Chapter 19 - You Have a Parcel

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"Woojin," I say shocked.

He smiles at me and brings a small bundle of flowers in my direction.

"Hi. Congratulations" he hands me the flowers and I take them on autopilot. I open my mouth to speak and then close it again when no words form in my mind.

"Oh. Hi. Woojin, I meant to tell you but it has just been too crazy. I swear I would have told you today at Hive" I blurt.

I didn't mean to hide it from him per se but I didn't honestly know how to break the news to him.

Just last time we saw each other we were both bitching about Royals High and he was lamenting at the fact this was his last chance at the scholarship and he didn't get it.

I even told him I knew I didn't have a chance. And now I was coming back from a uniform fitting. And tomorrow I start there. 

How was I supposed to exactly break it to him?

"I understand. It's a lot to take in. You must have been busy with all the paper-works and everything. 

Their admission process is very thorough" he nods as if he knows what I am going through.

He knows everything about Royals High. 

For every exam, he was ready and prepared to go to Royals High. Hell, even our teachers were sure he'll get it but he never did. 

I know it must be hard for him to be here in front of me right now.

"Woojin, I am really sorry" I finally say to him. 

I see him smile at me but his eyes look melancholic. I don't want to see him like that. I know he deserved that scholarship and I have no idea how I got selected and he didn't. 

"I swear I don't know how I got it. I honestly think there might have been some misunderstanding or something" I shake my head and Woojin steps in front of me and puts both his hands on my shoulder to stable me.

He is really tall so I have to crane my neck to look at him. 

He smiles but I know him too well to tell that it does not reach his eyes. 

I put my hands on top of his.

I stare at him and I can see in his eyes that he is happy for me. he is proud of me but it still hurts me that I got in and he didn't. 

And on top of that, I was a terrible friend and didn't tell him about it but how could I?

How could I keep a straight face and confront him to tell him that I got in but he didn't and how could I console him and tell him it is okay that he didn't get in and there were better opportunities out there without sounding like a complete hypocrite?

"Hey, Yuri, Look at me" I hear him say but I am looking at him.

Is it that obvious that I am trapped inside my head?

"Hey, don't overthink it. You're amazing at what you do and you are going to kill it there. Do not think about anything apart from the fact that this is a great opportunity and you need to take the utmost advantage of it, do you understand it?" he speaks in a serious tone.

I just stare at him. 

I want to tell him about all the problems that my family will face because I decided to accept the scholarship there. 

I want to tell him how my family is barely managing the expenses now and if I take this opportunity, no matter how good, it will wring my family's rainy day's stack dry. 

But I hold my tongue. 

I don't want to dump my problems on him.

He is already down because he didn't get in. I had no right to complain when I got a chance most people would die for. 

I had to suck it up.

"So I have been told. I just hope this turns out well" I force a smile.

I highly doubt my words though, given how my uniform fitting turned out. 

I still feel guilty for ruining someone's dress and the thought of facing them at school haunts me but it is a very big campus and the chance he saw my face is small so I'll tkae my chances.

Even I don't remember what he looked like. I just remember he had kind eyes. there is no way he remembered me. So I am good.

Also, If I see any man with kind eyes at school, I'll just avoid them.

I just hope my plan works.

"Earth to Yuri, are you listening?" I spaced out. 


I nod at Woojin and he gives me a suspicious look.

He knows I am not telling him something.

But I don't think talking about the uniform with him is a good idea either. I don't want to burden him with my problems. He has been a good friend and I already feel bad that I didn't tell him at first but just not talking about anything Royals High was the best option for now. 

"Do you want noodles? I can ask ma to make some '' I try to turn but to no avail.

"Park Yuri, are you hiding something?" Woojin's grip on my shoulder tightened holding me in place before I can turn around.

"No, I am not. I am just jittery with all the uncertainty. You know me and my planning. This came at in last minute and I am just flustered at everything I need to plan before I start and -"

"Okay, okay I get it. I know you got the email at the last moment and yes I understand that you must be overwhelmed but know that this is a great opportunity. Not just from an academic perspective, like I am sure how your parents are viewing this. It is much more, so take advantage. Okay," he eases my shoulder, and let's go.

I sigh. 

Just as I am about to speak, a black town car pulls up in front of us. 

The car looks too shiny and expensive to be here. It looks like a sore thumb in this neighborhood. 

Both Woojin and I are too fixated on the car to continue our conversation.

An elderly man in a suit gets out of the car holding a large decorated box in his hand. 

The man walks with a purpose and on other occasions I would not have cared as much but the man seems to walk toward Woojin and me. 

What did Woojin do now?

I look at Woojin with a meaningful look and he mimics my expression. He thinks the man is coming for me but that isn't possible. I didn't do anything. 

Wait, is he coming because of the uniform fiasco?

"Are you Miss Park Yuri? This parcel is for you" the man asks when he stands directly in front of me, maintaining my personal space. 

I am just too surprised to say anything. 

I stare at the box. it looks too big but oddly similar. the paper bag with the tissues has the same monogram as the uniform fitting shop. 

Shit, he is here from the uniform shop. 

I just nod and he hands me the box. 

Thank god for Woojin because he is the one who holds the box for me. 

At least, even with everything that is going through my mind, I still manage to read the note on top of the box.

'I am sorry I spoiled your uniform. I felt really bad and even though you didn't want my compensation, I would feel bad if I didn't do anything. I hope you accept my apology and I am sure we'll meet in school. - Soobin.' 

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