Chapter Twenty-Five

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I sigh, staring at the almost empty tub of ointment, tearing up.
My heart aches as I think of Magnolia.

"She's so young... She doesn't deserve this." I whisper to myself.
I stand up, pacing around my room as I wait for her.

Two hours go by as I wait for her to return from doing the laundry.
Worried, I leave the room and rush through the halls.

Taking a step off the staircase, a loud voice hits my ears.

"You stupid little girl! You showed your face? I warned you about others seeing you!"
A voice shouts, followed by a loud smack.

I run around the corner to see Renesha with other ladies of the harem watching Magnolia.
Maids hold Magnolia still as she cries after being hit with a metal rod.

"How dare you!" I shout angrily.
The ladies turn, noticing me.
I run up, pushing the maids off Magnolia.
Standing in front of her protectively, anger boils inside of me as I look back at Renesha's cold expression.

"You dare beat her? She's just a child!" I shout.
I pause, as the realization enters my mind.
"You... You're the one who's been hurting her all this time... It wasn't the emperor, was it?" I question, my mind a mess as I watch the group's expression of malice and coldness.
"You've been a whore, hogging the emperor all to yourself. I'm the only one who can wear that crown, yet you're getting in the way."
"I never wanted the crown!" I shout, "How could you let your assumptions of me, hurt a child?"
"You didn't need to say it. I've seen more than enough! Unlike you, I'm not a mere concubine. My kingdom sent me to become the empress, and everything was great until you took his attention away!" Renesha shouts, trembling with anger.

"My lady..." Magnolia calls out.
I turn to see her crying and trembling.
"I-I'm so sorry... They threatened that they'd hurt you if I didn't do as they said."
I'm taken aback as I watch tears drip down her bruised, bleeding face.
I turn back to Renesha.
"You've overstepped. If you had an issue with me, you should have spoken to me instead of maliciously attacking a child!-" I speak, attempting to compose myself.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! I wish you never came to my palace!" Renesha screams, "How dare you talk to me, when all you were was a neglected princess! You were treated worse than servants, you have no right to even talk to me!"

Renesha runs up, slapping me.
She quickly grabs the collar of my dress, throwing me to the ground.
I look up to see her grab the metal rod.

"No! Don't hurt her, please!" Magnolia screams, sobbing.
I freeze, reminded of my father's staff.
Unable to run without leaving Magnolia behind, I stay on the ground accepting the outcome.

'Just like before... Ignore the pain... Endure it...'

I tell myself.
A hazy memory comes back to my mind. A scene of a lady on the ground in front of me, hit by knights from Avris.
I freeze, thinking about that distant memory. The sounds of Magnolia crying is soon drowned out as I try to remember that memory, the scene becoming clear.
The rod in Renesha's hand raises, moving to strike down.

"You insolent fool!"
A voice shouts out, shaking the ground. A sharp electric wave hits me as I feel an intense aura.
I jump, looking around.


Emperor Cabel bursts through the golden palace's doors, followed by a dozen knights.
Sending knights upstairs, he walks through the main floor.
Turning the corner, his eyes lay upon the scene of Magnolia sobbing and screaming on the ground. Renesha slapping Luna, until throwing her on the ground. Magnolia screams begging for Renesha to stop.
Renesha grabs a metal rod swinging it, about to strike Luna.

"You insolent fool!" Emperor Cabel shouts, making the ground rumble.
His eyes glow bright red as he storms up to Renesha.
She trembles, dropping the metal rod. Her face turning pale as she steps back.

"Y-Your highness." Renesha stammers looking up at the emperor, "Y-Your highness, Luna attacked me... S-She hit me, and I had no choice but to fight back!"
"Silence. I've warned you about never speaking to me, so what makes you think I want to hear lies from that mouth of yours? Guards, arrest all the maids and ladies of the golden palace, bring out everyone who's hiding. I've been neglecting the golden palace for too long." Emperor Cabel's voice growls, deeply infuriated.

The knights quickly leave, grouping all the ladies and maids.
They draw their swords upon them, preventing them from running.
Lance carries Magnolia as she sobs, her body shaking as she clings to Lance's jacket.

Emperor Cabel's eyes vibrantly glow a deep red as he kneels to help Luna stand.

"Are you okay?" His voice gentle and light as he cautiously takes her hand.
Carefully placing his other hand around her waist, he pulls her to her feet. Luna lost in a daze, moves slowly as she watches the emperor carefully steady her body against his, his eyes examining her face for injuries.

She stammers, unable to speak any words.
Emperor Cabel holds her waist close to him, placing his hand gently on her chin. He examines her red cheek and teary fear-filled eyes. His eyes move to scan her trembling hands until moving to glance back at Magnolia, attempting to hold back her sobs in Lance's arms. Magnolia's cheek and arms cut and bruised as Lance tries to calm her.

Emperor Cabel's jaw clenches, his aura running wild as he grows enraged.
Luna looks back at his eyes. The vibrant red glow, entrancing her.
Emperor Cabel's hand slowly raises, hesitantly moving to touch her cheek. Her eyes widen, stunned by his gentle touch.

"Be a good girl and return to my palace with Lance." His gentle voice lowly whispers.
Her body jumps slightly, tickled by his smooth deep voice whispering to her sweetly. All Luna can do is nod as she looks down at her feet.

"Good girl." He smiles kindly, giving her a small push on her back towards Lance.
She turns back to him, his eyes meeting hers as he gives a small smile.
"My lady, please come with me." Lance speaks.
Luna nods, following Lance. Knights escort them out of the golden palace.

"Y-You're giving her affection, when I gave you more? Your highness, my body is better and satisfied you more, yet you're throwing me away for an abused girl like her?" Renesha questioned, angered.
Emperor Cabel approaches, coldly glaring at Renesha.
He draws his sword as he watches the group of ladies crying.
"You must love the sound of your own voice. It's a shame it makes me want to rip your mouth off."

Renesha's jaw drops in fear, her complexion turning pale.

"You abused a child, attacked a lady, and had others do your dirty work for you, just to have me notice you. Are you pleased now? I've noticed you for how vile you are." Emperor Cabel speaks deeply.

His eyes glow vibrantly, grinning amused and crazed. His aura running wild as shadows rise up the walls of the golden palace, all light that shone into the palace, instantly taken away.

"Y-Your highness! I-I-!" Renesha pauses, thinking quickly, "I-I'm pregnant with your child! W-Would you dare murder me? Spare me if you want a successor!" Renesha demands angrily.
Emperor Cabel bursts out into a manic laughter, gripping his sword tighter.
"What a imbecile you are. Your verdict was finalized, don't make a bigger fool of yourself." He chuckles coldly.

Renesha's complexion grows pale as she looks back at his smile.
Quickly the emperor moves, almost flying across the room. He cleanly stabs Renesha in the stomach.

Her blood drips down his sword as she coughs up blood. Swiftly he removes his sword, cleanly slicing her neck. Her body drops to the ground, her blood spraying the other ladies and maids. The knights begin executing the maids and other ladies of the golden palace.

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