Chapter 52 - Reminder

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Things did not end up being the way I hoped it would go. And that is why I was standing here near the back entrance of the sports center.

After agreeing to Beomgyu's request I decided to call Soobin and let him know not to fret too much about the incident but before I could tell him all that he suggested that we should meet up.

And when I tried to decline telling him I have to rush home, he offered to drive me there.

Yeah, like hell I was letting him do that!

The last time he paid a visit to my house, both my mom and I ended up crying over a fight. I didn't want a repeat of that.

Definitely not.

So here I was standing, waiting for him.

I still didn't understand why Soobin or even Beomgyu were making such a big deal out of it. I landed on my ass and then proceeded to cry as I collected the soiled clothes and then ran away from him when I first met Soobin.

And Beomgyu saw me sleeping with my mouth open drooling on the library floor. I don't know how any of what happened at the party be any more embarrassing than either of my first impressions.

But then again they are The Royals and I am not.

Maybe he's doing it to save his image. Maybe he is afraid and paranoid that I'll probably spread nasty rumors about how the heir of the Choi group is an underage drunk.

Soobin is handling it well. He wants to apologize - at least that's what he said on the phone.

I imagine the same case with Beomgyu.

Beomgyu would probably be pretty chill. He wouldn't care. Or more so he will probably be happy to lend me a shirt he thinks is too funny and make me deliberately wear it.

He will enjoy the scene and also record it for future laughs.

I imagine this same thing happening with Yeonjun instead of Soobin.

Instantly I feel chills run up my sleeves.

He would probably make me apologize to him for being an inconvenience and witnessing him at his embarrassing moment.

I chuckle slips past my lips and I shake myself out of it. Why am I thinking of Yeonjun again? Why does that foxy devil pop into my head so much? It's not like he makes my life easier in any manner. He only causes trouble.

And on that note, I remember I had to give his T-shirt back. I have washed and ironed it but I can't really find the right time to give it to him. I am not even sure he would want it back.

I have played the scenario multiple times in my head and all of it ends with him throwing the t-shirt at my face.

I am carrying it in my backpack. If I get a moment where both of us are alone, I'll return the t-shirt and run away. It's up to him then what he wants to do with it.

I can imagine him throwing a fuss about how I didn't properly iron it or something. I chuckle again.

"Hi, Yuri?" I soft voice calls from the back and I turn around to see Soobin in his uniform.

"Hi, Soobin" I greet him and it is followed by an awkward silence where both of us stand across from each other shuffling our feet, transferring our weight from one foot to the other.

He is in his uniform. Though after an entire day of school, my uniform is creased and a little rumpled, his still looks like

"So..." Soobin starts and drifts off and takes another long breath.

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