Chapter Five

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In the royal palace, Lance rushes through the vast hallways, carrying documents.
He enters an office, placing the papers on the emperor's desk, before beginning to help organize the papers into small piles.

"Where's the letter regarding the sale with Bussare?" Emperor Cabel calls out, his eyes focused on his papers.
He holds his hand out, expecting the letter. Lance swiftly grabs a document, placing it between the emperor's fingers.

Emperor Cabel glances at the letter before laughing out in a scowling tone.

"That damned bastard. Always so money hungry. Send him my final invoice on the shipments from our islands. If he requests a higher percentage of the commission, terminate the deal and inform him another mistake will lead to the full revocation of his title as baron, and will have his land confiscated."
The emperor swiftly works through documents earnestly.
Lance assists his work until he pauses.
"Your highness, I just remembered." Lance speaks.
"What is it?" Emperor Cabel continues reading, unbothered.
"The princess from the fallen kingdom, Avris. I sent you a letter a few weeks back regarding her name, but I never received your response."
"And? You wrote that you've been addressing her as Luna. If that's the name you've called her by, then leave it as is." Emperor Cabel continues working, unfazed as his eyes scan over documents.
"May I go speak with her briefly? I'm sure she'd like to know the confirmation of her name."
Emperor Cabel lowers his papers as he glances at Lance.
"Don't tell me that you've fallen for a member in my harem." Emperor Cabel grins, amused.
"N-No, your highness! I simply grew close to Lady Luna while serving her. After all, the state you found her and the state she came in was pitiful, but she's different from the ladies in your harem. She's kind, caring, and intelligent, so I believe it would be appropriate to be kind to her."
"If you're going to blabber on, go have a quick word with her. On your way back, bring refreshments, I need a break."
"Yes, your highness, thank you." Lance bows and rushes out the office.

Lance reaches the golden palace, knocking on Luna's door.

"Come in." Her gentle voice calls out.

Lance enters and sees Luna sitting on the sofa reading. She stands, a radiant smile on her lips as she greets Lance.
"Lance! How have you been?" She asks.
Lance smiles and bows.
"I've been well, how have you been, my lady?"
"Good! Maggie's been so sweet, and makes the herbal tea taste just as delicious as yours."
"Maggie?" Lance looks back at her, charmed by her innocence.
"Oh yes! Magnolia's very young, so I thought to make her feel more comfortable, I should use a nickname for her."
"I see." Lance laughs lightly, "I come with good news, my lady."
"Oh, what is it?"
"His highness has agreed to your name being officially changed to Luna."
"Really? That's fantastic! I've grown accustomed to being called Luna, so I'm thankful he's agreed. Please give him my thanks." Luna smiles warmly to Lance.
Lance nods until bowing his head.
"Very well. I must head back to assist his highness now. Please continue reading, Lady Luna."

In the royal palace's office, Lance pours a pale yellow tea in a beautiful white and gold teacup, setting it on Emperor Cabel's desk.
Emperor Cabel picks up the teacup. Taking a sip, he leans back in his chair.

"What tea is this?" Emperor Cabel asks.
"It's apple linden tea, your highness. We received a gift of fresh linden, and thought it would be better to preserve it as a tea. Is it not to your liking?" Lance asks.
"No... It's fine." Emperor Cabel takes another sip, his expression calmed.
Lance smiles happily.
"I'm glad you enjoy it, your highness."

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