Chapter 26 - Bunny Teeth

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It was my first class. I should have been paying attention. I should have tried to make a good first impression of the teacher. 

I should have introduced myself.

I should have done all that.

Instead, I was stuck in my head, thinking about Yeonjun.

There was this impending feeling of doom luring over my head and I just couldn't shake it off.

Given the situation, I still would have acted the same way but now that I know who he is, the consequences of my decision and action seemed to weigh a lot more than I initially contemplated.

Today was not going as I had imagined or planned to.

I planned on having a good productive day, to make my first day here memorable.

Instead, everything was just falling apart.

Did Yeonjun know I am a scholarship student this year?

I mean, of course, he would.

He is the heir.

I get up from my seat when the class ends and go up to the teacher. I introduce myself on autopilot and she seems happy to see me in her class.

She tells me a little about the course that will be followed and she'll let me know if there are any changes.

If this was any other day I would be jotting down the notes and asking her a lot of questions but I can't.

I don't.

I just tell her I am honored to be in her class and I'll work hard.

She gives me her school email id and asks me to reach out to her if I have any doubts and takes my email so that she can send me a highlighted booklet of the course curriculum.

I thank her and leave the class.

I still have some time before my next class but this is what I don't need.

I don't have free time to get inside my own head and come up with all the scenarios, one worse than the other, about how Yeonjun is going to mess this up for me.

I am hoping his opinion would not hold too much weight if he decided to tell the school board I was unfit for the scholarship, given my academic record.

Is this the universe's way of teaching me a lesson because I was adamant about not joining this school?

I hope not.

I mean, I am still a little hesitant given all the fees but I have been told by San that I can apply for an extra grant after the first mid-term papers, given I show them good results.

Initially, I planned on working my ass off and getting the highest scores because at least that way my parents wouldn't have to dilute all their funds for me to stay here.

But now I wasn't sure I would be able to stay here till the midterm.

What if Yeonjun tells his parents about me and they have kicked out instantly?

My parents were proud I got in here. They told everyone they knew that I got into Royals High.

Now, when I get kicked out, I'll be the laughing stock at my school and a shame to my parents.

I can already imagine the disappointed look my father will give me and how my mother will ask where she went wrong in raising me.

I am sure they won't understand the entire situation if I told them. They would just assume I did it all just because I didn't want to go to this school.

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