Chapter 22 - A Great Start

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The talk with the principal went much smoother than I had initially thought it would be. 

I expected her to discriminate against me because I was here on scholarship but she was really nice. 

She is the wife and vice president of the Choi Group. Of course, I knew that, and that only fueled my inferiority complex but she was really nice, and given that is her family's money that is allowing me to study here, she was very kind to me. 

I mean I have always been a good student and the teachers and principal in my old school thought highly of me but I was still nervous to face the principal here.

She was so beautiful and elegant and carried herself with such grace. She had a doctorate in liberal arts and was probably one of the most intelligent women I have ever met. 

And when she spoke, you could look nowhere but at here. She held that kind of aura around here. 

I am sure I looked uncultured in front of her. 

I knew she was in her fifties but he didn't look a day over 30 and she was so kind to me.

She asked me so many questions about how I was feeling, brought me tea and cookies to eat, and had a conversation for almost half an hour. 

even as I stammered through my answers she was patient and listened to every word that came out of my mouth and asked me questions accordingly. 

What made me really happy was that she loved my essay piece for this scholarship and asked me what I want to pursue in the future.

When I told her I wanted to pursue writing she was elated and told me about the known alumni of this school was an author herself. 

Like I didn't know that. 

Seo Yeojin was one of my idols. 

She was a name to be reckoned with in the field of contemporary literature, having received multiple international awards for her pieces just at the age of 24. I knew she was an alumnus of Royals High but after talking to the principal I got to know that she was a scholarship student as well. 

I am not saying I got my hopes up because there was no way I was even 1/10th as talented as Yeojin but it really made me understand why San said that this school will open opportunities for me.

The principal even recommended me some programs and told me if my performance was good, she would recommend me for grants. 

I had so many doubts regarding this school but the first day was starting off to be really good.

"So, for now, I think we are done. Your schedule looks fine and if there is any problem, feel free to contact reception and my secretary's email is attached to the file I gave you. If you face any problem adjusting here, contact him and we'll get back to you as soon as possible" Dr. Choi gets up from her seat and so do I.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for this opportunity. This means a lot to me" I say and bow.

"Don't. We are delighted to have you here. You have great potential and we hope that this environment helps you nurture your talent" I smiled brightly at her statement. 

I was starting to relax.  maybe this day was going to turn out better than what I had expected it to. 

"Oh, you know the direction to the sports center, right? There is a stock room from where you can take the essentials from there. And the books are in the library, it is a straight line and then a right to the stock room" she instructs before opening the door for me.

I thank her again, still feeling unreal with everything that is happening, and assure her that I'll collect my books before joining my next class. 

She smiles and wishes me all the best. 

Today is turning out really great.

I smile, holding the file that she gave me with my ID card and some other documents that I need to keep with me. 

Also, San never told me that Royals High also had its own stationery. 

Now that I think of it, I have never seen San use any either.

I stare at the hallways as I walk and it just seems very surreal to me. 

Class is going on so the hallways are empty but this doesn't look like a school. I have seen the pictures of the school before, and everyone has. It is always on the news but the real-life experience is so different.

I text San that I am heading towards the sports center and he quickly texts back that he'll meet me there since he is already there.

While I am busy texting San I don't see the other person coming from the other side and bump straight into them.

We both fall on our asses, wincing together at the blow. 

I look up to see a guy with a really good physique in red shorts and a white sleeveless jersey stare back at me. His dirty blonde hair is wet and his duffle bag has its belonging spilled out on the side.

"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have been texting while I was walking. I am so sorry" I try to help him collect his things but he just gives me a glare and quickly collects his things in a bag before getting up. 

He doesn't even offer me help.

"I am already running late. I didn't need the extra help" he snickers before putting his bag over his shoulder and jogging away. 

Wow, this is what I expected from students here and here it is. 

I don't want to waste my energy getting angry so I don't think about this.

So much for a great start.

"Hello? I am Park Yuri. I am a new student here, I was told to get my binder and files here" I say as I enter the stock room. 

A middle-aged man in a crisp suit sits at a desk in the corner. He smiles and lets me know he was waiting for me.

he hands me my subject files and when he's searching for my binder, he gets a call and tells me it is urgent and he needs to go. 

I can wait or go into the back room and get a blank binder myself. I didn't have much time before my next class and I didn't want to be late so I assure him that I can get it myself.

The back room has a frost glass door, a similar pattern to the entire school. 

This really gives it a chic look. 

I enter the room and search for the file before noticing a couple of blank binders on the top shelf. 

Of course.

"Please, please, please. Ah, there you are" I finally manage to reach my hand to the top shelf and pull out the binder. 

I dust off the binder a little and put it inside my bag. 

When I turn to open the door I am in for a shock. 

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