B.2 Chapter Twenty-Four

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I stir in my sleep, the nightmares returning.

The clear echoing sounds of the chains clanging against the ground and wall.
The crisp cold metal against my skin, scraping my wrists and ankles.
I open my eyes to the scene I know will appear. The cold dark dungeon I've been encaged in.
Loud thumping appears.
I stare as the thumping grows close, a shining crystal ball on top of a staff appears from the shadows.
My father's distorted expression appearing as he holds the staff at his side.

I flinch, startled as I open my eyes, staring at the canopy bed frame.
I abruptly sit up, sweat dripping down my body as I shake from the nightmare.
A hand reaches out, touching my arm.
"Ah!" I scream, my body uncontrollably trembling.
I jump, turning in fear.
"Luna?" Cabel calls out.
I look back at him as I come back from my drowsiness, realizing I'm in bed with him.
He worriedly looks back at me.
"Cabel?..." I whisper.
Tears fall down my cheeks as my body continues to uncontrollably shake.
"It's okay, shh." Cabel sits up, his hand gently resting on my back.
He opens his arm, giving me an opening to hug him.
I slowly lean into him, grasping his shirt with my trembling hands.
His arms gently wrap around me as I sob into his chest.

I open my eyes again.
The sky grim and dark outside as rain falls down.
I take a deep breath, feeling weak and anxious from the nightmares.
It's been two weeks since I returned to normal, but every night consists of nightmares.
I grow exhausted, drained as the past haunts me.

I sit up, looking at Cabel walking up to the bed.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"It's only seven, you can sleep more."
"No, it's okay." I shake my head, giving a small weak smile.
I notice his formal uniform as his hand reaches out to me, gently cupping my cheek.
"Cabel, are you going somewhere?" I ask.
"There's a funeral being held today for the miners who died. I think it'd be best if you stayed here."
"It's okay. I hope their families and friends will be able to say goodbye."
"Mhm, that's all I can hope for right now." Cabel leans closer, planting a kiss on my forehead, "There'll be shipments arriving later. I know you need to rest but if you can, could you speak with Captain Arron? Lapis crystals will be arriving, so him and some knights will make sure they're protected and placed in the safe. Since I can't go, could you go? Lance will teach you what to do."
I nod, smiling.
"Of course I will. Have you heard any news about how the miners are doing?" I tilt my head, worried.
"The surviving miners consisted of injured, and those who were able to escape unscathed. The one's who were injured should survive, but most of them are weak at the moment."
"I see... Do you think-"
"No." Cabel cuts me off quickly.
"No. I know you're going to ask to heal them, but it's a no."
I pout, staring up at him.
"I know your intentions are good, but we don't know how stable your powers are right now. You healed Riddle and Cethin's wounds, but you might exhaust yourself healing that many people. You just need to focus on resting."
"Okay..." I pout, staring at my hands.
Cabel sighs, kissing my hand.
"I know you want to do your best to help, but you might not be able to handle healing that many victims. If you grow stronger and healthier you can, just not anytime soon." Cabel gives a reassuring smile.
I nod, tightening my fingers around his hand.
"Okay... Be safe today, okay?" I smile.
"Of course. Lance will let you know when Captain Arron arrives."
"Okay, take care." I wave, watching Cabel smile back one last time before leaving the bedroom.

A few hours go by as I spend a quiet morning to read.
The door knocks.
"Come in." I call out.
Magnolia opens the door, pushing in a cart.
"Good morning, my lady. I've brought you breakfast."
"Thank you Maggie. Could you prepare my clothes and bath for me while I eat?"
"Of course! Will you be going anywhere?"
"For a walk, and then to meet Captain Arron."
"Okay! Do you have a preference for the gown?"
"Just a simple, lightweight one will suffice." I smile.
"I'll be right back, my lady."
Magnolia leaves after setting up my breakfast for me.

After my bath, I change into a lightweight muted rose gown.
Magnolia and two other maids do my hair and makeup. My hair is tied back into a ponytail with simple elegant makeup done.
I sit in a chair, reading my book as the maids leave.
Magnolia pours tea for me, placing light snacks in front of me.
"My lady, shall I notify Sir Cethin to accompany you on a walk?" Magnolia asks.
"Hm, there's no need." I stand, opening the window by the table, "Cethin?" I call out.
I sit back down, continuing to read.
Instantly, Cethin hangs down in front of the window.
"What's up?" Cethin grins.
"Ah! Be careful! H-Hurry! Come in before you fall!" Magnolia exclaims, shocked.
She rushes to the window, pulling Cethin in.
Cethin stands, removing the hood of his cloak down, drying off with a towel Magnolia quickly hands him.
"Maggie, your reactions will never fail to amuse me." I giggle.
"I-It's dangerous!" She exclaims.
"Kid listen, if I fell every time I did that, I wouldn't be a very good assassin." Cethin snickers, ruffling Magnolia's hair.
He walks to sit down in front of me.
"So, what's up?" Cethin asks, pouring himself a cup of tea.
"Would you like to go on a walk with me?" I ask.
"Yeah, sure. You sure you wanna go when it's raining like this?"
"We can bring an umbrella." I shrug, smiling.

"So what's wrong?" Cethin asks as we walk side by side under an umbrella.
"I wanted to ask you something..."
"... Do you think I should be honest about my powers?"
"Your powers? With who?" Cethin looks back at me baffled.
"With the public... I'm going to become the empress, and I want to do my best to help our people. One way I can help is by healing the injured and sick..."
"Chicky, it's up to you. I thought you didn't want that much attention?"
"I don't... But the miners who survived the massacre are faced with injuries, and some of them could even pass... I want to help them, but I know if I do word will spread."
"What did his highness say about it?"
"He doesn't know I'm thinking of announcing my powers, but it's right to do so. He knows I want to save the injured, but if I want to do that I'd have to be honest about it." I sigh, staring out at the rain drops hitting the ground.
"I say if you want to, go ahead but I think it's best to keep it a secret." Cethin shrugs, smiling kindly.
"Why do you think that?" I ask.
"Because, you'll be the empress who'll be benevolent. You'd be able to help your people more if you're honest about your ability, but eventually you'll pass and the empire that's grown dependant on you could fall."
I think to myself, realizing the situation.
"If I fixed every illness, disease, and injury, the empire's research facility would fall due to budget cuts, and once I pass away it won't be updated to keep up with future diseases..."
"Yup. Who knows, a deadly disease could come and the people would rely heavily on you. Other healers can only help any issue with souls and small injuries, but since you're able to heal people fully, they'd always come to you instead of a doctor or healer. I know you want to do your best to help, but sometimes to help you have to be cruel." Cethin's hand lifts, resting on my head.
"I know... What if for now I think of a solution to help the injured miners, without announcing my powers?"
"Depends on what it'd be."
"I'll need your help of course." I grin, the wheels in my head spinning as I conjure up a plan.

"My lady?"
We turn to see Lance walk up to us with an umbrella.
"Yes?" I call out.
"Captain Arron has arrived. We need your supervision and authority for the vault." Lance bows his head.
"Of course." I smile, turning back to Cethin, "I'm sorry our walk was cut short."
"It's okay, duty calls." Cethin shrugs, handing me the umbrella.
He flips his hood up, waving before he disappears.
I follow Lance back to the palace.

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