Chapter Sixty-One

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"Have you been enjoying your time in the Cypheler empire, Lady Luna?" Marquess Simone asks, sipping his tea.
Luna nods.
"Yes, it's so beautiful here. The libraries are all filled with books too, so it's been fun reading them." Luna smiles.
"Yes, I've heard you're an avid reader. I also heard you're intelligent due to being quite studious, maybe you could become a consultant." Marquess Simone smiles kindly.
"A consultant?" Luna repeats.
"Yes. An educational consultant, a royal consultant, and even an advisor for his highness."
"Unfortunately, I'm his highness's concubine. There isn't much I can do." Luna sighs slightly.
"Well, his highness cares for you greatly, so he could allow you to become one." Marquess Simone shrugs.
"I..." Luna sighs dejectedly.
Duke Oslo notices her expression, calm yet her brow slightly furrowing at the mention of Emperor Cabel.
"Yes! You would be able to do so much fun things if you became a consultant. You could stay as his concubine if you're not interested, but if you become a consultant, you'd be able to do something on your own accord." Marchioness Adara elegantly sips her tea.
"I agree. His highness would be supportive, I'm sure he wouldn't want you to grow bored." Marquess Simone nods, agreeing with his wife.
Luna smiles and nods.
"Yes, I suppose I'll speak to him about it, once I've thought about it more." Luna replies politely.

After finishing the tea, Marquess Simone and Marchioness Adara get ready to leave.
"It's been a pleasure meeting you! Please, come visit us whenever you want to get out of the palace." Marchioness Adara sweetly offers, grasping Luna's hands again.
"Of course, thank you for the offer, Lady Adara." Luna curtsies as the family walks down the gazebo steps.
"We'll speak again soon, duke." Marquess Simone bows, leaving with Lady Dulcie holding his hand.
"Safe travels home, marquess." Duke Oslo responds, waving.
Luna sighs slightly, smiling.
"I believe it's time for me to return as well." Luna begins to step away from the table.
"Just a minute, I'd like a word with you." Duke Oslo speaks up, stopping her.
Luna nods confused, sitting back down.
Duke Oslo waves for the maids to leave them. He watches them leave the area, ensuring they're out of earshot.
"What's going on between you and his highness?" Duke Oslo quietly asks.
Luna averts her eyes, shrugging.
"Oh, we're in a small fight I suppose."
"You're in a fight with him?" Duke Oslo looks back at her, astonished.
"Yes... I believed love was going to be easy but after speaking with you, I'm questioning if I truly love him..."
"May I ask why you think that?"
"I'm so grateful to his highness... I care for him so much and I'm sure I do love him, but after our disagreement I realized that his words don't seem as if he loves me."
"What did his highness do?"
"He said hurtful things that I was just a concubine, how I should just be useful to him... I don't want to love someone who can't respect me back, regardless of nobility ranks. He's told me he loves me, but it seems I was full of myself to assume our ranks wouldn't matter. I've dealt with too much that I now know, I don't want anyone to treat my like how my family did. I want to be heard and respected, and now it shows he's no longer suitable to my standards."
"I see... But I'm glad to see you're beginning to accept your pain, and grow from it." Duke Oslo smiles reassuringly.
"Yes... I believe I am now... I just know now thanks to our talk, I want someone who will treat me equally and hear what I have to say."
"In this empire it's going to be difficult to find someone like that, especially if you're known as his highness's concubine."
"I agree, but finding a partner is not a necessity to me, I just know I want to find who I'll be for now. I simply want a good relationship with his highness for now, in the hopes he'll allow me to be free. Yet, it seems impossible when he just views me as a tool to marry."
"His highness proposed to you?" Duke Oslo's eyes widen.
"Yes... He suggested I marry him for politics, but I don't want to give up finding myself just to become the queen."
"A queen?"
"He believes I'd be perfect for queen... That's the other thing, I don't want to become the queen knowing he'll bring an empress in. I'll always wonder if he gently speaks to her like how he speaks to me, or cares for her the same way. I'd rather stay a concubine and ignore these feelings for him, so I can live quietly. My heart has already been in enough disarray, and I don't wish to further hurt it."
"I see..." Duke Oslo thinks to himself, fiddling with the empty teacup in front of him, "I know I'm unable to give much advice but if you ever need help, I'll be here for you."
"How come?" Luna looks at him, confused.
"Who's to say. I merely like who you are, and wish to help if I can." Duke Oslo smiles amused, shrugging slightly.
Luna nods and smiles kindly.
"Thank you, your grace..."
"Of course."
Luna inhales deeply and kindly stares at him.
"You're very kind." She smiles.
"Well of course. Have you heard differently?" Duke Oslo snickers.
"Not at all. I just didn't expect you'd be this kind and easy to talk to." Luna giggles, her tense shoulders relaxing.
They speak more, enjoying the weather.

Duke Oslo sits alone at the gazebo.
He stares at the vast sky, sighing as he watches the clouds.
"I would take her to the dukedom if she wanted..." Duke Oslo whispers.
He scoffs, realizing the words that slipped out of his mouth.
He smiles slightly, staring at the empty cup in front of him.
"Your grace, your carriage is ready." A butler approaches , bowing.
"I'll leave in a few moments. I wish to sit here and watch the birds." Duke Oslo waves off the butler.
He sits alone, watching the birds fly among the bright orange setting sky.
His eyes follow the birds passing over the palace, until seeing Luna's window in the distance.
Luna's silhouette passes the window, walking around her room as she reads a book.
Duke Oslo grins slightly.
"If you spoke the words for help, I'd just take you for myself." He mutters.
Duke Oslo stands, stepping down the gazebo steps as he shakes his head, laughing at himself.

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