B.2 Chapter Thirty-Four

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We return the horses back to the stable, luckily Liam was the only one there.
We walk back to the palace as I look up at the grey depressing sky.
"Thank you for your help today." I smile, bowing my head towards Cethin and Xal.
"It was no biggie, Chicky." Cethin snickers, patting my head.
"Hurry in, someone could be looking for you." Xal waves.
I wave, running inside.

A maid takes my cloak, another maid handing me a wet towel to wipe my hands.

"Lady Luna?"
I turn to see Duke Oslo, walking towards me.
"Your grace, good evening." I curtsy.
"What are you doing here?" He asks, confused.
"Hm? What do you mean?" I tilt my head.
Duke Oslo looks back at me and at the maids around us.
He waves them to leave us, before bringing me down the hall to a quiet isolated area.
"Your grace, is something wrong?" I whisper.
"Aren't you having dinner with his highness?" He asks.
"Yes, I'm going to see him right now. Is something the matter?"
Duke Oslo looks at me, confused.
He shakes his head.
"Forgive me, I seem to be sleep deprived. I saw you, didn't I?"
"Um... I'm sorry, you've lost me now." I raise my brows, confused too.
"Well... The marquess and I were in his highness's office, waiting for him to come back. You came in, looking for him."
"I did?"
I look at Duke Oslo confused, as he looks back at me equally confused.
"Well... I was out training, I didn't come in until now." I reply.
Duke Oslo thinks to himself, baffled.
"Um, your grace, I need to talk to you about the mine incident. I was going to tell Cabel about it." I speak up.
"What is it?"
"Well... Okay, I lied about training, but please promise not to tell anyone about it. I wasn't training, I went to the district to heal the victims..."
"You did?" Duke Oslo looks at me worried, "Is your condition okay to do such a thing?"
"Yes, I promise I'm fine, but... One of the miners, he said he saw a lady with black hair, and bright green eyes in the mines. He claims he didn't see a beast at all." I whisper.
Duke Oslo's eyes widen.
"A lady?"
I nod.
He takes a deep breath, holding his forehead.
"We've kept it a secret, but we have two other reports from miners who saw a lady too. The exact same descriptions." Duke Oslo whispers.
"Three people so far have seen a lady, but everyone else claims to have saw a beast? I'm confused."
"It gets more confusing. We have many reports of people seeing a beast with matching descriptions, and the reports of a lady. However, the only different solo claim is your sister's."
"Esmerelda's?" I ask.
Duke Oslo nods.
"Black fur, claws, fangs, but the only difference was the eyes... Other's said they saw a beast with green eyes, but your sister's the only one who said red."
"I see..."
"We're waiting for the sketch artists to meet with all the victims, but the story seems to have multiple truths. A third victim claiming to see a lady makes this investigation for difficult." Duke Oslo sighs.
"Please let me know how it goes. I'll tell Cabel about it." I curtsy, turning to leave.
"Lady Luna." Duke Oslo calls out.
I turn back to face him.
"I suggest you speak to his highness privately about this."
I nod, turning to leave.

"Lance!" I call out.
Lance turns around, holding an empty tray.
"Lady Luna? Is something wrong?" He asks.
"Where's Cabel?"
"Um, he's in his office... Weren't you there already, Lady Luna?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Well, Esmerelda said you and his highness wanted some wine." Lance explains.
"Esmerelda?... What happened exactly?" I ask.
"Well, she and his highness had dinner together when you didn't arrive, so they decided to wait for you in his highness' office. Oh, before they left though, Lady Esmerelda asked me to bring some wine for his highness and you."
"Did you see me in the office when you brought it?"
Lance looks at me, confused.
"Well no, I didn't... I just assumed you were in there already. Lady Esmerelda took the wine in for me."
"I see... For now, I just need to talk to Cabel privately."
"Of course, my lady. I'll escort Lady Esmerelda back to her room then."

Lance and I walk down the hall to Cabel's office.
I open the door, my eyes widening as a numbed chill rushes down my spine.
My stomach instantly churns, feeling nauseated.
"Y-Your highness!" Lance shouts, dropping the tray.
Lance and I look on in the office.
Ahead of us, Cabel sits in his chair, his arms wrapped around Esmerelda as they kiss.
Esmerelda pulls away from the kiss, looking back at us with a slight sly grin.
Cabel's eyes faintly glowing as they glare back at me.
"Who said you could come in?" Cabel's voice growls out.
"C-Cabel..." I whisper, feeling sick to my stomach.
"Y-Your highness! Lady Esmerelda! What are you doing!" Lance shouts.
"I'm sorry... His highness told me he loved me, and I feel the same way about him... I'm sorry, sister." Esmerelda's eyes fill with tears as she sniffles.
"I...I..." I stutter, attempting to process everything, "I need to go."
I turn, running away down the hallway as a heavy nauseous sensation hits me.
"Lady Luna!" I hear Lance call out after me.

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