Chapter 62 - Have Fun On Your Date

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My mind was all over the place today.

First, San wouldn't even talk to me after the announcement when I tried to talk to him. Then I heard from Saehi that he was angry because he didn't know that the representative position was not being given to him.

So I was right in thinking that San should have been chosen, so the question remains - why wasn't he?

And then coming to Soobin - he left after saying we'll meet during the weekend but he did not specify anything.

No date, time, or place!

How was I supposed to adjust my schedule last minute?

I wanted to talk to someone about this and the first person who came to my mind was San but of course that was not an option anymore and then my second option was Yeonjun.

I don't even know why my mind even considered him an option, whether in this matter or any other matter!

The pressure was getting to me.

I parked my cycle at the parking stand near a convenience store to get myself a quick snack before I headed to the noodle shop to take an extra shift and help my parents.

I did not have any shift at the Hive today and I wasn't sure why I missed that. I keep expecting to see Yeonjun there at the end of my shift but he isn't there and I barely see him at school and it is not like we talk a lot there.

I just don't like how we left it the last time we talked.

And I definitely did not think, people were saying such horrible things behind his back. Nobody deserves to be called names behind their back, no matter who they are.

But then again, if what Yeonjun said was true, it meant Soobin had a big hand in spreading the said name-calling.

And I can't forget the conversation I overheard on my first day of school.

Thinking about it all makes me a little queasy and reconsider my acceptance to go out on a date with Soobin.

Was it even a date?

I enter the convenience store on autopilot, my mind whirring with many thoughts and that is why I don't see the tree of a person standing in front of me.

"What where you're going" Take the name of the devil.

I look up to see Yeonjun staring down at me. He is still in his school uniform and has the leather jacket casually draped around his left shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and he looks at me with a grimaced expression I have seen him make many times.

"Trying to learn how to fly a plane. What about you?" he answers sarcastically.

Okay, it was a dumb question. Why would he be at a convenience store if not to buy stuff?

I roll my eyes at his sarcasm. "Very funny, Yeonjun. I'm here to grab a snack before heading to the noodle shop."

He arches an eyebrow. "Noodle shop? You really are the hardworking type, aren't you?"

I ignore his comment, not in the mood for banter.

I move past him and go to the half-off section. It is the end of the day so I am sure I can score some good deals on the meals before they throw it out.

I find a kimbap meal and milk coffee that is half off and go to the cashier. I turn to see Yeonjun following me.

"Why are you following me?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

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