B.2 Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Your highness, we received word that the knights are returning from the lapis mine."
Lance bows, handing Cabel a letter.
Cabel takes it, reading through it.
I sit in the bed, watching them speak at the side of the bed.
"Did any of the knights get killed?" Cabel asks.
"Thankfully no, your highness. They'll give a detailed explanation once they return."
"Good. Prepare a funeral service to be held for the miners."
"Yes, your highness."
Lance bows to Cabel, and bows again to me.
"Lady Luna, please rest well. I'll bring something for you to eat soon. May glory of Helios rest upon you, your highness."
Lance leaves the room, closing the door gently as to not make a sound.
Cabel stands, his body moving on to the bed.
I watch as he gently picks up my body, placing me in between his legs.
My back rests against his chest, his arms coming to wrap around me from behind.
I sit confused, until a book rests on my lap.
Cabel's fingers flip the book open.
The words on the pages, familiar to me.
"Hm... I think you were here last time I saw. The guide dragon was explained to be an enticing shade of blue's and green's. Dragons who once were feared by all, were soon embodied in the celestial sky. Their souls were immortal and lived on in the afterlife, carrying those worthy up to the heavens to be placed in the stars as well." Cabel's deep voice reads the story.
My eyes widen as I listen to his voice, reading mythical stories he never seemed to care for.
'Is he doing this because he knew I was bored?'
I stare at the words on the pages, my heart growing warm as I lean my head back against his chest.
His voice comforting me as he continues to read the book.

Cabel continues reading, finishing almost half the book.
I enjoy every second as he reads out to me, soon the door knocks.
Cabel raises his hand, opening the door with his powers.
"Come in." He calls out.
Lance enters, pushing a cart.
On top is a teapot with two teacups, and a tray with a bowl.
Cabel takes the tray, placing it on my lap. He sets the book to the side, adjusting himself as he faces me from behind.
I look down at the tray, the bowl filled with a pale orange purée.
"My lady, this is something the chef's worked hard to make. It's a peach basil purée. The peaches have been boiled and simmered to become soft. They thought it'd be a nice change of pace from the heavy broths you've been eating." Lance explains, smiling kindly.
He pours a pale yellow tea into the cups.
"I can feed her." Cabel speaks up, picking up the spoon.
"Yes, your highness." Lance bows his head.
He sets the cart by the bed so Cabel can easily reach it.
Lance exits the room, leaving Cabel and I.
Cabel lifts the bowl, taking a spoonful of the fruit purée, bringing it to my mouth.
The warm purée enters my mouth, the taste is somehow not bland.
A fruity sweet taste runs across my tongue, accompanied with a warm peppery-mint taste.
He slowly feeds me more, watching my swallow each bite.
The bowl is soon emptied, my stomach feeling nicely full.
Cabel sets the bowl down onto the tray, glancing over at my face. He brings a napkin up to my lips to wipe off the juice from the purée.
Before the napkin touches my lips, he pauses.
I stare back at him confused, instantly his warm lips press against mine.
The kiss is soft and gentle, his lips almost caressing against mine, barely putting any pressure with a feather soft kiss.
He pulls away, licking my lips lightly. Soon his face blushes.
He covers his mouth with his hand.
"Damn it. I didn't mean to take advantage of you. I'm sorry..." Cabel's brows furrow, his face red with embarrassment and guilt.
I stare back at him as he thinks to himself, beating himself up as he blushes.
I can't help but laugh in my mind at his sweet innocence.
"Here, have some tea." Cabel coughs, clearing his throat.
He places the tray on the cart, lifting the teacup.
He brings it to his lips, tasting it.
"It's not hot, so you won't burn yourself." Cabel speaks, savouring the taste.
He brings it up to my lips. A floral and sweet aroma hits my nose.

'What is this? Have I had this before?'
I think to myself, the teacup touching my lips.
The warm tea enters my mouth, spreading across my tongue. My body warms up at the comforting, soothing taste.
'This... It tastes like a spring breeze.'
I think to myself.
The haunting memories silence instantly, disappearing from my mind; leaving no trace of it's bitter darkness behind.
In place of the traumatic nightmares, a gentle spring scene fills my mind; flower petals flying through the warm gentle breeze, the clear clouds in the vibrant blue sky, with a sweet floral scent filling the air.
I glance down at the cup, my mind silenced and cleared of any horrific scene that haunted me.
The gentle spring image, leaving behind it's warmth as I come back to my senses.
'This tea... It was the first time I tasted something delicious... It was the first time I felt comforted and safe...'
My eyes begin watering as I stare at the cup.
'It was the first time I wasn't afraid to enjoy something...'
The memory of being in the golden palace for the first time, enters my mind.
'Lance... You gave me this tea for the first time, thinking I was sick of herbal tea... You were so sweet, and considerate to someone like me...'
The heavy burden of feeling as a monster slowly begins to lift off my shoulders.
I look up to see Micheal.
His face expressionless as he stares back at Cabel and I.
'It was the first time in my life I felt safe... I... I forgot how this feels. I forgot how it feels to be safe. I forgot how it feels to accept such safety...'
Micheal's eyes sadly look back at me.
My eyes water as I watch him disappear into the air.
Warm tears drip down my cheeks. The heavy chains around my wrists disappearing too.
'I felt what love is meant to be here... I felt what warmth and safety was, for the first time from everyone here... Everyone here cared about me and they still do... They opened their arms out to me, and accepted me... Even when I feel like a monster, even when I have this blood running through me, they still love me just the same... How could I be so blind to ignore their love for me?...'

"Luna?" Cabel calls out.
He places the cup down onto the cart, peeking over to look at my face.
I slowly turn my head to look back at him.
A warm buzzing sensation grows in my chest as I stare back at Cabel.
His eyes widen slightly as his hand touches my arm, a gold haze rising from my injuries.
"Your aura..." Cabel whispers, stunned.
"It tastes like a spring breeze..." I whisper, my tears easily falling down.
My voice comes out effortlessly, my throat choking up at the sensation of my voice escaping my lips.
My body grows light, the blistering sore pain from the burns on my face, neck, and body disappear, healing instantly.
Cabel stares back, his eyes widened fully as they glisten, building up with tears.
"Your voice... Your powers-" He whispers, his voice cracking slightly.
"Cabel..." I call out, my body tingling as my senses return.
"Luna!" Cabel's eyes begin overflowing with tears, tightly hugging me.
I hug him back tightly, feeling his heartbeat quickly.
'I'm safe here, I'm safe in your arms.'
I think to myself, crying as I hold onto him.

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