B.2 Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Luna takes a deep breath, stepping onto the aisle.
The chapel decorated with white flowers, diamonds strung through vines, and sheer curtains to make an ethereal scene.
Emperor Cabel's eyes widen as he looks back at her.
Her long flowing white gown, with her veil encrusted with diamonds.
He smiles, watching her walk with Sylvan by her side.
Luna smiles, waving at the marquess's family and the duke. Ruler Canella and Ming smile, tearing up as they watch her.
Luna stops in front of the platform.
She turns to Sylvan who smiles, hugging Luna.
"I love you so much." Sylvan whispers, kissing both of Luna's cheeks.
Luna squeezes Sylvan's hand.
"I love you too, mother." Luna smiles, tearing up.
Emperor Cabel steps down the alter, bowing his head to Sylvan.
"Thank you." He whispers to Sylvan, taking Luna's hand.
Sylvan bows her head back, walking to stand by the others.
Emperor Cabel and Luna walk up the alter, hand in hand.
The guests sit as the priest raises his hand.
"Today we are joining his royal highness, Emperor Cabel, to wed our future empress, Princess Luna Avri." The priest speaks up, smiling.

The ceremony continues on as the priest prays, blessing the both of them.
"Your highness, do you solemnly swear upon your crown to love and cherish your bride, through sickness and health?" The priest asks, holding out the gold chalice.
"I do." Emperor Cabel responds, smiling.
He sips the wine, handing it back to the priest.
"And do you, Princess Luna, do you solemnly swear upon your future crown to love and cherish your groom, through sickness and health?" The priest asks.
"I do." Luna replies, smiling.
She sips the wine.
"The rings?" The priest asks.
Lance walks closer, presenting the rings.
A silver cigar band with gold dust encased, and a silver band encrusted with rubies sits on the pillows.
Emperor Cabel takes the ruby band, sliding it onto Luna's finger, accompanying her engagement ring.
Luna takes the cigar band, sliding it onto Emperor Cabel's finger.
"We pray to Sol, wishing the very best to our emperor and empress. Please bless this couple with a long life together, giving them eternal happiness. The crown?" The priest bows his head, holding out a red velvet pillow with a empress's crown.
Emperor Cabel takes a shaky breath as he lifts his bride's veil.
He holds his breath, giving a pleased smile as he looks at her radiant beauty.
Luna gives a soft smile, gazing back at him with teary eyes.
Emperor Cabel takes the crown, gently placing it on her head.
"Your royal highness, and your majesty, Emperor Cabel and Empress Luna, you are both from this day rulers who will lead Empire Cypheler hand in hand. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest smiles.
Emperor Cabel steps closer, gazing back into Luna's eyes.
His face approaches close to hers, their noses almost touching.
"I love you." Emperor Cabel whispers.
Luna smiles.
"I love you too-"
She's cut off as he pulls her waist close to him. His other hand on her jaw as he angles her face upwards.
He kisses her deeply, the guests clapping and cheering as they watch their first kiss as a married couple.
He pulls away grinning pleased, Luna's expression growing red.
"Y-You didn't need to kiss me like that..." Luna whispers, mumbling.
"But I did... I'll always want to kiss you like that until my last breath, even then I was holding back." He grins, kissing her again.
He picks her up, her arms wrapping around his neck.
"C-Cabel! P-Put me down, I can walk!" Luna exclaims, embarrassed.
"And let my wife walk in such a heavy dress? What kind of a husband would I be?" He grins, kissing her lightly as he steps down the aisle.
The guests stand, clapping as they throw flower petals onto the aisle towards the newly wed couple.
Luna blushes, embarrassed as she gazes down at Emperor Cabel.

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