B.2 Chapter Fifty-Four

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Canella flips through the journal, handing it to me.
I begin reading it, my stomach dropping as I continue.

'Cypheler's rulers have more power than anyone in the land. They're most powerful because of their blood.
Every century a royal will be born, who wields powers greater than any demon; a shadow wielder will be born.
Princess Erembour; the shadow rider, is the rare child we need.
The princess will have the most mana in any kingdom and land, enough to feed hundreds of witches. Princess Erembour will be targeted. Once they drain her mana, they will devour her soul; becoming immortal. Their powers will be amplified because of the princess.
Princess Erembour will be targeted on her 21st birthday. Once twenty-one, her soul will be ripe to provide immortality.'

"A shadow wielder?" I mutter, looking over at Canella.
"Yes... His highness is being targeted because he's the only child born this century with these powers. We were thorough and checked all information of Cypheler's children, from all centuries dating back to when Princess Erembour was alive. After Princess Erembour was born, there has not been a single shadow wielder since for nine centuries, until now. His highness is the only shadow wielder after the princess."
I look back at her, stunned.
"What happened to the princess?" I ask.
Canella flips the book to the last page of the journal.

'The witches have moved to travel to Cypheler. I have no time left. The only advice I can give, is stay away.
Don't kill them, don't stand in their way, but don't let them have the princess. They're mortal until they consume the shadow wielder's soul, but they will not die. They will kill you first.
They will consume any mana a mortal has; weak or strong. Though they are mortal, killing them in this stage is impossible.
Hide, stay away from them, don't fight them.
We are abominations that never should have existed. Hide within cathedrals, temples, any holy place where curers are. Witches fear curers, but witches need curers too so be wary. Curers produce more mana than a shadow wielder, but if consumed wrong, the curer's mana becomes poison.
If a witch is weaker than the curer, the witch's soul will be damaged or killed.
Sapphirus is the only way to filter and store souls of victims, it's the only way they can devour a curers soul safely.
Curers give life, and take life.
We have made spells that allow us to absorb the abilities of those we eat. Once enough curers are eaten, we can take the soul from anyone. It'll make it easier to be unharmed when consuming a shadow wielder.
Lock away all sapphirus, hide the curers.
I hope humanity will be saved, I pray that I'll be able to rest in peace after sharing my knowledge.
Forgive me.'

