Chapter 39 - Easy Deal

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"And who told you that?" he asks, his lips contorted in a snarl.

He bends forward in my direction and suddenly he is too close to me.


His eyes bore into me and again, I feel the room getting smaller and smaller until I can't look anywhere else but him.

The honey color in his eyes swirls dangerously.

I don't know what it is about him but something in his aura screams dangerous and makes me want to run the other way.

This is how it has been from the start.

I try to shift my chair back, but it does not budge other than a desperate squeak, it does not budge.

As if sensing I was trying to move away from him, he puts his arms around my shoulder to the back of my chair, holding me in place.


Was I not supposed to know?

San knew it and he warned me about it so I assumed everyone knew.

Was it supposed to be a secret?

Was that why people didn't want to talk about it?

I had so many questions running through my brain that it made me dizzy but I remembered that there was someone sitting in front of me and I had to make my case here so that he didn't do anything to kick me out of the school.

This was my only chance.

"Was I not supposed to know that? I am not sure, but if that's the case I already forgot. I don't know you" I panic and raise my arms in surrender.

Something in his eyes shift and maybe I look scared out of my wits or he takes pity on me but his eyes soften just a tiny bit.

Just a tiny bit.

He shifts back to his seat, leaning back and I can finally breathe again.

"Look, I'll be brutally honest here with you. My family was just getting by with the money they make with the noodle shop and that is when they were bearing the expenses of my brother and my education at our last school" I look at him but he is stoic as ever.

I don't mean to tell him my sad story but I just wanted him to know that if he made a rash decision because of something he felt bad about, it would affect my entire life.

"When I got into this school my parents were elated but at the same time we all knew that this was not going to come cheap. So I know my parents are putting in all their savings in for me to be able to attend this school -"

"Aren't you on a scholarship?" he interrupts me.

He bends forward again..

"I am just a scholarship student here at Royals High. Exactly" I sigh.

I was beating around the bush. The main thing that I wanted to tell him was that he shouldn't take out his personal grudge on my education.

"Look, I'll be direct here. I know your parents are the one who grant the funds for the scholarship so I just want to let you know that keep my situation in mind before you do something irrational" I am treading on thin ice.

He just looks at me with a very confused look, lines forming on his forehead and eyebrows scrunching together.

"Irrational like what?" he looks confused and annoyed at the same time like he doesn't understand how to join the dots of the conversation we're having.

"Something irrational like telling them not to fund my scholarship and getting me kicked out of school" I finally let out the words.

He does exactly opposite what I could have imagined his reaction to be.

He laughs.

Full belly bellied, hunching over gripping your stomach, voice ringing throughout the room laughing.

I just stare at him bewildered.

His voice rings in my ear like a haunted melody even after he stops laughing and I shake my head to get my head straight.

I don't need to dwell on how hollow his voice sounded and I don't need to get emotionally invested.

"Oh you're funny" he says once he has stopped laughing and is looking at me again.

"You really think either of them give a rat's ass about my opinion? You're thinking about the wrong son" he shakes his head.

Even though his voice is light, his eyes are haunted and that tired look that I have been observing in him tonight, came back over his features.

Is he referring to his brother?

Does his brother also know how I have told Yeonjun off?

Do I need to apologize to his brother as well?

I think the confused expression is enough for him to deduce that I do not understand a word he is saying.

"Did you tell anyone about the conversation?" he asks instead, his expression sobering up a little more.

It takes me a moment before I realize which conversation he is talking about.

"Oh, no. no one. Not even San. Well I told him bits about the incident near the trashcan but not the school. I didn't tell anyone about the school incident. I would never. And even with the whole breakup scene, I just told him that you had an argument with your girlfriend and you thought I was recording it. Nothing else. I didn't go into details, I swear" I ramble.

He is quiet for a moment before he nods.

"Alright then. You don't tell anyone what you heard in the supply room and I won't complain about you" he shrugs as if this is a business deal.

It kind of is, isn't it?

He crosses his arms again waiting for my answer.

This is the best deal anyway right?

I mean, he could have asked me to do him multiple favors and what not but he just doesn't want me to tell anyone about the fight he had with his brother.

That's it.

Not that I would have told anyone anyway. That's his matter and I didn't want to get any more involved in it than I already was.

"Okay, great" I jump up on my feet and take his empty cup in my hand.

This was an easy deal.

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