Chapter Eighty-Two

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I sigh, sitting in a chair as my makeup and hair are being done.
Magnolia feeds me some light snacks as maids massage my hands thoroughly.
"I've been told I can not give you more than this. Mr. Lance said you'll be able to eat at the ball, but for now you're allowed a few snacks." Magnolia smiles, feeding me a green grape.
"I'm growing tired..." I sigh.
I stare at the clock, the time almost four.
"Please bear with us, Lady Luna. We'll be finished soon." A beautician smiles at me, feeling sorry.
I nod and continue snacking.
"Lady Luna?" A maid speaks up.
"F-Forgive me for speaking without permission, but may I ask something?" She replies.
"You don't need to ask for permission to speak to me, what is it?"
"Well..." She looks at the other maids with hopeful eyes, "Will you be the empress?"
She excitedly asks, her eyes glistening with excitement.
I stare, stunned by the maids who all stare at me with eagerness.
"I-I'm really not sure... We haven't spoke about it to that extent." I smile, slightly overwhelmed by their charisma.
"Well, we think you'd make a great empress!" The maid glows, excited.
"Really? I'm probably more suited to become the queen."
"We believe you'd be perfect for an empress. The empire cannot just have a queen, a queen is meant to assist the empress. However a queen is not necessary compared to an empress, if she has the ability to work well and be benevolent... Plus, his highness seems calmer when you're by him." A seamstress speaks up.
"Yes! The news spread about how you were given your previous title back, but after you left his highness has been irritable and terrifying." A maid sighs.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, my lady. We thought the empress should be graceful, benevolent, and an unbiased ruler. But it's evident that the empress should be someone who'll calm his highness. We believe you would be a great empress because of how kind you are to just us maids, and the way you conduct yourself while helping his highness!"
I giggle, watching their kind expressions.
"What are your names?" I ask.
"I'm Jane, this is Mila." A maid smiles, gesturing to another maid.
"I'm Lucia." A seamstress sewing on gold leaves bows her head.
"And I'm Maria, my lady." The seamstress sewing the sleeves smiles.
"It's a pleasure to get acquainted with you all. I know he'll announce the pre-engagement announcement, however I ask you to keep quiet about rumours regarding my future title. There hasn't been a discussion of what title I may take, so I assume you'll all do well to not mention it?"
"Of course, my lady!" They exclaim, promising.

The door knocks as I stand getting the final finishing touches on the dress.
"Come in." I call out.
The door opens and Cabel walks in, his outfit unfinished as he wears a simple shirt and trousers.
His eyes widen as he looks at me.
"Your highness?" I call out, tilting my head as he stands without speaking.
"All of you leave." His voice calls out.
The maids and seamstresses flinch. They bow, quickly leaving the room.
"Cabel? What's wrong?" I step off a podium, worried by his stern expression.
"What should I do?" He mutters, his eyes sharply looking me up and down.
"Regarding what?"
Cabel gazes down at me, his hand touches my cheek, gently cupping it.
"I don't want them seeing you." His eyes quickly become affectionate.
"Everyone. I should just takes their eyes out for helping you." Cabel scoffs, referring to the maids and seamstresses.
"What? They did nothing wrong, plus they're females." I stare, surprised.
"Does it matter what gender they are, for them to be attracted to you?"
I scoff, giggling.
"I mean no, but you're talking nonsense now." I roll my eyes, shaking my head.
"Am I?" Cabel wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me up.
He holds me close to him in his arms.
"C-Cabel!" I exclaim, holding onto his shoulders.
"What if they get the idea to do what I want to do with you?"
"Then... They'll find themselves in a losing position. It'll be near impossible for anyone to take me away from you." I lightly kiss him, smiling.
"Not bad... You'll have to do more to please me though." He flashes a mischievous grin.
"Cabel, no. I have to finish getting ready. They're probably waiting outside the room and can hear everything!" I whisper.
"Fine." Cabel passionately kisses me, "Tonight and tomorrow, don't talk to Canella. She's Earl Pietro's daughter who'll be attending the ball."
"Hm? How come I should avoid her?"
"Because I said so." Cabel places me on the couch.
He grins, kissing me again passionately.
"Cabel, I'll stay away from her but you need to-" Cabel kisses me again, "Leave..."
Cabel kisses me repeatedly, clinging on for more affection.
"Cabel, no! I have to finish getting ready!" I turn away.
"A little bit more."
Cabel's hand rests on the back of my head, pulling me in to kiss him.
I pant as his kiss grows deeper.

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