grew overwhelmed with work I had to do. I was given the task to watch over earth, yet it seems as though it was a twisted joke from the others."
"Yes. There are more 'Sol's'. My name isn't of importance when many of us exist, taking on this role."
"Role? To be Sol?"
"Yes. Each Sol before, created a descendant of theirs to help the earth. Once it's time for me to leave, a descendant of mine will be chosen to take my place."
"Leave? But how can you die?"
He snickers, shaking his head.
"No, child. I don't 'die', I'll merely no longer exist to help humans. I've done this for many millennia's, eventually I will have a descendant take my place to ensure the earth is taken care of, but I won't die. I'll merely just exist for a new realm, it's difficult to explain it to a mortal though."
"I see... I think. Wait, so what does this have to do with me? I don't understand, I'm born from humans."
"Child... You are human, but not your soul." He smiles, holding my hand.
"My soul?"
I look back into his eyes, the constellations shifting again.

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