Chapter 25 - Gut Feelings

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He was not the one saying the hurtful things. 

He was the one who had to listen to it. 

Given the interactions I have had with him, I automatically assumed that he was the one putting blame and saying the hurtful words. It never crossed my mind that it could have been the other way around. 


I halt in my step, trying to wrap my head around the conversation I heard earlier.

To say that I feel like garbage would be an understatement. 

"I am sorry, I didn't mean - I mean I didn't know that it was you - I -"

"Just shut up. I don't need pity from a loser like you"He grits out and looks away. 

I rear back in my step. 

Okay, I deserved that. 

I hurt him and he hurt me. 

"And if you tell anyone what happened here, then I will end you" he threatens, his cold eyes almost slit-like as he stares at me. 

I feel a cold shiver run down my spine. 

As I open my mouth to say something, to tell him that I would never when the door burst open.

Both Yeonjun and I stare at the door, shocked with wide eyes and I bring my hand to my heart, surprised out of my wits.

"Yuri, are you okay? Did something happen? You cut the call abruptly -" San's questions die out when he notices I am not the only one in the closet. 

He looks at me and then at Yeonjun.

"What are you doing here?" San asks on a serious note and Yeonjun just leans back on the wall and runs a hand through his long hair. 

There is an instant shift of air around Yeonjun.

His eyes are guarded but his posture changes from the defending stance he had to a much more relaxed one. 

It makes me wonder how can he shift so easily?

He yawns like he is bored of this conversation.

"Yuri, what happened?" San looks directly at me and when Yeonjun tries to walk out San stops him by blocking the way. 

Yeonjun has disheveled hair and uniform and I look scared out of my wits and we were both locked inside. I know what must be going through San's head right now. 

This is all getting out of hand.

"Move. Out. Of. My. Way" Yeonjun grits out and when San doesn't Yeonjun grips him by the collar. 

I don't think before I yank Yeonjun's hand away from San.

"San. Nothing happened. We got locked in. Thank god you're here. Otherwise, I would have been late for class. Let's go" I try to reason with San and he looks uncomfortable. 

He knows I am not telling him something but I can't really tell him what happened without telling him about Yeonjun's argument and that is not my place to talk about.

I wasn't going to tell San about it. 

Not because Ywonjun flat out threatened my life just a minute ago but I shouldn't have been listening to their conversation and whatever it was, it was between family and I had no right to dive into their family mess. 

"Listen to your girlfriend and get out of my way" Yeonjun pushes San and I hold his hand back again. 

Yeonjun tries to yank his hand away from mine but I hold it in place.

"Don't be an asshole. Just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you can take your anger out on others" I warn him and his eyes flash, angrier than ever but I don't back down.

I can take it when someone comes for me but I absolutely cannot stand it when anyone targets my friends. 

I get it that Yeonjun had a fight with his brother and is angry. He can be angry at me as well because I eavesdropped on his conversation and then my words hurt him as well but I am not going to let Yeonjun take his anger out on San just because I taunted him.

"San let's go" I let go of Yeonjun's hand and take San's, dragging him out of the room. 

I look back to make sure Yeonjun gets out of the room as well and then continue moving forward till I am sure enough that we're considerably away from Yeonjun.

"What is going on, do you know him?"San stops me in the hallway and even though I try to pull him again, he doesn't budge. 

I can't deal with him now.

"Know is a strong word. A very strong word. He is the same guy I told you about. The leather guy near the dumpster, remember? The one trying to break up with his girlfriend?" I ask and try to jog his memory.

Realization soon spreads across his face and his eyes widen. 

"Choi Yeonjun was the guy you met that night? Why didn't you tell me?" he shouts a little too loudly and I put my palm against his mouth. 

I don't want Yeonjun to come here as well.

If Yeonjun knew that I told San about the dumpster scene I am not sure what he'll do to me.

"I told you. The guy in a leather jacket. You said you didn't know anyone with Royals High jacket" I shake my head at him and he looks up, sighs, and looks at me again. 

He seems calmer so I take my hand off his mouth.

"I didn't think you'll encounter one of them. I didn't think you'll one of the Royals at your cafe. Stay away from them. I mean it Yuri" San looks too serious for my liking. 

He is not the one to be so serious.

"Them? How many are there? Is this a gang or a cult or something? And yes, of course, he is a Royal. The same school " I point to the monogram on the blazer. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Yeonjun was in a gang. 

He is really scary.

The aura around him screams stay away from me or die. 

"Yuri I am not joking. You don't want to be involved with them. They belong to a very different world" he says solemnly.

"Chill San. You're scaring me. I know Yeonjun is scary and yes they are really rich and I don't fit in here but there's no need to rub it in, geez"

"Yuri I mean it. Anyone with that leather jacket. Stay away from them. There are a lot of rich people here but they are in a different league altogether. They run this place. That was Choi Yeonjun, son of the president of the Choi group. Don't get caught up with them. It won't end well" San warns.


Did I hear him correctly?

Yeonjun is the heir of the Choi group?

As in the Choi group that owns this school?

The Choi group as in the largest conglomerate in this country?

I feel my head spin.

Did I just pick a fight and get on the bad side of the Choi group's heir? 

The Same family who is in charge of my scholarship here? 

I have so many questions but I keep quiet. 

I don't even know where to start and what to ask, my head is so crowded with questions. 

"Right now you need to get to class otherwise you'll be late. Just ignore them when you see them and everything will be fine, okay. I'll see you at lunch" just after dropping such a big bomb on me San leaves me standing all alone in the hallway.

What the hell! Where is he going?

As I walk alone towards my first class I realize my gut was right about Yeonjun being dangerous.

 The reason however may be different but I was still right. 

Then why does my gut feeling also tell me that I'll keep running into him? 

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