You Stole My Heart Ch. 48

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I would like to make a little announcement since Zayn has left the group. :( I know a lot of writers are taking a break for a while, or not continuing their stories, that will not be the case with me. While this story was set about a year or so after Zayn announced his engagement, he’s 24/25 and still touring, I’m not going to change anything, that's not fair to you or me and ruins the entire story. If you guys want to imagine that he took the time off, broke up with Perrie, came back to the boys and fell in love with Catalina that's fine, its my story but you guys see what you want to see. That's what I love about writing/reading. Its your imagination, you see what you see, and the person beside you reading the exact same thing sees something different. I will not mention him leaving in the story, I will not be taking a break since I write ahead most of the time when I’m free, which is why I usually don’t update, because I’ve had bad writers block with school and work on top of everything going on in my life. This story will continue on its not so normal schedule, and I hope you guys like what’s coming up in the very near future.

“This is another three bedroom.” The realtor said as he lead Zayn and I through the house. “Gated community, as requested, two story.” His voice trailed off as Zayn tugged on my arm.

“Three bedroom?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and I shrugged.

“The London house is too big.” I admitted. ‘Too many empty rooms. So I was thinking three bedroom. Not too big, not too small, a room for our kid whenever we have one, you have a graffiti room.” I eyed him. “He’s a realtor I’m sure he can show us the big fancy houses if you’d like.”
“No this is big and fancy, I just wasn’t sure why the three rooms.” I shrugged.

“I know you like your graffiti room, and I figured until we had a kid we could use the other room as a guest room for like Harry or Kelsey.” I eyed him as he nodded, giving me a small smile.

“I like the way you think.” I gave him a weak smile, accepting his kiss on the top of my head before he pulled me to the kitchen. I was silent for most of the tour, Zayn asking a lot of questions that I actually had been thinking about myself, and we turned down the house before following the realtor to another. Zayn and I stayed silent most of the morning as we toured various houses. We left around lunch, deciding to take a break from the houses and talk about the ones we liked before meeting up again and touring the bigger houses, more rooms and more expensive, places a celebrity would live.

“I actually liked the last place.” Zayn said as we waited for our drinks to come back.

“Yeah?” I asked. “The four bedroom?” he nodded.

“I like the layout.”

“I like that it was kinda like the London house, but here.” He chuckled. “And four bedroom instead of 19.” He rolled his eyes.

“Do you miss it yet?” I shook my head, looking out the window.

“I like it here.” I admitted. “More sunshine than rain like back home, and people stare because of my accent not just because of my last name.” he chuckled.
“Always have to be the center don’t cha?” I nodded, both of us knowing it wasn’t true, and we both laughed before falling into a comfortable silence. “I looked at my phone.” He whispered. “The pictures and stuff.” He added. “And I talked to Alex and them, knowing that they would assure me nothing happened but also knowing that if anything did they would be the first to tell me.” He eyed me. “And Alex said that the girl was coming onto me.” He admitted. “But that I was shoving my hand in her face, doing the single ladies dance practically.” He chuckled, playing with his rolled up silverware. “And the girl was brought out with us to make me sweat, the guys though she was funny, how nervous she was making me.” I looked at the table. “Because I knew about the girl I had back home, the girl waiting on me, the girl passed out who snores but the girl that was my girl.” I eyed him. “They thought it was so funny how I was shoving her away, and acting like she wasn’t there when a year or so ago I would’ve been wondering why I wasn’t getting more attention. I love you Lina.” He whispered, reaching across the table to intertwine our hands. “I love you and I know its going to take a while to get back the trust you had 3 days ago but I want it back, and I want you to know I would never hurt you like that.” I eyed him. “Again.” He added hesitantly and I pulled my hand away as the waitress came back with our drinks, asking for our orders but getting turned away when he asked for another minute. “Lina?” he asked when she walked away and I eyed him.

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