Chapter Twenty-Four

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Emperor Cabel sits in his office.
The coffee table in front of him, filled with cakes and sandwiches, along with a tea setting across from him.
He stares at the empty seat.

"She's not coming again today..." Emperor Cabel grows displeased, staring at the sofa.
Lance watches, disheartened as Emperor Cabel sighs frustrated.

"Your highness, why don't we pay a visit to the golden palace? It seems she's hurt by the last time you two met. Maybe it would help to go over there yourself, and talk with her." Lance asks, smiling reassuringly.
Emperor Cabel sighs before rising to his feet.
Walking to the window, he looks out at the library in the distance. The lights turned off with the melting snow, dripping off the roof.

"Your highness, you haven't seen her for almost two months. It saddens me to see you upset like this." Lance speaks worriedly.
Emperor Cabel grasps his chest, holding the shirt fabric tightly. His expression pained as he watches the melting snow.
"If I were to go, she might hate me further. I don't want her to push me away even more."
Lance grows taken aback as Emperor Cabel speaks gently, a saddened tone in his voice.

Lance enters the golden palace, heading into the servants quarters.
He walks through the surprisingly bare hallway of the quarters, finding only Magnolia who seems pained as she folds towels.

"Magnolia?" He calls out.

She turns around, startled by Lance's voice. A second passes until she quickly turns away.
Lance's eyes widen as he catches a glimpse of her face.

"Magnolia, please turn your face to me." He calls out.
She falters for a bit, until turning around. Her face red, with her right eye newly bruised.

"You weren't supposed to come here..." She quietly speaks.
"D-Did Lady Luna do this?-"
"N-No!" Magnolia exclaims, "Lady Luna is gentle, and has been treating my wounds..."
"Magnolia, you need to tell me who did this to you." Lance looks concerned as he examines her face.
Magnolia's complexion turns pale upon his words. Her body trembling, her shaking hands roll into fists.
"I-I can't say who... Please don't worry about me." Magnolia grabs the folded towels and bows, "Forgive me, I should go."
She runs off quickly with teary eyes.
Lance's face grows concerned as he watches her retreat.
He leaves the golden palace, quickly returning to the emperor's palace.

"Your highness, what shall we do of this situation?" Lance speaks as he stands in front of Emperor Cabel's desk.
Emperor Cabel thinks to himself angrily, raking his hand through his hair.

"You don't know who hurt that child?" The emperor asks.
"Unfortunately not. Magnolia ran away, but she seemed afraid to tell me the truth."
"That child is Luna's maid you said?... Was Luna hurt too?" Emperor Cabel asks, concerned.
"I'm not certain, your highness. I came back as soon as possible to inform you."
"I see... Call the guards. It seems I've been neglecting my harem for too long."
Emperor Cabel stands up abruptly, fixing his clothes. He fastens his sword onto his belt and exits the office, Lance follows behind him.

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