Chapter Sixty

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"So what's the marquess's daughter doing in the palace garden?" I ask.
"Father had to meet his highness, so mother and brother decided to have tea with his grace."
"Duke Oslo?"
"Mmhm!" She smiles.
"Your family must be very close with his grace then."
"We are! Mother and father always cared for him when he was growing up. I think of him like a big brother, even his highness too!"
"His highness seems like a brother to you?" I ask, smiling as she excitedly speaks.
"Of course! Mother would always bring me to the palace when I was younger, and his highness would play with me or read to me." Lady Dulcie smiles brightly, thinking back on her memories, "Oh Lady Luna, may I ask how long you've been a concubine for?" Lady Dulcie looks up at me with large round eyes of curiosity.
"About a year now."
"I've heard stories from father that his highness is infatuated with you!"
"Yes, I-I suppose..."
"Is it love?" She asks sweetly.
"I'm afraid I can't answer that..." I smile awkwardly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, was it not polite to ask?"
"No, it's quite alright. I suppose this can be our little secret that I'm telling you, but it's difficult to answer that. Recently I've been thinking of what love truly is, and I'm realizing I'm confused about it."
"Really? But mother and father make it seem easy." Lady Dulcie sincerely thinks deeply, confused almost.
I laugh, covering my mouth with my hand as I'm struck by how cute her innocence is.
"I suppose they truly are in love then, but love is difficult... It can appear so sweet, but one can easily fall in love with the idea of love, rather than the person." I smile.
"Oh... I think I understand."
"For example, if you want the same love the marquess and marchioness share, you can try to force love with another to achieve it, but you won't be as happy as they are. Sometimes those who fall in love with the idea of love, ignore the hardships their partner gives them and so it becomes poisonous. One should never try so hard to fall in love, it happens naturally when you meet someone suited for you."
"I see, is that what it's like for you and the emperor?"
"I suppose in a way, yes. I believe I love him, but I realize I don't know enough about his highness. I care for him greatly, but to call it love seems off, especially when I don't truly know who he is."
"Love seems extremely difficult... Regardless, I hope you're able to find happiness."
"Thank you, Lady Dulcie, I wish the same for you but you must grow comfortable with yourself first." I chuckle, winking at her.
She nods and giggles.

"Father, mother!" She calls out.
Ahead of us is a beautiful large gazebo with a table and chairs.
The marquess and marchioness sit as they wave to their daughter. Their son sits beside them with Duke Oslo.
Marquess Simone's blonde hair and emerald green eyes shining in the light, and his expression stern and intimidating, catches my eye.
I gulp as I step closer.
"Darling! You were gone for so long! Who might this be?" The marchioness stands, hugging her daughter.
I curtsy, bowing my head.
"Good evening, Marquess Simone, Marchioness Adara. I am Luna of the golden palace, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Lady Luna, his highness's concubine? It's wonderful finally meeting you!" The marchioness grasps my hands in hers.
I jump, startled by her outgoing personality.
She smiles brightly, her light brown hair shining under the sun, her pale blue eyes glimmering in the light.
"Come, please join us!" She exclaims.
I nod, sitting beside Duke Oslo.
"Good evening, your grace." I smile.
"Hello, funny seeing you today. We were just talking about you." Duke Oslo kindly smiles.
"Christopher, introduce yourself." Marquess Simone speaks to his son.
"Good evening, I am Christopher Simone." The boy bows his head.
"Hello, it's a pleasure meeting you."
He appears to be around my age, his hair a light brown with a few hints of blonde. His eyes a light emerald green shade.
He sits proper, uninterested in the conversation.
"So what is the little Lady Dulcie doing with Lady Luna?" Duke Oslo smiles, gesturing for a maid to bring me a teacup.
I watch him pour tea for me as I stare at the marquess and marchioness.
I look back at Lady Dulcie who nods slightly.
"I must inform you..." I speak up.
The marquess and marchioness look at me confused.

I explain the story, telling them the guards names.
"How dare they! To our precious daughter?" Marquess Simone rages, attempting to chase after the guards.
Lord Christopher and Marchioness Adara grip onto him, holding him back.
"Dear! Be civil! Lady Luna has just met us!" Marchioness Adara exclaims.
Lord Christopher sighs blankly as if it's a regular occurrence.
I watch and laugh at the man I briefly thought was intimidating.
"It's quite alright." I giggle.
Marquess Simone calms down, sitting back in his seat.
"Those bast!-"
"Dear, our children are here." Marchioness Adara cuts Marquess Simone off as she glares at him.
He coughs, settling down.
"I'm afraid the marquess is quite protective of his family." Duke Oslo laughs, sipping his tea.
"It's quite alright, it's very endearing actually." I smile.
"Sweetheart, is what Lady Luna said true? Did they attack you?" Marquess Simone kindly speaks to his daughter.
"Yes... I didn't know what to do and she saved me." Lady Dulcie nods, her eyes tearing up slightly.
"We'll find them and punish them. How dare they!" The marquess slams his fist on the table.
The teacups rattle as he hits the table top.
"Dear, you'll frighten our Dulcie and Lady Luna if you act like that." Marchioness Adara sighs.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, did daddy frighten you?" Marquess Simone cuddles Lady Dulcie.
I smile as I feel the love they have for their children.
"It's okay father. If Lady Luna wasn't there, I wouldn't know what would have happened."
Marquess Simone bows his head.
"On the Simone name, I am eternally grateful for your help." Marquess Simone continues to cuddle his daughter.
"It was the honourable thing to do, please do not feel indebted." I smile.
"Quite the praiseworthy lady, isn't she?" Duke Oslo laughs, amused.
"Nonsense, I merely did what was right." I reply.
"No, Duke Oslo is correct. You are very praiseworthy for saving our daughter. Most noble women would feign ignorance so we're grateful for your help." Marquess Simone corrects me.
I nod and smile, sipping my tea.

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