Chapter 3 - Teenage Drama

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After around twenty more minutes, I am ready to lock up.

There are no more customers thankfully.

It is always a little awkward to tell people to leave because it is closing time. Especially when they are spoilt rich kids with no care or regard for others.

I still have to take out the last bag of trash.

I keep that in front of the entrance as I wrap up the other things and turn off all the lights. I will take the trash out at last and then close up.

Easy peasy.

Not gonna lie, ever since I saw that guy in the leather jacket, he has been roaming around in my mind.

I mean he has to be the most handsome guy I have ever seen, hands down.

But there was also something about him that didn't sit very well with me. Probably because I wasn't used to seeing guys like him.

It's not like I was surrounded by good-looking guys in my own neighborhood but there were many good-looking guys that came into the cafe, mostly part of Royals High - well you know what they say about money - but this guy.

He was something else.

He seemed to be popular given how the other group of students was whispering about him. The whispering took time to die out even after the guy left.

Given his look, I am not surprised that he is popular among the students.

Perks of being handsome I guess.

Not something I can relate to anyway so there is no point in delving into too much regarding this matter.

Even as I try to clear my head of the guy as I clean up the place, my mind reverts back to him.

Who was he?

Was he also a high school student?

He definitely didn't look like a freshman.

On the contrary, he looked maybe a little older than me?

He had that logo on his jacket. Was that really the Royals High logo?

If he was a part of the Royals High, he would definitely be a senior.

Maybe even older?

A college student maybe?

This was his first time here, surely.

I am sure I would have remembered his face if he came by before.

Maybe he was new here? Maybe not.

The Hive was a new cafe but I generated the hype because the owner was a parent of a student in Royals High as well.

I have never seen the owner though.

She did not come here often. Even if she did, she only talked to the manager.

I was lucky that our manager was good. Much better than the manager at the fried chicken place where I work as the delivery girl.

Just thinking that tomorrow I have a shift there makes me groan.

Day shifts are really hard because the summer sun is unforgiving and riding my bicycle everywhere for the delivery really makes me sweat a lot.

And it drains me to the core.

I need to take better care of myself. I also have to keep in mind that my school is starting soon and I will have to inform the Chicken place that I won't be able to do the day shifts anymore.

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