Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Cethin lounges on the roof. He grins to himself amused, staring up at the stars.
He thinks to himself, remembering Luna's eyes.
Her eyes glowing ever so slightly under the moonlight, but noticeable enough for Cethin to catch it.
"Those eyes... That soul of hers... This is gonna be fun." Cethin snickers to himself.
He holds his hands up to the stars, reminded of her eyes as the stars brightly shine out.

"Stretch properly! You shouldn't dilly dally, you'll be sore if you neglect this. Do it every morning and night, even in the middle of the day." Eli scolds Luna as she sits on the ground stretching.
Cethin sits, watching from the side as Eli trains Luna.
Eli fixes his tied dark blonde hair, attentively watching Luna's posture.
They use a grassy field at the royal palace's garden, the sun shining brightly, but with a gentle spring breeze making it cool to train in.
"I haven't done this before! I'm trying my best, okay?" Luna snaps back at Eli.
She stretches, wearing a woman's training uniform; beige pants, a tucked in white tunic shirt, and laced brown boots.
"We aren't ever going to train if you can't do easy stretches." Eli sighs, exasperated.
"You're rushing me too much!"
Luna finishes her stretches, after all the bickering.
Eli moves onto teaching her combat training. He jumps into a fighting stance.
"We don't generally need to do hand to hand combat because... Well, in our line of duty we just kill them without being noticed, but you can't do that. We'll focus on what to do if you're attacked. First you should learn to punch."
"This seems too bizarre."
"Listen, I don't even think you have what it takes, but we have orders to teach you. I'll go through this easily."

They spend hours training, Eli swiftly blowing through all basic combat.
Luna lies in the grass out of breath.
"Listen, my arms have no strength. What good would it be if I tried punching someone?" Luna groans, exasperated.
"It's better than not being prepared at all. Even if you're arms are too weak to harm someone, you have other resources like weapons to strengthen your defence. You just need to strengthen your arms to have all advantages to protect yourself."

"Lady Luna, is training going well?" Lance walks up to them, holding a tray.
"Sadly, no." Luna sighs, exasperated, "My arms are too weak, and Eli's an... 'Okay' instructor."
"I'm a great one, you just don't listen to me!" Eli pettily speaks.
"I do listen, I told you it's hard for me! It's probably easy for you, because you've been doing it for so long." Luna scoffs, turning her face away from him in a huff.
"Yeah, yeah, jeez you can be loud. Thought nobles were supposed to be reserved." Eli grabs a glass of lemonade from Lance's tray.
"Her reserved? Ha! She's more like a ball. She'll calmly stay in one place, and then bounce from the walls to-and-fro the next moment." Cethin laughs as he sips his lemonade.
"I do not! I just simply state what's on my mind. Excuse me for understanding how to explain my concerns, while you two just quietly sit by and laugh at me struggle." Luna rolls her eyes, sipping her drink.
Lance chuckles lightly as he watches the three of them bicker.
"Oh, may I have a word with you Captain Cethin?-" Lance asks.
"Ugh, don't call me captain again. I hate formalities." Cethin walks with Lance, away from Luna and Eli.

"What's wrong now?" Cethin groans, rolling his eyes.
"Nothing is wrong, though I feel compelled to share that Lady Luna has had a troubling life... She's very easy to get along with, and from the looks of it, she's able to open herself and show different emotions in front of you all... But I warn you, please be cautious with her." Lance informs Cethin.
"She'll be fine. What would we do to her? Threatening her with my lucky blade seemed to be pointless."
"Not that kind of fear."
Cethin looks back at Lance, his expression stern and serious.
"I'm sure you'll find out what I mean, but I worry for her safety." Lance speaks up, furrowing his brows.
"Did the emperor send you? Listen we'll go easy on her and protect her, just as he's asked."
"His highness has not sent me. I merely care for her well being."
Lance's eyes almost pierce through him as he honestly speaks.
Cethin begins walking away and waves.
"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Don't be so corny." Cethin grins intrigued, walking back to Luna and Eli.

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