B.2 Chapter Forty-Six

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I step off the carriage, looking up at Theas' store.
Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I throw my hood up before entering.
The cafe busier than before as nobles relax, sipping their coffees.
I can't help but smile, relieved his store is doing well. I approach the counter, noticing Theas.
He turns, giving a big smile.
"Hello! Would you like a table?" He asks.
"Unfortunately, not today. My name is Deimos, would it possible if we can speak in private?" I whisper.
He looks at me confused, until nodding.
"Of course. Please, follow me to the back." He gestures for me to come with him.
I nod, stepping to the back of the cafe.
We enter his office as he closes the door after me.
"I apologize for the mess, I've been too busy to clean lately. Would you like a cup of coffee, Deimos?" He asks.
I shake my head, giving him a smile.
"No, thank you. I came because I heard you would be able to help me..." I speak, taking my glasses off.
He looks at me momentarily confused, until his eyes widen in shock.
"Lady Luna?" He exclaims, whispering.
I nod.
"Hello Theas. It's been a while." I chuckle.
"Lady Luna, I was so worried about you!" Theas whispers, "His grace contacted me, asking if I was willing to help you. I said I would do anything to help, and he just said you'd tell me in person whenever you came. I didn't expect you to be in a disguise though!"
"Someone suggested that a disguise would be best for now. Are you certain you'll help me?"
"Of course!" Theas sits in his chair, leaning forward, "Lady Luna... A rumour was spread that you were wanted for attempted murder. I couldn't believe it at all! Granted, I don't know everything about you, but I do know you're someone who helped me when times were difficult. I might be blinded by your kindness, but I know someone as kind as you, could never do such a thing."
"Thank you for your belief in me. I don't want you to help me if it's out of 'repayment' though. If you're caught helping me, you could be punished. It's a rather large risk to take for 'paying a debt'."
"Lady Luna, it's somewhat out of repaying you, but it's also that I believe in people. I genuinely believe that you would never do such a thing as attempting to murder someone. So I can't reject to help you, especially when I believe you're innocent." Theas smiles, giving a look of reassurance.
I nod, smiling back.
"Thank you." I whisper.
He nods, sitting back in his chair.
"What is it that you need help with?" He asks.
"Well... I know you have a shipment leaving for Xiao tonight."
"Yes, there is."
"Would you smuggle me in your shipment, and take me to Xiao? All I need is transportation getting there."
"Of course! It should be easy with your disguise. I'll claim you're a new worker going to help at my store."
"Come, we shouldn't be late, Deimos." Theas stands.
I nod, following him out of his office.

My heartbeat quickens as I stare at the carriages filled with boxes.
Men quickly working to load the products, bustling around the loading grounds.
"This is our farm storage. It's where the beans are aged, and where the beans are shipped from." Theas explains, walking me through the grounds.
"It seems like a lot of work." I quietly speak, staring at the rows of boxes.
"It is, but thanks to a certain someone, we have enough money to hire workers now. Come, we'll be travelling in these." Theas brings me to a row of wagons lined up.
"The men and knights accompanying us, will ride in these. It takes a bit over a week to get to Xiao, depending on how many breaks we take."
"I see, will we be camping out?" I ask.
"Yes. I'll bring an extra tent for you to use. We have more than enough food too, so you don't need to worry about that."
"Okay, thank you."
"Of course! You'll be riding with me."
Theas brings me to a smaller wagon.
He makes me sit and wait, until everything's finished being loaded.
We take off, leaving for Xiao.
Theas and I share a wagon on the journey. I watch as he sits, reading through his documents.
I lean my head back growing tired by the ride. Closing my eyes, I fall asleep realizing how drained I've been.

"Deimos- Deimos?"
I slowly open my eyes as a voice calls out to me.
"We're going to take a break, would you like to get up and stretch?" Theas asks.
I nod.
A few days have passed since we began the journey.
I stay quiet and by myself, even when there are others who try to talk to me.
Taking a step off the wagon, I stretch my arms, noticing the workers beginning to set up their tents.
I cautiously avoid looking at the knights who stand on guard, walking down to a stream. I dip my hands in, splashing the cool water on my face.
I sigh, looking back at my reflection in the stream.

'Cabel... Will he really be okay?'
I think to myself, finally having a moment of peace to think.
'A witch... But if all the witches were killed, how is there one alive? Did it escape long ago and stay hidden? But how would it be alive if it happened millennia or more ago?...''

I snap my head up, looking over at the trees across the stream. I glance back at the men who laugh and talk, far behind me on the campsite.
Cautiously, I stand, crossing the stream by stepping on the rocks.
I look around the trees curiously, walking through the small forest.
Instantly, a hand covers my mouth, pulling me deeper into the trees.
Panicking, I quickly blast my powers into them to get away. Their arms loosen, giving me a chance to run.

I freeze before I can sprint.
Quickly turning back around to the voice, I see Riddle hunched over.
"R-Riddle?" I exclaim, keeping my voice quiet.
"Y-Yeah." He takes deep breaths, winded from my powers.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know what else to do! A-Are you okay?" I explain, rushing up to him.
"I'm fine, just surprised me, that's all." He shrugs, standing up as he holds his stomach.
"Wait! H-How did you even find me?" I ask, confused.

I turn to my side, hearing another familiar voice.
I look to see Cethin and Petunia standing, out of breath.
"Cethin?... Petunia? W-Why are you guys here?" I ask, taken aback.
"We came because we heard what the emperor announced." Petunia calmly speaks up.
"You heard?..."
"Yes... He said you were wanted for murder..."
I look back at their expressions.
"He assigned us to find you, and execute you when we did..." Petunia looks down at the ground, clenching her hand into a fist.
"You're here to kill me?" I whisper, my throat choking up as I look back at Cethin.
His eyes stern, and cold.

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