Chapter 9 - Different Opinions

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"Ma, I am home," I say and put my shoes in the rack before putting on my house slipper and entering our house.

Instantly a smack on my back makes my entire body sting.

"Aaaah! What is that for?" I ask and turn to see my mother fuming with a ladle in her hand.

That's why it hurt more.

Who hits their child with a wooden ladle?

I rub my back which still stings with the force of the hit.

"I will hit you more. Do you know how worried your father and I have been? Where have you been all this time? Do you know the time right now? Huh?" she hits me again with the ladle and I scream.

It hurts.

But I know telling her that is not going to change her opinion on hitting me for being late. I know I was irresponsible for not informing her properly but the situation was out of my hand.

"I texted you that I will be late" I cannot tell her that I was with a guy.

I don't even know who he is.

All I know is that his name is Yeonjun.

I don't want to tell her about him and all that I witnessed because I know that will only get me more smacks, and my body is too tired to endure that.

I get hit again and before I can get for the fourth time I shift and make some distance between the ladle and me.

Asian mothers and their ladles, I tell you.

"I called you and you didn't pick up. Then your phone was switched off. Do you know what went through my mind? If you continue this I will not let you work at night anymore" she scolds and my eyes widen.

No, no, no.

I need to handle this situation.

"No. I need the work. You know it. I am sorry. I will make sure that my phone is always charged and that this will not happen again. I promise" I plead.

I need the money.

She knows it too.

And she knows putting this over my head as a condition will make me agree to anything she demands.

"Stop trying to earn and focus on your studies. Did the results for the RH scholarship come in?" she asks and I just shake my head no.

I know I didn't make it.

There is no point in telling her bad news when she is in a bad mood already.

It will only earn me more smacks on my back.

"Be alert and check your emails every hour. The results may be out anytime this weekend" she waves the ladle in front of my face and I nod.

Why is my mother so excited about this?

I know she wants me to get into that school but isn't she overestimating my potential?

Also, It's not like I could study there even if I did get the scholarship.

The scholarship only covered the institutional fees.

The cafeteria, uniform, mandatory extra-curricular activities, all that still required me to pay money from my own pocket.

At least that's what I had heard from San.

And I know for a fact that my family could not afford to spend that much on one child's education when they also had to take care of my younger brother's education as well.

San's family could afford it because even though they were not filthy rich, they definitely lived comfortably.

San's dad worked in a high position for the Choi Group.

Not unlike my family, crammed up in a small apartment, with one noodle shop as the sole source of income.

But I don't tell her all these.

What's the point anyways? She would not understand my concerns.

I just quietly go into my room when my mother tells me to, not voicing out my thoughts.

I take a quick shower, grateful that my mother kept a bucket of hot water for me.

I am grateful for it.

These are the little things that make me believe that even though we have had different opinions and outlooks on life, she still cares deeply for me, even if I don't feel like it sometimes.

I washed my dirty clothes for the day by hand because I need them tomorrow as well and if I put them in the washing machine, there is no guarantee they will be dry by tomorrow evening, given how our dryer is broken.

Once I am done, I put my clothes on the drying rack on the small balcony of my room and change into my nightclothes.

"Ma, is there food for me?" I ask as I come out of my room.

She is washing dishes in the kitchen.

"It's on the table. Your father and brother have already eaten and gone to sleep. You know we need to get up early. Still, you come home late like this. Why can't you be more understanding Yuri?" my mother's voice cut through me but I keep quiet.

There is no point in arguing. I know where this conversation will lead if I argue back.

I sit down and start plating up my dish.

Tonight we have rice, fish stew, and some veggies. It is usually always some stew and rice with vegetables.

My mom makes it with the leftovers from our restaurant. The restaurant is not too big or anywhere near luxurious but it is popular among the locals.

Everyone praises how good of a cook my father is.

But I don't understand, why can't we too have the food served at the restaurant. My dinner was always the same, just a different variation.

On any other day, I would have asked them to get me something else or just go out and get something from the convenience store but it is late and my mother will not allow me to go out.

I quietly eat the food that is in front of me. After my mom is done with her work, she comes and sits in front of me.

I know I am in for it when her eyes get soft and sad as she looks at me.

"Your school is going to start on Monday. This is going to be a tough year. Are you still going to work three jobs?" she asks.

I just keep my head down as I eat.

I don't want to get into this argument with her again.

We have been over this again and again.

And again.

I really can't do this again, at least not right now.

"Can't you see this dream of yours is not going to take you anywhere?" and here we go again.

I really did not want this to start again.

"I am worried for you. You are a smart kid. You study hard. You can get into a decent college and I am sure you will even get a scholarship. Then why? Why are you doing this?" she sighs and hangs her head low.

I know what is coming next.

I hate myself for being the reason for this.

But a little part of me also hates her for not trying to understand me.

Even before her shoulders start to shake lightly, small sobs escape her lips.

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