Chapter Forty-One

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I adjust my light purple gown as maids tie up the exterior corset, and slip a pair of cream high heels on my feet.
They curl my hair, placing a crystal beret on the side.

"Look who's all dolled up."
I turn to see Cethin, sitting on the window sill of an opened window.
The maids look at him, shocked.
"It's alright, you may all leave." I excuse them.
The maids bow and exit the room.
I scoff, beginning to apply a pink balm to my lips.
"Peeping on me getting dressed? A tad perverted I must say." I look at myself in the mirror, paying no attention to Cethin.
"Oh come on, don't be like that. What's the occasion, huh?"
"No occasion, but since I am a concubine, I should dress formally."
"See? This is why nobles suck. Making sure they always look their best, incase you have to please your 'master'."
"Cabel's not my 'master', he is however the emperor, and I should maintain a good image incase."
"Incase of what exactly?" Cethin walks over to me, standing behind me.
He plays with my hair from behind as I fix my makeup.
"Incase I run into a noble or government official. It's uncommon that anyone who's allowed in the palace, would dress informally."
"Hm, you sure you're not meeting that guard?"
I turn around and scoff, lightly laughing.
I brush off Cethin's hand, pushing his hand away from my hair.
"I am meeting him, but I dress like this everyday." I walk past Cethin, grabbing a crystal bracelet.
"You seem close with him... Does it not bother the great Emperor Cabel?"
"I don't think it does. He even helped to arrange plans for Hayden and I to meet. Why does it matter to you?"
"Because I know he's hiding something."
"Hayden or Cabel?"
"Who's to say. Everyone's got secrets, and Hayden sure as hell has a huge one."
"Regardless of his secrets, they don't concern me. If you'll excuse me, I should go before I'm late."
"See ya later, Chicky." Cethin waves as he flips out of the window.
I roll my eyes and laugh.
"A secret?... It's probably Cethin being weird." I say to myself, leaving my room.

"Sir Hayden!" I wave at him as he sits at the garden table.
He stands, walking over to me. He holds out his arm to assist me.
"Beautiful, just like the lilacs." Hayden smiles, looking down at me.
"You like the dress then?"
"I do, but you make it look more pretty."
"Your flattery never ceases to amaze me." I laugh at his boldness.
He pushes in my chair as I sit down.
I watch him sit as a butler comes over.
"Bring a fruit tea for the lady, and a black tea for me." Hayden speaks, leaning back.
"Yes, sir. Would you like snacks to accompany the drinks?" The butler bows and asks.
"Of course. Bring extra cakes as well."
The butler bows and leaves.
He comes back after a few minutes pushing a tea trolley.
He sets up our table and promptly leaves as Hayden and I enjoy our drinks.
"How's your training going? I heard the assassins from Xiao are teaching you." Hayden asks, taking a sip of his black tea.
"Very well! I feel sore at times, but it's rather fun. I was told that eventually I'd learn how to use weapons, just like Jax does."
"I see, be mindful of your health. We wouldn't want you getting hurt or bedridden from being sore."
"I'll be okay. These days I feel much more healthier."
"Have the nightmares gone away?" Hayden asks, admiring the aroma of his tea.
"Surprisingly, yes. I don't know if you heard, but my brother came to the palace and tried attacking me... Sometimes I'll remember it and have nightmares, but lately I've been feeling happy and calm. I think the training's making me feel more secure about myself, knowing I'm not the same child as before."
"Sometimes our own enemies can be our inabilities of growing. You seem to understand how to become better for yourself."
"I guess so... It's a long journey to know who I am or who I'll be, but I'm slowly becoming secure with myself. I'm just grateful for Emperor Cabel as well as you for helping me grow more." I smile, remembering how warm Cabel's hand is whenever he cups my cheeks.
"Luna... I've been meaning to ask you, but haven't found the right time... How do you feel about me?-"
Hayden cuts himself off.

In a blink of an eye he stands, wielding his sword. His sword strikes a black dagger aimed at me.
I turn shocked, choking on my breath as I sense the demonic, crazed aura. A black fog appears, with a deranged devilish figure stepping out.
My heart pounds as I feel crushed by the dense aura of power, exuding off of the fog. My body begins shaking, watching the figure come to form.
Micheal steps out of the black mist.
His once blonde hair, transformed into a dull murky green shade. His vivid golden eyes replaced with a glowing lime green shade.

"Luna, duck!"
A voice yells out.
I freeze, unable to control my limbs. Hayden quickly pushes me down, covering me with his body.

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