Chapter Sixty-Two

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I open my eyes, waking up from a deep sleep.
Stretching as I sit up, I sleepily look outside.
The sky grim as it rains hard.
I reluctantly slide out of bed, feeling rather lethargic as I slowly make my way to the bathroom to wash up.

I sit, reading a book by my window.
I lift the teacup Magnolia has just placed to take a sip.
Startled by the thunder roaring outside, I jump slightly.
"Goodness, I wonder if the weather will be like this all week." Magnolia looks out the window.
"With the way it's coming down now, it's possible. Hopefully the empire's prepared..." I think to myself, staring at the heavy rain.
"That it has systems to drain the districts from the water. It'll be troublesome if the water doesn't drain or the pipes are blocked." I shrug, sipping my tea.
"Now that you mention it, when I worked for Captain Arron, whenever I'd go to the middle district during monsoon season, the streets were quite flooded..."
"Yes. There was always a sour smell too, it's probably just the garbage and rain."
"I see... Would you mind going to the library and bringing me books of the regulations in the empire?" I hand Magnolia my library pass.
She nods, taking the card.
"Hm. A consultant huh?" I lean against the table, admiring the sound of the rain hitting against the window.

I finish reading through the large book Magnolia brings.
I sigh, beginning to write a letter.
"My lady, who is this for?" Magnolia asks.
"It's for the duke."
"The duke?" Magnolia's jaw drops, stunned.
"What's the matter?"
"There's just rumours I've heard of him..."
"Such as?"
"Er well, people have said he's kind but only for a facade. His grace is someone who always gets what he wants, and it makes him terrifyingly sharp and calculating. There was an incident involving multiple noble ladies who fell for him. Apparently, he seduced them into giving up secrets about their families, and once he got what he wanted, he ruined their families and gave no mercy for the ladies who 'betrayed' their families." Magnolia whispers, cautiously.
I can't help but laugh as Magnolia deeply looks concerned as she tells the story.
"There's always going to be stories of all high ranking nobles. Just like his highness, he didn't turn out to be like the rumours, right?"
"I suppose you're right... But these rumours seem plausible... Are you sure you want to be involved with his grace?"
"Yes. I may not know his grace well, but I haven't seen anything about him that sounds like the rumours."
Magnolia gives me a look, resembling a pouting puppy.
I giggle, patting her head.
"I promise that I'll be cautious around him, but think about it, I'm not someone he'll gain anything from. I'm his highness's concubine, and my family's already fallen, so there's nothing of myself that would be useful to him. I just need his help for an errand though, that's the only reason I'm writing to him. Don't worry, okay?" I smile, giggling as Magnolia looks back at me with large worried eyes.
She gives a small nod.
"Yes, my lady."
"Okay. So, how was bringing flowers to Jax?" I ask, continuing to write.
"He's stable, the doctors and healers are unsure of why he's not waking up though..."
"I see... Have you seen Cethin or Petunia lately?"
"No, my lady... I've heard they're confined in their rooms until Jax wakes up."
I stamp the envelope with a plain wax seal.
"I see. Thank you for your work. Continue on with the rest of your work, I'll be back later tonight." I stand up, grabbing a cloak.
"My lady, where will you be?"
"Out." I smile, petting her head.
I leave my room, the envelope tucked in my cloak.

I look around the hallways, walking confidently. I grab an umbrella walking outside.
In the distance by the training field, stands housing for knights. I look around to see no knights training outside.
Pressing my ear against the entry door, I listen to loud chattering inside.
"I suppose I can't go in more elegantly..." I shrug, walking around the building.
I peek into an empty room on the first floor, opening the window.
Sneaking in, I take my heels off to not make a sound. I crack the door open to see the knights playing in the common area.
The hallway is empty and quiet as all the knights hang out in the common room.
I sneak out of the room, gently closing the door as I tiptoe down the hall. I look at the doors, the names of guards on each doorframe.
I climb up through each floor, looking for a name I recognize.

"You're ridiculous, you can't do that!"
A guard laughs down the hallway.
I jump, running into the nearest room.
"Hm? Is Kiria back?"
The voices approach closer to the door of the room I'm hiding in.
I quickly open the window, closing it after I exit through it.
"Oh, guess she's not here."
I hear their mumbled voices.
The room door closes soon after.
I hang off a small iron bar balcony above the room window.
I look down to see the ground far under my feet. My cloak getting drenched from the rain, my fingers begin slipping.
Reality hits me that if anyone were to see a noble lady hanging from a balcony, they'd think I was crazy.
"Ah!" I scream as my hand begin slipping, "What am I doing?" I exclaim, attempting to get a better grip.

"Yeah, what the hell are you doing?" A voice shouts.
I look up to see Cethin, sticking his head over a balcony beside the room of the balcony I'm hanging off of.
"Cethin!" I shout, relieved.
"Are you crazy? What are you doing!" He exclaims.
"Please just help me first!" I cry out.
"Hm... Only if you compliment me." He grins.
"Yeah, say 'Cethin, you're so handsome and cool' and then I'll save you." Cethin mimics a high pitched girly voice.
"Cethin! Just help me!"
"Nope, not till you say it." Cethin shrugs, grinning.
"Oh my goodness, Cethin you are so amazing, and extraordinarily handsome and gifted." I sarcastically say.
"Say it more genuinely."
My hands slip.
I begin falling, prepared for the worst.
Instantly, Cethin wraps his arm around my waist, holding onto the railing.
"Did you really think I'd let you fall?" He laughs, smiling ear to ear.
"A little bit, you jerk!" I shout, rolling my eyes.
He pushes me up onto his balcony.
I climb through his window as he jumps in after me.
"You're such a jerk!" I scoff, hitting his arm.
"You could say thanks, I saved you, didn't I?" Cethin shrugs, laughing.
"Well, I wasn't sure if you would!" I hit his arm again.
"Yeah, but you're standing here fine, aren't you?"
"Ugh, okay enough, I need to ask you for a favour."
"Well, I need you to find Xal and tell him to put this letter in the duke's office." I hand Cethin the letter, "It's heavily guarded on that wing, so tell him to sneak in through the window instead."
"Is this all you need?"
"No, you and I need to go to town."
"The town? Chicky, I'm not even allowed to leave this room." Cethin throws the letter on the desk, messing with his wet hair to style it.
"Has that really stopped you?" I raise an eyebrow.
Cethin grins and scoffs.
"You noticed?" He looks at me.
"Yes, of course. I know you were watching the knights grabbing Lady Dulcie, which I'm upset that you didn't save her first."
"Dang, I thought I was pretty hidden. Listen Chicky, I'm not hired to protect guests. I would have saved her, but you did it first anyways."
"Anyways, I know you don't care about listening to the rules, so why say no to coming with me?"
Cethin walks up to me, bopping my nose.
"I don't want to be charged for kidnapping."
"It's not kidnapping. Even if they realize I'm gone, no one will know you're gone. Even if they suspect anything, I'll come back tonight."
"What is it?"
"I thought you were running away, you're coming back?"
"Yes, of course! Where would I run away to?"
"Then why visit the town?" Cethin looks at me dubiously.
"Because I have some business to attend to." I smile, shrugging.

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