Chapter Sixty-Seven

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"That's what he said?" Cethin looks at me, confused.
"Yes... I don't know how to feel about it." I stand in Cethin's room, folding the duke's uniforms.
"Jax doesn't lie... He's overbearing, annoying, and entitled, but not a liar."
"Um, those are all bad things to use to describe him with." I chuckle, fixing my dress, "I don't know... Maybe he's sick or my powers erased his memory..."
"I highly doubt it... One person's powers can only be used in the same 'topic'."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"You can heal, and save a life. The only thing you could do out of your powers, that's related to the same category, is kill someone. You won't be able to magically erase memories, since you can only dabble with things related to life."
"I suppose... Either way, I'm going to overlook this. For a while I don't want to be left alone with him."
"Okay, I'll make sure he has less solo shifts."
"Thank you."
I leave the knights housing, carrying a bag with the uniforms inside.
I walk in the rain.
The pitter pattering sounds of the rain, heavily coming down onto the umbrella.
I stare up at the dark sky, the weather bringing my emotions to the surface.
The silence of the field with only the rain drops heavily hitting the ground, surround me. The silence reminding me of my feelings and sorrow.
My eyes overwhelm with tears as I try holding them back. The thought of being confined in the palace, just like my childhood coming back to me.
"I hate this..." I whisper, lowering the umbrella.
The rain falls onto my face, instantly drenching me.
I let my tears fall, hidden by the raindrops.

I sigh, entering the palace.
My gown fully drenched as rain water drips from it, onto the ground. Water droplets roll down my face, leaving me unsure if tears are still falling.
A light giggling echoes down the hallway ahead of me.
I stop in my tracks.
Around the corner appears Cabel, a lady hanging onto his arm. Butlers and maids follow behind them.
Her dark blonde hair neatly styled into an up-do, her gown bedazzled with jewels and accessories, and a tiara on her head.
"L-Lady Luna! You're soaked, what happened?" Lance rushes up to me.
I stare at the ground, unable to look up.
Lance snaps his fingers at a butler who rushes off.

"Oh my, are you the concubine I've heard so much about?" The lady snickers, hiding her face behind a fan.
I stay quiet, unable to speak or meet her eyes.
The butler returns, handing Lance a towel. Lance quickly places the towel around my shoulders.
"Hm, seems as though his highness's concubine, doesn't even know how to greet a princess. I am Princess Levita of the Lancaster kingdom. If you'll excuse us, his highness is showing me around." Princess Levita snickers, pulling on Cabel's sleeve.
"Shall we continue, your highness?" She kindly asks him.
I raise my head, looking back at Cabel, his eyes meeting mine.
"Let's continue." Cabel begins walking.
The two pass by me, Cabel walking on, without even a second glance.
"Lance, bring tea for our guest." Cabel calls out.
"Y-Yes, your highness..." Lance bows, glancing at me with a troubled expression before following after them.
The other butler and maids follow behind.
I keep my eyes downwards, unable to keep my head up from the stinging pain, growing in my chest.

Finishing my bath, I run my fingers through my wet hair.
Magnolia and another maid dries my floor, from the rain water I dripped when I came back.
"Thank you." I say, watching them diligently dry the ground.
I grab a book, lying in my bed.
"Maggie?" I call out.
"Yes, my lady?" Magnolia quickly approaches the bed.
"Take the clothes in that bag, and have it thoroughly cleaned. Return it to me afterwards, but make sure no one else sees it." I lowly speak, making sure the other maid doesn't hear it.
"Of course, my lady." Magnolia smiles gently, bowing, "Would you like your dinner? You haven't eaten today yet."
"No, I have no appetite. I plan to retire for the night, you may rest for the remainder of the evening."
"Yes, my lady."
They finish drying the floors. Magnolia leaves with the bag of uniforms, clutching them close to her chest.
I stare at the ceiling, numbed with chilled sensation in my chest, along with an empty mind.
Raising my hand up to the ceiling, my hand emits a gold light as I summon my powers.
I stare entranced at the beautiful haze.
Bringing my hand to my heart, I press my hand against my chest. The numbing pain in my heart refusing to subside.
"Duke Oslo was right... It's a curse when it can't heal the wounds we don't see..."
My eyes begin to water, large droplets of tears quickly forming.
I take a deep shaking breath, covering my eyes with my arm. I bite my lip, doing my best to stay quiet as I sob.

