B.2 Chapter Forty-Eight

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After travelling for a few more days, we soon reach Xiao.
Cethin, Petunia, and Jax stalk the wagons, making sure to not be seen.
The wagons pull into the back of a building.
"Deimos, this is my Xiao store." Theas smiles, helping me out of the wagon.
I smile, looking up at the clean store.
"I'm so happy for you." I smile.
"Thank you, I'm honoured to have been given this chance." Theas smiles, he leans in whispering, "I can't bring you directly to the palace unfortunately."
He discreetly hands me a drawn out map.
"Go through the town, and borrow a horse here. If you want to see the rulers, you'll need to look like a noble to be allowed." Theas whispers, placing coins in my hand.
"I'll see you soon, Deimos." Theas smiles, stepping back as he waves goodbye.
"Goodbye... Thank you!" I bow my head, turning to run down the street.

I walk through the bustling streets of Xiao.
Market stalls lined up the roads as I follow the map.

"Ever been here?"
I look over to see Cethin walking alongside of me.
"Of course not. But I like it, it's lively." I smile, giggling.
"Yeah. The slums are a different story though." He shrugs.
"Still, it looks like it's doing better than what was described in history books."
"I guess it is."
I look at the women and men wearing traditional hanfus, roaming the market stalls.
I smile, enjoying the atmosphere as we walk.
"What about Petunia and Riddle?" I whisper.
"They're nearby, they're staking the area out incase." Cethin whispers.
"Staking it out?"
"Yeah... It's Xiao, we're the most wanted here."
"Oh I see."
"Mhm. So, if I tell you to run, run and don't hesitate or stop." Cethin speaks, a serious tone in his expression and voice.
"O-Okay..." I whisper, tensing up.
Cethin looks over at me before scoffing.
"Chicky, I'm just being cautious. I doubt anything bad would happen, but if something does happen and you're seen with me, you could get dragged into our mess."
"Just like I dragged you into my mess?" I grin.
"Hm, well yeah. I guess if it happens, we'll be even then." Cethin snickers, rolling his eyes.
Cethin holds his hand up, stopping me.
"Wait here." He speaks, walking to a stall.
He comes back, a large smile on his face.
"Here, these are really good." He holds out a pretty glass ornament on a stick.
"What is it?" I ask, taking the stick.
"It's a candy." He grins, beginning to suck on his candy.
I look at the pretty pale pink and blue candy, shaped as a bird.
"These are beautiful. Are you sure I can eat it?"
"Well duh. I'm eating it, aren't I?"
I giggle, looking as he takes a bite of his candy, the candy breaking as he chews it.
I hesitate, sliding the candy in my bag.
"I think I'll save it for later. I feel too guilty eating it." I giggle.
"Fine, but I can buy you tons more if you want."
"I'm okay for now, thank you."
"Alright, if you see anything you want, let me know."
I nod, walking beside him as I admire the lively stalls.

We hide in an alleyway, watching for any bystanders.
I quickly change, rummaging through my duffle for a formal men's uniform.
"Alright, the palace is still a little far. Cethin, did you get the horse?" Petunia asks.
"Yup, got it." Cethin replies, his back turned to me.
Riddle and Cethin patiently wait as I change into a dark navy men's suit with gold lining.
I fix my hair, checking my pocket mirror to make sure my makeup is fine.
"Alright, I'm ready." I call out.
They turn, surprised.
"Y'know, if your aura didn't give you away, your disguise would have fooled me." Riddle nods approvingly.
"Thanks, I do kind of have to commit to disguising, given the circumstance." I giggle, pinning up my cravat.
"We'll follow you from behind, and ahead of you to make sure nothing will happen." Cethin speaks, handing me a map and a small pouch.
I open the pouch to see a jewel pin with Empire Cypheler's insignia; a pin only nobles who've abundantly helped the empire can receive.
"C-Cethin?" I exclaim, surprised.
"C'mon, they won't let you in without any badge or evidence. It's mine, I swear." Cethin rolls his eyes.
I glare at him slightly, unsure if he's lying.
I sigh, pinning the badge on my cravat. I fix my cloak, picking my bag up.
"Ready?" I ask.
They nod, walking out of the alleyway.
I follow, steeling my nerves. I hook my bag onto the horse's saddle, jumping on as I lock my feet into the stirrups.
I watch as the three of them disappear into the crowds.
"Focus on getting somewhere safe first..." I whisper to myself, my worries for Cabel returning to me.
Taking a deep breath, I snap the reins, the horse taking off down the bustling street.

