Chapter 20 - First Day Jitters

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I have never been this intimidated in the entire sixteen years of my life.

Even though the weather outside was clear skies and sunshine with a gentle breeze, I felt too hot and too suffocated in the tight collar of my shirt and blazer.

I look at the open gates to the school.

The rustic gold curved rods with the monogram of Royals High on the gigantic iron gates stand in front of me, making me feel smaller than I possibly hoped I could be. 

Why are the gates this big? what is the utility of having such a big gate? It is just a waste of iron. 

I look at the open gates again and still contemplate about the first step that will make me enter something that I wouldn't even have dreamt of.  

Beyond the gates lies another world. 

A world I have no business being a part of but here I am nonetheless.

The collar of my shirt feels too tight and the blazer is too hot. 

Did the temperature go up a few notches while I stood here?

Why do I need to wear a blazer again? 

It is too hot outside. 

I could have just worn my shirt and skirt and been done with it.

As I fiddle with my collar my mind drifts from the gates and the school to the guy and the note again. 

The guy sent me an entire set of school uniform when it should be me who should be offering to pay his dry cleaning bill. 

And on top of that, I even cried in front of him. Just thinking about that makes me cringe. 

his name rings in my mind again. 


I still don't understand how he got my address and my sizes! 

I mean isn't my information supposed to be confidential? 

 There are a lot of well-known people's children who go to this school. Is it really safe to just hand out their address to other people?

I mean, this should be confidential information right? And they shouldn't just hand it out to anyone who asks for it. This could lead to a lot of problems!

Well, then again, if that guy goes to the same school then it is understood he wouldn't be a shady stalker or anything but still it makes me feel a little uncomfortable that my address was so easy for him to find out.

What if my parents were with me when the package arrived instead of Woojin? 

How could I have explained it to them? 

They wouldn't understand and probably panic with me about the damages I did.

Just imagining the expression my parents would have if they heard about the incident at the uniform fitting gave me shivers.

they would have probably disowned me by now. 

But what if he wasn't as kind as to send me another uniform but actually showed up at my house demanding me to pay for his damages?

What would I have done then? 

What if he wasn't the only one who demanded money for damages but also the store asked me to pay for the damages I did to the store? 

What if they sued me? 

Thinking about the scenario gives me a headache.

Just to be on the safe side I didn't wear the uniform he gave me. 

I didn't want to wear it because if he suddenly had a change of heart and asked me to return the dress and I would have already worn it already then I would have to pay him back and I didn't have the money for that.

Also, what kind of kid has so much to spare to afford an extra pair of this uniform? 

I look at the uniform I was wearing and then at the passerby going in and out about their day, oblivious of my presence. 

To an outsider, I would look their part right? In the same uniform, in the same place, going to the same destination but then do I feel like an imposter?

Thankfully the stain could be removed from my original uniform. I didn't have to wear the uniform I got in my parcel. 

I kept the package hidden in my room. 

I plan on giving it back to him if or when I meet him.

Not that I voluntarily want to meet him.

He said we'll meet in school so he is definitely a student as well. 

Though I am not sure whether I'll be able to find him or if I really want to meet him. 

I mean if he is a student then it is inevitable that I'll run into him some time or the other right?

But then again the school is very big. And the chances that he is in the same year as me is less and henceforth the chances of me running into him are even lesser.

I just know his name. 


I am sure there are a lot of people named Soobin here.

But then again, he was really cute. 

I don't remember his face that much because of everything that was going around me at that time but I remember him being cute. 

Another reason why I don't want to face him. 

I embarrassed myself in front of a really cute guy. 

I even cried. 

He must think I am a klutz. 

I internally groan. 

You know what, one problem at a time.

Currently, I have to focus on starting my first day at a new school, not worry about a cute guy who probably thinks I am just an emotional mess. 

Not that he'll remember my face either. 

I'll meet him if I meet him. 

And talking about meeting, San is still not here.

San and I were supposed to come here together today but that bitch ass ditched me again because he had early swimming lessons. 

Was he always this busy or is it just now that he can't seem to make time for me?

I will kill him when I get my hands on him. 

I still haven't forgiven him for ditching me for the uniforming fitting and now this. He could have just said that he wouldn't be able to make it and I would have mentally prepared myself to face this place alone but he promised to be here and now he wasn't. 

Such a great friend.

I still text him, standing in the corner of the main entrance, asking him whether he can meet me here now. 

I don't get any reply from him and I curse under my breath. 

Just then someone bumps into me and then gives me a weird look but I pretend to be busy on my phone.

The group of girls does not pay another glance at me and keeps walking, too engaged in their own conversations.

Oh god. 

Why am I so nervous? 

I am seriously going to kill San.

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