I open my eyes, the sky still grim with the rain pouring down.
I sit up in a daze, looking at the clock.
"7:30..." I mutter to myself.
The quiet calm morning reminding me of my crushing loneliness.
I look at my hands, tightened into a fist as I try to hold back the pain that grows.

The door soon knocks with a quiet familiar tone I recognize.
I remain quiet, my brow furrowing.
The door opens gently.
I watch as Lance quietly enters, moving to place a box on a small console table by the door.
He looks my way, surprised.
"Oh... You're awake, my lady." Lance bows.
I give a feigned smile, gesturing him to come in.
He enters the room more, carrying a box.
"Magnolia was on the way here. She said this was for you." Lance places the box on the table by my window.
"Thank you..." I calmly say.
A silence falls upon us as Lance awkwardly looks around the room.
"H-How have you been doing, my lady?" Lance awkwardly asks.
"I'm well, yourself?"
"I'm well too..."
The silence falls upon us again.
I sigh, sliding out of bed.
"Was there a reason you came in Maggie's place?" I ask.
"I was just worried about you..."
"There's nothing to worry about."
"My lady... Your eyes were quite red yesterday..."
"It's because it was cold out. Nothing to be concerned over. If you'll excuse me, I should bathe now."
"Yes, my lady... I'll have Magnolia bring your breakfast."
"Thank you for your concern, but there's no need. I have no appetite this morning." I walk to the table, turning my back on Lance.
"Yes, my lady..." Lance bows his head.
He quietly leaves the room, the door clicking shut as he exits.
I sigh, opening the box.
The duke's uniforms are clean, free of any sewage stench and folded nicely.
"That girl... She probably didn't sleep much." I smile, thanking Magnolia silently as I think of her staying up to clean the uniforms for me.

Dressing formally, I do my best to look put together. I slide on my gloves, before carrying the large box and two envelopes with no seal.
I tuck the bigger envelope into my wristlet, holding the other envelope in my hand.
I walk down the hallway, loud chatter echoing through the halls.
Ignoring the bustling noise, I think to myself, praying the plan will work as I walk through the hallway.
I step downstairs, greeted by parcels, boxes, and luggage everywhere. Maids and butlers quickly organizing them.
"Excuse me?" I call out.
A maid turns and bows, a slight mocking smile on her lips.
"Good morning, Lady Luna. Is there anything you need?"
"Yes, I need you to call a carriage for me."
"Oh, has his highness agreed to you leaving somewhere?" She grins, a slight arrogant look in her eyes.
A look I've seen many maids and butlers give me in Avris, hers showing the same disrespect.

'Rumours must have spread already.'
I think to myself, noticing the maids and butlers behaviours drastically changing towards me.
Rumours about no longer being his highness's favourite concubine, spreading rapidly. I notice butlers whispering amongst themselves as they steal glances at me.
I smile, giving her an innocent smile of ignorance to her behaviour.
"I'll be visiting my friend, Marchioness Adara. She's invited me for tea today." I give a smile, flashing the small envelope to her.
The maid averts her eyes, biting her lip.
"I-I see. I'll call a carriage for you." She bows her head.
Her behaviour beginning to quickly act odd as she tries to act more formal. I watch as she leaves outside.
I take a deep breath, glancing at the maids and butlers who listen in to our conversation.

"She's involved with the Marchioness? But still-"
I eavesdrop on whispers surrounding me.

'Is there a reason they're so invested in rumours about me? How are any of these rumours spreading?'
Confused as I notice them trying to avert their eyes from mine, I wonder to myself the possible reasons.
The maid walks me out, keeping her head low as she holds an umbrella over my head.
A butler takes my box, placing it in the carriage for me.
He holds his hand out, escorting me up.

"My lady?"
I look back to see Lance.
I sigh, moving to sit on the edge of the seat to speak to him.
"Where are you heading?" Lance asks.
"To the marquess's estate. They've invited me for tea." I smile, flashing the small envelope as I hide the side where a wax seal should be.
"I'm afraid I will have to ask his highness for permission..." Lance furrows his brows.
"With this many guests arriving, would his highness be pleased being disturbed, while it's so busy?" I flash a solemn smile.
Lance flinches, tightening his eyes closed as he thinks momentarily.
"I see... Please return early at least, my lady."
"Of course." I smile, sitting back in the seat.
The carriage doors close, and I finally breathe a breath of relief.

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