I slow down, approaching a large golden gate with high walls surrounding the palace.
The guards stop me of course, but speak to me in a language I can't understand.
"U-Um..." I hold my hand up, unbuttoning my cloak.
I point at the badge Cethin gave me.
The guards look back at each other before nodding, letting me in.
The gates open.
I take a breath of relief as the first hurdle is complete.
Jumping off the horse, I bring my bag with me as a guard guides me inside.
The palace surrounded with beautiful gardens, and stunning architecture.
I look up at the roof, sensing Cethin's aura. My nerves relax, comforted by sensing his aura close to me.
I follow the guard, walking down a corridor.
A man approaches us, bowing as he greets me.

"Hello. I am Ju-Yi." He introduces himself.
I bow my head.
"Hello, I'm Deimos. I've come from the Empire Cypheler to pass a letter to your rulers." I speak, keeping my voice low.
"What is the letter about?" He asks.
"It's private. Unfortunately, only the rulers of Xiao may hear it."
"Ruler Canella, and Queen Ming are busy at the moment. Is this an urgent message?"
"Yes. Emperor Cabel has sent me to speak with them as soon as possible."
Ju-Yi sighs, nodding.
"Come with me, you will have to wait but I'll inform their excellencies of your arrival."
I nod, following him through the palace.
Warriors stand on guard all over the palace, causing a intimidating environment.
I gulp, following him into a room.
"Please wait here." Ju-Yi speaks, bowing his head before leaving.
I look around the room, beautifully designed with bamboo mats, a large window overlooking the stone garden, and simple orchids.

I sit on the bamboo mat, gazing at a painting on the wall as I wait. The detailed painting of a dragon holding a golden orb, its eyes just as gold.
The door slides open.
I turn to see Canella and Ming enter, maids following behind them.
They wear matching blue hanfus, causing me to smile at how cute they are.
"Greetings, Ruler Canella, Queen Ming. I am Deimos." I stand, quickly bowing my head as I do my best not to smile.
"You may rise. Why did Emperor Cabel send a messenger?" Canella asks, sitting down.
Ming follows, sitting beside her.
"It's private and so I can only speak when there are no other ears in the room." I glance at the maids.
Ming raises her hand, speaking in Xiao's language.
The maids bow, exiting the room.
I look back at the two of them, my heart beating out of my chest.

'Cabel granted them power and a life to be together... I need to approach this carefully. They won't betray Cabel...'
Taking a deep breath, I think to myself as my anxiousness grows.
I glance at the windows and doors, trying to sense for auras of the warriors. I plan an escape route, trying to gather my words.
"What is the message?" Ming asks, smiling.
"The message was partially a lie." I speak.
"A lie?" Canella questions.
"Yes. His highness was not the one who sent me, rather Princess Luna Avri has sent me..."
"Luna? Why would she send a messenger? Is she alright?" Ming questions, surprised.
"Lady Luna has sent me to ask for your help." I gulp, watching their reactions, "She will be in danger if she stays in the empire any longer, and has asked for your protection."
Canella and Ming look back at each other.
"Why is she in danger?" Canella asks, her brows furrowing.
"His highness has broken their engagement, and has decided to execute her." I calmly speak, my heart beating out of my chest as I grow overwhelmed with fear.
My anxiousness grows larger, looking back at Canella's unreadable expression.
"His highness wishes for her execution?" Canella asks.
Ming quickly sobs, my eyes widening from her abrupt cries.
"W-What? But why? S-She can't be killed!" Ming exclaims.
"Shh, it's okay." Canella comforts Ming, "Why is she to be killed?"
Canella's voice trembles slightly as she remains calm, her eyes slightly pained.
Ming does her best to hold in her sobs.
My fear and anxiousness quickly disappear. Taking a deep breath, I smile.
"Because... I-I believe a witch has cursed him." I hesitantly speak, talking in my normal voice.
Ming and Canella look back at me, confused.
I raise my hand, removing my glasses as well as pushing my bangs away from my eyes.
"He abruptly acted different, and became violent... Many events happened, but I've seen enough proof to believe a witch has cursed him. I believe he's been trying to kill me under its influence." I speak, looking up at them.
Their eyes widen.
"L-Luna!" Ming exclaims.
She rushes to hug me.
"It's been a while..." I mutter, hugging her back.
"Lady Luna..." Canella speaks up, her eyes stern and intimidating.
I gulp slightly, looking back at her.
She instantly rushes over, hugging me too. My eyes water, relieved as they accept me.

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