My blood runs cold as I read the horrific letter.
I look up, confused at Canella.
"What?" I mutter, "Did they get to Princess Erembour?"
"Yes... As we know in history... Princess Erembour passed when she was twenty-one..."
"Yes... Princess Erembour hid in different cathedrals before her 21st birthday, but eventually she was taken. It took a year for the witches to find her, but the damage they caused on the empire's people was immense. Throughout their time in Cypheler, they slowly absorbed a majority of the citizens mana and souls, becoming more powerful than when they first arrived. By the time they found the princess, the witches had consumed multiple healers and became strong enough to overtake the princess. Cypheler searched all over the territories to find the descendant or anyone who could help while she was hiding, but the journey took too long trying to scour the lands... Once they had spoken with Xiao, they learned about the witch who wrote this journal. Xiao admitted that in fear, they ripped the corpse's limbs apart. They burned the torso, throwing the limbs into the sea, and kept the head locked in a enchanted glass box. Xiao gave Cypheler's troops the head, and told them the descendant is a beast in the end, and they wouldn't be able to ask it for help. They gave the head to use as evidence for if they ever found the descendant, and when they did, they quickly presented it to the dragon. That's how the dragon came to save the empire before all lives were lost."
"This... What would happen to the empire if the witch consumes Cabel's mana and soul?"
"The same thing that happened in history. Lives would be lost, and an eternal curse will fall onto the lands."
I look down at the journal, my resolve to save Cabel growing stronger.
I pause looking at the word 'sapphirus'.
"Sapphirus..." I whisper.
"Sapphirus?... Oh, yes it's a type of crystal, though I don't know if there are any that exist now."
"No, it does... Sapphirus... Sapphirus is what the crystal was called centuries ago... A century ago they renamed it. I remember reading a book about crystals and their origins. It's been renamed from sapphirus to... To lapis..." I mutter, realization hitting me about the lapis crystal.
"Lapis?... But-"
"Canella... The witch tried to consume my aura... I remember... I woke up every night from nightmares, but thought nothing of it. One night I woke up and found a lapis crystal in my bed. The voice I heard in Cabel's office was the same voice I heard in my sleep... It tried to take my soul first... It needed me to take his soul... But since it didn't... It must have tried to curse him to give up his soul..."
"Luna... If that's true, his highness isn't weak to be fully consumed yet. His highness is more powerful than anyone, especially a witch."
"I... I need to go back. I need to find Shen-Ling. Cabel might be stronger than the witch, but what if the witch eats the souls of other healers? It failed taking mine, but it could easily take the other healers souls. I have to go-"
"Luna... I am the ruler of Xiao because of his highness... I've thought long about sending my warriors to Anatos, because I can't bear the thought of his highness perishing, but I can't bring myself to do it... There are too many dangers there and if I can't send my trained warriors, I absolutely can not let you go there."
"I can go, I don't care what'll happen because if he isn't there, I'll head back to Cypheler after. The witch could take Cabel's soul, and eventually kill everyone in the empire, or heaven forbid, attack other kingdoms."
"I'm sorry, but I refuse to let you go to Anatos, and I refuse to let you leave for the empire. Shen-Ling might not be on earth anymore, and you trying to find a descendant that might not exist, is too reckless. I will contact the marquess of Cypheler, and work with him about a solution, but you will stay here and that's an order." Canella speaks sternly.
I bite my lip, nodding my head.

I walk back to the room, Cethin, Petunia, and Riddle waiting for me.
"So? What happened?" Riddle asks.
"She said that I should be patient, and that she would contact the marquess to find a solution..." I speak.
"Well, are you going to just sit and wait?" Riddle speaks up, giving me a supportive look.
I shake my head.
"No... I can't. The empire's citizens will be killed by the witch, if it gains power from Cabel, and I can't have lives be recklessly lost."
"That's my girl." Cethin grins, petting my head.
"We need to leave soon. We need a way of transportation there too, it's a long journey to Anatos and we need to get there quickly."
"We can enter the district and buy horses to take us there. We'll need equipment too." Petunia speaks, writing a list.
I think back on everything, the strange incidents occurring in the past, now making sense.
"Luna?" Cethin calls out.
I look up at him, taken out of my daze.
"Yes?" I say.
"Are you okay?" He looks at me with a concerned expression.
I nod, clenching my fist.
"Yes... It's a lot of things to process, but one thing that's bothering me is Canella showed me a wedding invitation. It's for Cabel and Esmerelda."
"What?" Riddle exclaims.
"They're getting married? But why?" Cethin questions.
"I don't know the reason behind their wedding... I just know the witch must have a reason for marrying him."
"When's the wedding?" Petunia asks.
"Canella said it's in two weeks."
"Okay, we can't waste anymore time. It takes almost a week to travel to Anatos. We'll need to get supplies right away, and leave tonight. Cethin, Riddle, will you two be able to find camping gear, horses, and extra clothes all before tonight?" Petunia speaks, writing out the lists.
"Of course." Riddle shrugs.
"Good. I'll get food, water, and weapons. We'll bring all equipment here." Petunia circles the map on the edge of Xiao, "Leave everything there, come back and we'll sneak Luna over the wall. Get changed right before we leave, if we're caught roaming in a warriors uniform, we would be arrested."
"Got it." Cethin nods.
"We'll meet back here later tonight then." Riddle speaks, him and Cethin quickly rushing out the window.
"Luna, pack everything, and keep the documents and uniforms hidden and safe. I'll be back soon." Petunia stands, waving as she leaves through the window.
I begin packing my belongings in my bag, hiding the uniforms under my bed.
I quickly bathe, preparing for tonight.

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