B.2 Chapter Thirty-Six

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The palace workers begin waking up as the sun begins to rise through the gloomy dark clouds.
Luna sneaks out of the palace to the stables, rain continuing to pour down as she runs.
She enters the quiet barn to see Liam preparing breakfast for the horses.

"Good morning." She calls out.
Liam turns around and bows.
"Lady Luna! What brings you here so early?" He asks.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but can you do me a favour?"
"Of course!"
"I need you to keep this bag safe... I'll come back for it, but please don't tell anyone I was here." Luna smiles sadly.
Liam looks at her, taken aback.
He thinks to himself, staring at her hand tightly closed into fists with a slight tremble.
He smiles slightly and nods.
"I understand, my lady." He bows, taking her bag, "I'll hide this in Adonia's stall so you may flee quicker..." He whispers.
"Thank you..." Luna smiles.
Luna reaches into her pocket taking out a small pouch, she places it in Liam's hands.
"My lady, this isn't necessary-"
"It is." Luna cuts him off, smiling, "You're doing me a large favour, and I'm extremely grateful for your help... Please accept it."
Liam nods, giving her a small smile back.
She smiles, turning around as she lifts her hood up.
She looks back at Liam and waves, leaving the barn.

"Your highness..." Lance speaks up.
Emperor Cabel sits in his office, reading through paperwork.
"Your highness-"
"I didn't say you could speak, so there's no reason for you to be talking." Emperor Cabel's eyes glow as he glares at Lance.
Lance bites his lip, taken aback.
He slightly trembles, overwhelmed by the emperor's aura.
"No, your highness... We should talk."
"And I didn't give you an order to open your mouth. Are you going to stand there slack jawed and disobey me?" Emperor Cabel authoritatively speaks.
Lance tightens his hand into a fist.
He gulps, clenching his jaw.
"Your highness, Lady Luna is your fiancée. Lady Esmerelda is a minor, and your fiancée's younger sister!-"
Instantly, Emperor Cabel stands, his hand gripping Lance's throat.
"She is not my fiancée. I choose who I marry, and I'm going to marry Esmerelda. I suggest you obey, before I decide you're a waste of space." Emperor Cabel's eyes glow threateningly as he chokes Lance.
Lance struggles to breathe until the emperor's grip disappears.
Lance coughs, gasping for air.
Emperor Cabel sits back down, continuing to work.
Lance quickly leaves the office.

Luna walks through the hallway, her heart beating out of her chest as she approaches the office doors.
She raises her hand, knocking on the door.
She takes a deep breath as her hand slightly trembles. She looks around, the hallway empty.
The door opens.
Emperor Cabel stands in front of her, his brow raised as his eyes glare back at her.
"What do you want?" He harshly speaks.
Luna's trembling hands quickly stop as she clenches her hands into fists.
"Cabel... I deserve an explanation." Luna confidently speaks, looking back at him.
"An explanation? I don't owe you anything." He grins coldly, turning to close the door.
"We're engaged Cabel! I deserve an explanation, especially when you kiss a child! It's sickening and I need to know why, you would ever think about doing such a thing!" Luna shouts, grabbing Cabel's wrist before he can close the door.
Emperor Cabel snaps his head, glaring back at her coldly until his eyes flicker.
He looks down at Luna, his expression changing from harsh to confused.
"Luna?..." He whispers.
She takes a small step back, thrown off guard as he kindly speaks.
He steps out into the hallway, stepping closer to her. His hand reaches out to touch her hair.
Luna looks back at him surprised, her eyes watering as she stares confused by his soft gaze.

"He loves me."

Luna jumps, stepping away from Emperor Cabel.
She looks past him to see Esmerelda stepping out of his office.
"Sister, his highness loves me... I know it's upsetting that you had to find out this way, but I never wanted to hurt you." Esmerelda speaks up.
She steps beside Emperor Cabel, holding his arm closely.
"Don't you?" Esmerelda looks up at Emperor Cabel.
His expression changes growing stern, his eyes glowing vividly.
"I just need Esmerelda. I don't need to explain anything to you." His voice coldly calls out.
"Cabel?-" Luna's voice is cut off.
"Guards!" Emperor Cabel shouts.
Down the hall, two guards rush down.
"Arrest her!" Emperor Cabel shouts.
The guards look at each other confused.
"From this day forward, Luna Avri is no longer my fiancée. She will be executed for attempting to murder her own sister." Emperor Cabel announces, glaring at Luna as he stands protectively in front of Esmerelda.
Esmerelda's eyes water, holding onto Emperor Cabel's arm.
"Murder?..." Luna whispers to herself.
The guards hesitate, looking back at each other.
They move to detain Luna, grabbing her arms.
Luna stares, frozen as the guards drag her down the hall.
She looks at Esmerelda and Cabel who move to enter the office.
"Let go of me..." Luna mutters, gritting her teeth.
"L-Lady Luna, you have the right to remain silent. You are under arrest for attempting to murder-"
"I said unhand me!" Luna shouts, cutting off the guard.
Her powers surge explosively as it releases from her body, lighting the hall with her aura.

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