Chapter Sixty-Six

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"Hm?" Duke Oslo stands outside in the rain, his eyes following Luna as she rides off.
He closes his eyes, remembering her hair falling out of the headgear. Her face, slightly flushed and dewy from the rain.
Duke Oslo's ears slightly turn red.
"This is troublesome." Duke Oslo covers his mouth with his hand.
His lips form into an embarrassed restrained smile, picturing Luna's smile.
"Your grace, would you like us to call for a carriage?" A nurse walks outside.
"No, that won't be necessary."
Duke Oslo jumps on his horse, riding off in the opposite direction.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Emperor Cabel groans, leaning against the desk.
Alone in his office, he mutters to himself.
"I didn't mean to make it seem as if I didn't love you..."
Emperor Cabel stares off into the room, his mind running wild with thoughts until an image appears in his head.
Lost in his imagination, he looks ahead of him, picturing Luna standing in front of him.
Her flowing hair glistening brightly, her eyes gentle and sweet as they look back at him, and a pale rose shade upon her smiling lips.
"These feelings... I'm afraid..."
He looks at his hands, a distant memory of a dazzling ball entering his mind.
He shakes his head slightly, looking back at Luna, smiling calmly with her hands crossed.
"It's not too late to protect you... But what do I do to protect you too?" He closes his eyes, holding his head.

"Hurry up!" Luna calls out to Cethin.
"My stupid horse is just tired!" Cethin scoffs.
They ride up the hill, entering back in from where they came. They enter the riding fields, galloping into the stables.
The horses neigh, shaking their heads from the rain water.
"Good job Adonia!" Luna jumps off, petting the horse.
She grabs a cloth, drying the horse as does Cethin.
"Welcome, you're back so soon?" The stableboy comes from the back, bowing.
"Yes, feed them well, they did great. What's your name?" Luna calls out.
"I-I am Liam, Lady Luna."
"Well Liam, thank you. I assure you've kept our secret well?"
"Of course! Please, come back whenever you need, I'll keep your secret then too." Liam bows, smiling politely.
"Thank you." Luna reaches into her pocket, she places multiple gold coins in Liam's hand, turning around to leave, "Take care of them, we'll be off."
Luna waves, leaving with Cethin.

"Man, that was a blast! I haven't ridden a horse in years!" Cethin takes his headgear off.
"It was! It was nice finally seeing the district."
"Have you never been there?"
"Of course I haven't. I'm supposed to stay on the palace grounds." Luna shrugs, "Anyways, thank you for accompanying me. I'll head back with you."
"I want to check on Jax."
"What is it?"
"He's still not awake yet... Stupid idiot shouldn't have hurt you." Cethin mumbles, sighing as he looks at his feet.
"It was just an accident, but I want to check his health. Will you show me his room?"
"Yeah, yeah, like I could even say no. Come on."
Cethin brings her to Jax's bedroom, the halls still empty with the bustling sounds of guards playing downstairs.
"Grab your clothes from my room after." Cethin disappears through a hallway window.
Luna giggles, entering Jax's room.
His body lying in bed, wearing a white loose shirt. His expression calm and poised.
"Jax?" Luna calls out.
Luna approaches the bed, she stares at his expression.
"It's been a while now... I hope you wake up soon, we're worried about you." Luna sighs.
She places her hand on his.
His eyes abruptly open.
"Ah!" Luna screams, instantly covering her mouth.
"Ugh, what the hell happened?" Jax groans as he sits up, holding his head.
"W-Wait, don't move! You've been asleep for days!"
"I didn't expect you to wake up like this... I need to talk to you." Luna stares at Jax who seems confused.

"That's what happened?" Jax mutters.
Luna nods after explaining everything.
"I need to know why you did it... I'm saving your neck, but it didn't seem like a simple accident, so I deserve the answer. Why did you do it?"
"L-Luna... I don't remember anything."
"I remember watching you and Cethin train. My head started hurting, a sharp pain ran down my neck, and I woke up here. I don't remember anything, I swear!" Jax's complexion turns pale as he tries to think back.
Luna sits back in the chair, confused.
"You don't remember anything?" Luna stares at his expression.
"No! I-I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you, but I don't remember anything! I'm being honest!" Jax winces as he holds his head.
"What even happened, can you remember anything at all?"
"I-I remember watching you and Cethin, you jumped up on the railing and ended your duel, but then everything went to black like I fell asleep. It was like my body was floating in space."
"Hm..." Luna thinks to herself.
She sighs, standing up.
"I understand." Luna nods, stepping to leave.
"W-Wait! I could get killed for this..."
"You won't. I made sure you wouldn't be punished since I want to believe it was an accident. I trust in you and your words, so I hope it's not all a lie later on." Luna's eyes analyze him.
Jax nods slightly, watching Luna turn around, leaving his room.

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