Chapter 65 - After School Plan

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"It is good to see both of you normal again" Saehi side hugs us both at the lunch table and San scoffs. I laugh.

Things have been back to normal between me and San since our conversation after my date with Soobin.

Getting Woojin to forgive the both of us was a task but we bribed him with lots of ice cream and I traded a few of his closing shifts with mine and we were good.

San and I even suggested that Saehi and some of San's friends meet Woojin and we could all hang out together.

Anyway, mid-terms were approaching fast and we'll not have much time to hang out anyway next month so it was nice to plan before that.

Woojin was a little unsure as to how other students from Royals High feel about him but we convinced him that any friend of ours is a friend of his as well.

"I'll meet up with you guys after school then?" I ask and Saehi and San both nod.

"What plans do you guys have?" I jump at Beomgyu's voice.

"None of your business" Saehi snapped before I could say anything. I had forgiven Beomgyu but Saehi was still angry at Beomgyu.

She even had a verbal fight a few days back with him about cutting off Taehyun's balls and then feeding them to Beomgyu.

That conversation still warrants an unwanted laugh from deep inside me. I tried to explain to her that she didn't have to be angry on my behalf and I was over it but she was angry at Beomgyu because he didn't do anything when Taehyun made that comment and muttered about how some things never changed.

I wanted to ask her about it further but San and Hongjoong diverted the topic and it was soon forgotten.

"Hi, Beomgyu-" I turn to greet him but stop before I finish my sentence and my eyes are wide as I take him in.

He cut and dyed his hair. He was in his school uniform with the leather jacket on top but he looked so different.

His once long black wolf cut was gone, his hair much shorter from the back. He had his hair in a middle part and the color was shiny copper. The color complimented the maroon shine of the leather.

"Wow. You look different" I state and he dramatically flips his hair and I hear Saehi snort beside me.

Beomgyu's eyes narrow instantly and the smile on his face is strained. I have become familiar with this expression of his.

It is when he is annoyed.

It is funny how I can easily tell when either of the Choi brothers are angry.

Soobin's dimples do not show up even when his eyes and lips are stretched into a smile. Yeonjun's eyes become slits and a scowl turns down his lips. Bepmgyu's eyes become hard and the strain of his smile becomes visible.

I shake my head at myself because I can't believe I have spent enough time with each of the brothers to study their expressions accurately.

Beomgyu smirks, clearly unfazed by Saehi's snort. "Thanks, Yuri. I thought I needed a change. What do you think?"

"It's...different," I reply cautiously, not wanting to offend him. I was just getting used to seeing him without the silver streaks in his black hair and now he changed it up again. He looked like a whole new person.

Saehi, on the other hand, doesn't hold back on her comment."Looks like someone raided the hair dye aisle at the local drugstore," she comments with a smirk of her own.

Beomgyu raises an eyebrow, his annoyance more apparent. "Well, at least I can pull off a change. Unlike some people who are stuck in their ways since kindergarten."

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