Chapter 70 - On The Same Page

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"I need to talk to you"

I close my eyes and hope that I am only hearing his voice inside my head and he actually did not follow me out of the cafeteria.

I hear the voices of a group of students coming from the opposite way and since I don't hear him repeat anything, I put it in my head that in fact I was making it up in my head.

"Come on, let's go here" I feel him pull me by my backpack and drag me away just in time before the group of kids take a turn towards the cafeteria.

"Wha-What are you doing?" I stutter as Yeonjun locks the door to an empty classroom.

"I said I needed to talk to you but you just stood there like a statue. And some students were coming our way so I thought talking in private would be good" he suggests as if it is the natural thing to say.

But I can't even meet his eyes because as soon as I meet his eyes, my eyes travel to his lips followed by the hollow of his cheeks net to his lips where a few weeks ago my lips were planted.


I turn away from him because I don't want him to see me blushing.

"You've been ignoring me" he states. He is not wrong and this is not a question so I am not obligated to answer.

"I thought we could talk in private to discuss" I hear him walking towards me and I take steps ahead, further away from him to the desk.

"What do you want to talk to me in private for?" I make myself busy studying the colored chalk as if they are the most interesting thing in the world.

"So you would rather prefer I talked about you kissing me in public?"

"Yah! Don't say such things" my response is swift, albeit my actions are out of my mind as I turn around and put my hands on his lips, bringing us closer than I would prefer.

Yeonjun's eyes widen in surprise at my sudden boldness, his lips parting slightly beneath my touch.

I feel his breath against my palm. It is hot, and hjis lips are soft against my touch.


His gaze flickers between my eyes and my hand on his lips, uncertainty and something else mingling in his expression.

I quickly retract my hand, feeling a rush of embarrassment flood through me.

"I-I didn't mean to..." I stutter, cheeks flushing with heat as I take a step back, putting some distance between the two of us.

Yeonjun clears his throat, regaining his composure. "Right, sorry," he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I just... I needed to talk to you about something important."

My heart races as I wait for him to continue, my mind racing with possibilities.

Why was my heart racing? There was nothing for it to pick up pace so drastically.

Did he want to discuss the kiss?

Or was it something else entirely?

Maybe he wanted to discuss the papers and how I did in the mid-term. You never know, he might me curious about what score I got.

I bite your lip nervously, stealing glances at him as I wait for him to speak.

But on the other hand, I don't want him to speak.

I don't want him to talk about the kiss. It wasn'ty really a kiss anyway. It was just a peck and at accident in fact.

Finally, Yeonjun takes a deep breath, meeting your gaze with determination. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

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